
Blood Rush, by Laura Diamond

urlphantomhive's review

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I must start by saying that while it didn't influence my rating of the book, it must be the ugliest cover I've seen all year. I don't even understand how it fits into the book.

So, the Vie are still terrorizing the Earth and people who are anaemic provide a powerful drug the Vie like to get high on. In this conclusion to the story, it is time to bring the Aliens and the system down.

Like I said in my review of Dawn of the Vie, it has all been done before, but it is still very enjoyable. I liked the second book slightly less. The discovery of others and the power struggles in between the resistance are never my favourite parts. Still glad I read it though.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

shh_reading85's review

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I received this eBook from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Please visit me at Shh, I am Reading for reviews and more!

In Blood Rush, Justin and Cara escape the city with the help of Alex before a mass raid and extermination of Anemie in the city.
Alex encourages them to seek out the freed slave settlement called Prospect, but Justin being Justin, he veers away and refuses to accept his role in the slow downfall of the Vie. This causes him, then, to be captured by Sparrow and her Anemie camp when Cara falls through a trap the camp had set.
This camp is run by an Anemie named Lawton who has grandiose ideas of taking down the Vie. Especially when Lawton finally see’s the video of what Justin’s blood does to the Vie, he is all for taking them down whether Justin wants to or not.

I do feel that the first book was a bit better, however Justin still gets on my nerves. I’m also remarkably surprised, still, that he is only 15! He seems so much more mature than 15. His suspiciousness of Alex certainly ages him.
Although after learning of why Alex is so interested in Sammie and especially in Justin, Justin still managed to get on my nerves. No matter what, trust (even minuscule) goes a long way over consistent paranoia.

Although it was sad, you do find out what happens to Sammie finally. It was one of the best things for the first and second books, to have Sammie being Justin’s main reason for continuing with Alex. There was such an emphasis on the importance of his sister, for both Justin and Alex.

I just hope that Justin, now, begins to trust Alex a bit more in the next book. Although the ending was abrupt and you’re unsure what is going to happen to them all, I do look forward to seeing where Ms. Diamond takes the group.