
Survivors by Amy Marsden

mehsi's review against another edition

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I received this one from Escapist Tours in exchange of an honest review.

jax036's review against another edition

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Not your average birthday party.
This book starts with intensity and manages to keep the tension up throughout the entire book. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat, not wanting to put the book down.

Amy Marsden's Survivors cannot be simply lumped with other novels in the "zombie pandemic" genre. The way she is able to show the very different human reactions to a global pandemic is phenomenal. In times of crisis you really do see this broad spectrum of human behaviour.

Told from the perspectives of three different characters; Jennifer whose 24th birthday celebration is interrupted by chaos, Sergeant James Millino, an irish soldier who was holidaying in London and Victoria, a beautiful blonde school teacher with a hidden past. It is a nice balanced amount of perspectives, gradually revealing more about each of these characters. It was especially good to see Sergeant Millino become less robotic solider boy and more human through his time spent with helicopter pilot Sergeant Wright. Hopefully in the next book we get more insight into Wright's charismatic character.

There is a good amount of flirting in Survivors. Between Millino and Wright, between Dr Roux and Victoria and between Jennifer and French soldier Alexia. A realistic way to relieve some tension.

Marsden's writing is really good for a debut novel. I enjoyed the book from start to finish. The tension created is amazing, with the reader constantly wondering who among the group may have become infected. I look forward to getting my hands on the next book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Amy Marsden and NineStar Press for the opportunity to read an advance readers copy.

read_with_samantha's review against another edition

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I was kindly gifted this book by Amy & I am so pleased I was. Thank you
I love an apocalyptic zombie story & this hits the stop. Great read, the only thing I will say is there are a lot of characters to keep track of so keep that in mind.

khylabevibin's review against another edition

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This was a solid debut novel by Amy Marsden and I definitely enjoyed it which is why I’m giving it 4 stars.


The book “Survivors” by Amy Marsden is book one in a two part series. It follows the point of views of Jennifer, Victoria and James, in an almost apocalyptic world where an infectious disease runs rapid.

From the minute I started the first page Amy Marsden had me hooked. If you’re a fan of somewhat apocalyptic and survival stories then this book could totally be for you! With lovable characters, an interesting plot and a twinge of both humor and angst, this provided a good reading experience.

Jennifer is a 24 year old photojournalism student and is actually the kick starter of this book as we see how she loses her friends one by one to this virus and it’s implications.

We meet James not too long after as their storylines intertwine. He’s been tasked with guiding and protecting the group of survivors that Jennifer and Victoria finds themselves in. Victoria is an English teacher battling with what she did to her sister who was infected by the virus.

Jennifer is an immediately likable character, charming, caring and as the story goes on you find that she’s selfless to a fault. She also happens to be immune to the virus. I struggled to connect with her in the first few chapters but I’ll get to that in a bit.

James is a bit of an asshole in his first few appearances and you can’t help but wonder, what’s his deal? James reminds me a lot of Zuko from the Avatar series. A lost solider looking to regain his honor. After a while he melts the cold exterior and starts getting more and more comfortable around the group.

Victoria is also very likable, in my opinion, she did come in a bit too late in the story. I liked her backstory and the author did a good job and presenting how that backstory shaped her.

There are other characters in this book, including Dan, who Jennifer immediately forms a protective sister role over, and Sergeant Wright, who’s snarky and provides the comedic relief in this story.

Overall I liked the plot and the characters but I did have just a slight problem with the writing. It was a bit awkward. Justifiably this is a debut novel so I didn’t expect it to have the most perfect flow or feel and even in that this book had better writing than other authors who’re on their 20th book. However I felt like this book could’ve used more descriptive writing to help set the scene more. This did slightly affect how long it took me to connect with Jennifer.

This book was also a bit short which doesn’t really give much insight to the characters but this is only book one so I didn’t really expect that much since book ones are normally just introductions and openings to characters.

There’s a twinge of romance as well, Jennifer clearly has the hots for a female French solider and James also has the hots for a certain snarky sergeant, but if you’re reading this book for that, there really wasn’t much too it but I imagine that will also find itself in the next book to come.

So do I recommend? Yes! This was a pretty simple short read and I definitely need to see what happens next in this two book series.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for the honest review.

kayemcie's review against another edition

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A global pandemics sends Jennifer's life into total chaos. She ends up in a group of misfits as they fight to stay alive and find a single moment of peace.

Overall this was a good, easy to read novel. I enjoyed the snippets of fighting and panic. It felt like I could have been watching a new apocalyptic series!

This is absolutely an enjoyable read for fans of zombies and outbreaks!

amymarsdenauthor's review against another edition

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Belatedly realised I should have marked this as read, considering how many times I have actually read it

beledit's review against another edition

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A good story somewhat let down by hyperbolic prose. The overblown style is exhausting. (Editor needs to wield the red pen more forcefully.) It gets a bit better as the book progresses.

That said, the story kept me engaged. Pandemic, infected people, bites.... They may not be zombies (they're not dead and don't feast on brains) but what's not to like for a hardened fan of the zombie/dystopia genre?

Despite liking the genre, however, I'm probably not really the target audience. This definitely reads as YA and I'm just an embittered middle-aged grump. If the style doesn't put other readers off, I can see this series growing a pretty big fan base.

Like this review? You can find all my reviews on my book review site: BelEdit Book Reviews

silenttardis's review against another edition

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this book has lots of action, really lots of action, for me it was kind of a let down, because i like things a bit more slow paced than the way action went through this book, but things being said, its not a bad book, for people that like to read books where the action goes fast this is the book for you, but if you're like me and like characters development, knowing them before, during and after, some slow paced story in between the action you'll feel it a bit let down...
this book its about survival, running from one end to the other, some fighting, but mosttly going somewhere...
i couldnt connect with jennifer, i did like wright and james banter, lgbt in this book was inserted in just one chapter, and it was just jennifer telling the group she was bi, and this was like after 50% of the book in... but since we were all expecting that its not really a spoiler... you only get to know more about some of the characters more than half the book in, and when they are voices in the book, you dont really know them, i really wish i had loved this book but i really cant say that...

booksmakemyheartgofast's review against another edition

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Jennifer is turning 24 the day of the apocalypse. The government had tried to hide it, but a deadly virus is spreading. The ones who get it are marked with their death, but that’s not all: The host will have urges to bite and infect people.

This was such a cool mix of zombie apocalypse with awesome characters! (Wright, I’m looking at you, babe.)

But you know, it’s still a zombie apocalypse, which is not unheard of. I didn’t feel like there was anything new to this take, but boy-oh-boy was it enjoyable. (Especially the British touch to it *chef’s kiss*)

The writing is the absolute best—probably one of the best I’ve ever read. It’s straight forward and describes emotion so… real. (I felt things I didn’t know could be felt in that way, you know?)

I have never enjoyed a third person point of view. Well, never until now. The pov shifts are also so incredibly good! The characters felt so real and so different in their own way.

To me this was advertised as a “lgbtq” read—which it’s not. The main character is bisexual and has a little crush on a French soldier named Alexia, but that’s kinda it. I liked it that way though. This book definitely didn’t need some big romance. (Except for the tension between James and Wright. They are to die for.)

originality: 3/5
romance: 4/5
writing: 5/5
characters: 1000/5

I’d 100% recommend this to anyone who likes the zombie genre (or anyone new to it, like me) and isn’t bothered by the lack of new stuff. For me, a first timer with the whole zombie thing, it was an amazing introduction. (This is the first book in the duology.)

Ah!! Need that second book now!

(Thank you, NetGalley and Amy Marsden for this free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.)

khieeae's review against another edition

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This was a solid debut novel by Amy Marsden and I definitely enjoyed it which is why I’m giving it 4 stars.


The book “Survivors” by Amy Marsden is book one in a two part series. It follows the point of views of Jennifer, Victoria and James, in an almost apocalyptic world where an infectious disease runs rapid.

From the minute I started the first page Amy Marsden had me hooked. If you’re a fan of somewhat apocalyptic and survival stories then this book could totally be for you! With lovable characters, an interesting plot and a twinge of both humor and angst, this provided a good reading experience.

Jennifer is a 24 year old photojournalism student and is actually the kick starter of this book as we see how she loses her friends one by one to this virus and it’s implications.

We meet James not too long after as their storylines intertwine. He’s been tasked with guiding and protecting the group of survivors that Jennifer and Victoria finds themselves in. Victoria is an English teacher battling with what she did to her sister who was infected by the virus.

Jennifer is an immediately likable character, charming, caring and as the story goes on you find that she’s selfless to a fault. She also happens to be immune to the virus. I struggled to connect with her in the first few chapters but I’ll get to that in a bit.

James is a bit of an asshole in his first few appearances and you can’t help but wonder, what’s his deal? James reminds me a lot of Zuko from the Avatar series. A lost solider looking to regain his honor. After a while he melts the cold exterior and starts getting more and more comfortable around the group.

Victoria is also very likable, in my opinion, she did come in a bit too late in the story. I liked her backstory and the author did a good job and presenting how that backstory shaped her.

There are other characters in this book, including Dan, who Jennifer immediately forms a protective sister role over, and Sergeant Wright, who’s snarky and provides the comedic relief in this story.

Overall I liked the plot and the characters but I did have just a slight problem with the writing. It was a bit awkward. Justifiably this is a debut novel so I didn’t expect it to have the most perfect flow or feel and even in that this book had better writing than other authors who’re on their 20th book. However I felt like this book could’ve used more descriptive writing to help set the scene more. This did slightly affect how long it took me to connect with Jennifer.

This book was also a bit short which doesn’t really give much insight to the characters but this is only book one so I didn’t really expect that much since book ones are normally just introductions and openings to characters.

There’s a twinge of romance as well, Jennifer clearly has the hots for a female French solider and James also has the hots for a certain snarky sergeant, but if you’re reading this book for that, there really wasn’t much too it but I imagine that will also find itself in the next book to come.

So do I recommend? Yes! This was a pretty simple short read and I definitely need to see what happens next in this two book series.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for the honest review.