
Underworld, by Meg Cabot

lopez880's review against another edition

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amazing book i couldn't put it down cant wait for the next one

holly_tree's review against another edition

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Loved it even more than the first! Didn't think that was possible!

Soooo good!

hibatheescapeartist's review against another edition

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Didn’t I say this book was ahead of its time?

It’s reading for what must be the millionth time about John and Pierce and their entire gang that makes me feel like I am snuggled in the fluffiest blanket on Earth. Maybe it’s the nostalgia and this book isn’t as good as I make it seem, though I highly doubt it. There’s just too much action and magic and plot twists for this book to be anything less than 5 stars.

This is the beauty of rereading books; they make you feel like you are having an out-of-body experience, like you are reliving a part of your past, something you can never, ever do. If that isn’t magical, I don’t know what is.

1. Much like my other favourite series, The Lunar Chronicles, we get to read about a hilarious friend-group (or, more accurately, the-death-deity's-gang-and-his-consort’s-nosy-friends), which, if you know me at all, is my absolute favourite thing to read about. Call it a lack of social life-whatever-because nothing you say will convince me otherwise. Unlike in Abandon, where the story was centred on Pierce and John, Underworld introduces and expands on many new endearing characters: Frank, Mr. Lui, Henry, Mr. Graves, Kayla and (*sighs*) Alex.

Now, to say that none of these characters put a smile on my face would be an utter lie. I loved Frank’s brash and unfiltered words (and how he tried to buy frozen fruit on a stick with some old pirate coins-“Of course it’s real, you bloody git.”) hilarious. Not to mention Henry-the 150 year old eleven year old (yes, you read that correctly)-who brought some much needed jokes and sarcasm (other than from Pierce and John) to the action-packed story. Also, can we appreciate this John/Henry moment:

Henry, meanwhile, had found the Taser that had fallen beneath the chairs. It had gotten shut off during my mêlée with Deanna Hernandez, but it took Henry only a few seconds to figure out how to switch it back on. The blue spark brought a gigantic smile to his face.
“Brilliant,” he said. “Can I keep it, Captain?”
“No,” John said firmly. “You may not. Mr Lui?” Mr. Lui quickly disarmed Henry...

2. I do not remember this story being so centred on misunderstandings between Pierce and John. I found it quite hilarious-though, I might have been mad about it if this was the first time I was reading this book and was not already deeply in love with it.

3. Alex, remember how I wanted to wrap you in a blanket and keep you on my bookshelf? Well, now I kind of want to thrust you into the river Styx, because, Lord, were you annoyingly stubborn in this book.
SpoilerYou wouldn’t be dead if you just stayed home and played video games like a normal teenage boy.

4. Pierce is just a human ball of sarcasm. She reminds me so much of my own sister, who says the most hilarious, sarcastic things at the worst moments. Behold:

I looked where he was tapping. Local Girl Missing, Feared Dead. Beneath it was a photo of me-my most recent school photo.
“Oh, no.” My heart filling with dread, I took the paper from Mr. Smith’s hands. “Couldn’t they have found a better picture?”

5. It’s official, John is a total soft boy. Honestly, who cares if he’s a death deity? He gives Uncle Chris a run for his money when it comes to having the softest, mushiest heart. Oh, and speaking of:

6. Uncle Chris should take all of those stupid Rector’s money. Lord knows he deserves that and more.

7. As always, the history of the Island of Bones never fails to entertain and transport me. Like I said before, the world-building, the entire setting of this story just makes you wish you could dive into the pages of this book and never come out.

Two down, one to go. Frankly, I am not that sad to be so close to parting with this book because I know I am going to be rereading this again. Off to Awaken where there will be a significantly less amount of John (*cries*) and a whole lot more than I need of Seth (*pukes*).

libraryvampyr's review against another edition

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So good

I read these books in high school and it’s proving to be just as good as I remember and gives me such a wonderful feeling of nostalgia

littleredd303's review against another edition

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This book is better than I could have expected. It was one of those pull you in from the first page, can't put down, up till 3 in the morning kind of books! I loved every single page. I love pierce she is so strong and independent ready to do anything for the people she loves no matter the costs and that is something to admire. While ready this book I couldn't help but to laugh at some of the things she would say or do it made me love her about a million times more. Also I didn't think it was possible to fall more in love with John Hayden, god he was perfect. You could just tell how much he loved her and all the things he went through to keep her with him, it was all just so sweet and adorable. But the person I loved most was mr. Smith he even though afraid of what John might do, still told him what was on his mind it took tremendous strength to stand up to John
And tell the ruler of the underworld that he was wrong very admirable. Alex... Ugh I disliked so much I thought he was rude and ignorant and just pain unpleasant, but all the shot that Pierce went through to talk to him and he still ignored her that pissed me off to no end, and then he had to pay the ultimate price that got everybody else dragged in that could be tremendously bad. Long story short amazing as always Mrs. Cabot has yet to disappoint me. Oh yeah, Ioooooove Hope, she's the best(:

lottemae's review against another edition

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library_of_velaris's review against another edition

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This sequel did not disappoint! Finished it in under four hours, glued to the pages. Can't wait for the third!

jazmyntea's review against another edition

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I really didn't enjoy the relationship between Pierce and John. I hate when abuse is covered by true love, destiny and in this case different centuries. John lied, took away Pierces option and put her in a position to be alienated from her family, but she loved him so it was all ok. Really we can do better and expect better in modern writing.

musicangel585's review against another edition

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Once I started reading I could not stop and I loved all the characters in this book especially the supporting characters.

skyhazzard's review against another edition

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This book was a whole lot easier to read than the last one (not saying that I didn't like the last one, cause I did, but I noticed I had a headache each time I read it because of the time narration jumping). I liked the flow of this one.

I really enjoyed the new characters as well as the old ones joining us again. Have to say Henry and Frank were my favorite new ones. Henry was just so sweet and excited to experience things. I was surprised I liked Frank as much as I did because when you meet him he's being quite the jerk to Pierce. But I don't know, getting to spend more time with him he grew on me. I especially liked when Kayla took in interest in him, I mean he's been in the Underworld for how long without any female interaction? It was cute. I liked how he'd call her Miss Kayla. I'm glad we got to find out why Alex doesn't like Seth Rector. Not only did he bully him (which from when you first meet Seth, totally doesn't seem like him) but there's the thing with their dads. I really can't believe they let Chris take the fall for something that they were all involved with and which Mr. Rector and Mr. Endicott are still involved with it seems. But I think it's very respectable that Chris doesn't want anything from them (seeming part of their money should be his). What can I say, I love Uncle Chris.

But OMG! What happened to Alex! I thought that they'd actually save him, not bring him back to life. And for a while there I was sure he was dead as in DEAD, NEVER COMING BACK. I was so heartbroken because I like Alex and was going to be so upset if he was dead for real because I hate when characters get killed off, especially when I'm really attached to them.

I'm still processing (and counting down the days till the next book) what happened that I can't even remember the rest of what I was going to say.

This book was better than the first and I can't wait for Awaken