
4-godzinny tydzień pracy by Timothy Ferriss

slayciespider's review against another edition

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This book is complicated for me. I can’t stand the voice of it, I fundamentally disagree with some of his philosophies around reducing workload (namely, finding cheap labor to do it), and it all centers around the idea that work is supposed to suck. All that aside, I found some good nuggets in here that I just had to separate out from his elitist bullshit.

1. Don’t save the things you want to do for when you retire. The goal shouldn’t be to work yourself to death now so you can enjoy life later.

2. The Dreamline worksheet is a nice tool to make yourself face the big goals, that stuff you always talk about doing/having/being, and helps you see it as a much closer reality. I’m now actively planning a month long trip because that worksheet helped me realize I have the means and the work flexibility to do it.

3. Busyness is nothing to brag about and it keeps us numb and distracted from what’s real and what we want out of life. Filling up our days, working overtime and putting more and more stress on ourselves is not noble or worth it. And also get off the email. There are some actual helpful tips in here about how to do this practically without causing chaos at work.

4. Elimination and minimalism are core to this “lifestyle design”. Don’t look for things to fill a day, look for what can be eliminated.

I ended up skipping chapters or not finishing a few when they didn’t feel necessary. I’d say a good 40% of this book had solid ideas for how I want to live my life, so it was worth the read.

hlj28509's review against another edition

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Has some helpful tips but it seemed very unrealistic. The main idea seemed as if pushing off your responsibilities or “delegating” them off to others would help you be successful in the long run. Didn't seem realistic in any sense.

Listened on Audible, very hard to find a copy of the book itself.

Did not finish this book.

alemlire's review against another edition

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Tristesse et cynisme sont au rendez-vous.

mindthebook's review against another edition

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Om tid och pengar och frihet. En januaribok från #tbr:en. Finner den här typen av business guru-litt mycket irriterande, ändå har jag en liten entreprenörig kollektion högst upp på en hylla i köket som också är min studio. Nu får den stå där sida vid sida med Side Hustle och Girlboss och de andra från olika eror.

Ett produktivitetshack från den här boken som t.ex. olika poddare fortfarande brukar återkomma till är 'om du bara fick gjort EN ENDA viktig sak från din att-göra-lista idag, vad skulle det då vara?'. ("define the single most important task for each day"). Men även det där börjar bli förlegat då vi nu går in i ett långsammare antioptimeringssamhälle.

Finanskris. Covid. Flygskam. Den här är skriven i en annan tid då global digital nomad var höjden av självförverkligande. Men, från ett annat perspektiv, skulle du vilja vara den underbetalda assistent som sorterar någon annans email medan denne lallar runt och dyker i hajburar i Costa Rica?

purplelalaland's review against another edition

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It took me a while to digest all of the information. I’m not particularly entrepreneurial, so it’s going to take some time for me to figure out how to achieve the lifestyle described in this book, a lifestyle I definitely want.

4 stars because I don’t like the way he narrates into stories. Switching from an instructional to narration voice was awkward.

nauticalnatalie's review against another edition

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Some useful ideas but the writing style drove me mad so I couldn't finish it.

mimalves99's review against another edition

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rjcvieira's review against another edition

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Not my type

hewittaj's review against another edition

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To be fair, there are certainly some interesting concepts in here, but mostly just a lot of “I live a crazy lifestyle and let me brag about it”.

kalart's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective slow-paced
