
This One Moment by Stina Lindenblatt

peggyemi's review

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This is the first book that I have read by this author. I needed a bit of a break for the mysteries that I have been reading and I like the description for this book. At heart it is a story of second chances at a first love and surviving traumatic events. Both characters are the survivors of trauma, one whose trauma drove him to leave the young woman he loved and one whose trauma brought them back together. I thought the book was well written and moved along nicely. There is a nice amount of emotion, tension and heat between the characters. Both the main characters have depth and dimension to them and the are both people that the readers can like. I also liked the secondary characters and can see future stories for some of the other members of the band. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and I would be willing to read additional books in the future.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through Netgally in exchange for an honest review. The opinions here are my own.

mandy_pandy's review

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DNF - I hated Nolan.

aboutthatstory's review

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4.5 out of 5 stars

This was awesome, I totally enjoyed it!
A friends to lovers reconnecting story with some mystery and suspense thrown in. It made for an awesome combination and I couldn't put it down!

It started off excellent, really pulling me in. I liked both Nolan and Hailey and loved learning their histories. It was filled with emotion, intensity, a lot of sexual tension and the perfect amount of heat. I thought there was great character development throughout and loved all the details. I loved their growing feelings, it was passionate and intense but found their lack of communication frustrating though they did do a good job of showing their feelings even if it wasn’t verbalized. Nolan and Hailey had so much chemistry and that built up to some super hot, steamy times.

The writing was pretty fantastic! I LOVE how the chapters are set up with the different POV's and flashing back to what happened five years ago with them. I thought it was all balanced really well. It really had me hooked and I was on the edge of my seat for! There is a nice mystery element happening and it created some really good drama. Love how it played out and how all the dots were connected. I enjoyed the music aspect and the tension that was created from all of Nolan's responsibilities as well.

There was this really nice progression throughout and I enjoyed it all. Terrific ending. Loved the conclusion. It was so sweet and wrapped up perfectly. Love Nolan and Hailey together!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

kle105's review against another edition

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Nolan left town after one fate filled night to escape his past, and to chase his dreams. His only regret was leaving Hailey, his best friend and the girl he loved. He didn't get a chance to tell her.

When Hailey is attacked and in a coma, he returns to be by her side. He realizes his feelings have never gone away. Hailey has never forgotten Nolan either and doesn't mind having him around to protect her. Nolan plans to stay until her attacker is caught.

The flashbacks to Nolan's backstory was heartbreaking. I really liked their friendship, the love story was a little less developed but still good. The mystery of her attacker was a little drawn out but it made sense in the end. Overall a good story.

I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

babblingchatterreads's review

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When it comes to books entailing musicians I am always open for the read. The synopsis of this story easily drew me and I was glad I took a chance on a author I recently came across. :)

Nolan Kincaid up and left his hometown to pursue a music career of his dreams. It was a decision he had made because he wanted to getaway from his family; however, leaving his friends and the one special girl, Hailey Wilkins in his life was a sacrifice he had to make.

Fast forward to five years and life is going well for Nolan and his band, Pushing Limits who are always on the go, constantly working on their music, and has endless of fans vying for their attention. Thanks to one unexpected call that Nolan gets bout Hailey being in an accident and in some kind of trouble and he does not hesitate to get on a plane heading home back to her.

When Hailey wakes up the last person she expected to see was Nolan. She was heartbroken when he up and left her years ago with no continued contact. Not sure what to expect of his presence again she keeps her distance to avoid getting to close again.

His thumb brushed against his lips. "I missed you after I left the first time. More than I thought would be possible. You're my heart and soul, Hailey."

The feelings for Nolan and Hailey was still clearly present and they had a relationship that you could not help but sometimes swoon over. They both had something holding them from being more and until they are able to face reality nothing more could become of them being together.

This story had a little bit of everything including some suspense. As the reasoning behind why Nolan left his hometown comes to light you cannot help but understand why he did what he did (but for me it lasted only a for a quick moment). Running away does not solve anything rather prolongs the inevitable. The twists during the story had me on the edge of my seat where I was hesitant to find and learn the truth and the connections that brought Nolan back home again.

For a first time reader of this author words it was a good intro into her world. Looking forward to reading more of her books and this series. ~Cristina, ★★★★✩ 4.5 stars

lovehollyxx's review

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This one just really wasn't for me.

kcsunshine25's review

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This One Moment has lots going for it.

It's a rock star romance. Ticks my box. Nolan has a tiger tattoo on his arm - yep you got it so does my Adam (Levine if you don't already know he is my husband).

Friends to lovers. Yep tick again. The characters are cool. Nolan and Hailey have a lovely back story I was in their corner fighting for them.

Supporting characters - lots to work on, and I do love a band to explore.

Second chance romance. Love those two, the unrequited love, the unspoken love. Stina builds the passion, gentle touch here, sleepy kiss there.

Thriller, the book's plot is full of intrigue and mystery. In my opinion the thriller part is where the book fell down. For there to be a 'who done it' - there needs to be sufficient motive for the perpetrator. I can't say more without spoiling the plot but I was a bit nonplussed.

I also felt at times that Stina aimed for comedy one liners, such as the asides to the reader where the character is speaking directly to them. I think it takes a particular kind of book and style to pull that off and it has to be consistent through the book. It is a personal bugbear of mine and if it isn't done right it makes me disengaged.

The industry that went into this book should not be ignored. I truly felt a lot of effort was put into it, but for me it lacked consistency.

jemifraser's review

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Second chances, subterfuge, stalkers and all the feels!

caffeinatedfae's review

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I received this book from NetGalley.

I really wanted to love this book. It has basically everything I could ever want (except a prince in disguise). I love books that have rock stars and lost loves so this book really was up my alley.

The characters were interesting and I liked the backstory of Nolan. I think that this book had a lot of potential but it felt like it fell flat for me. The story resolved itself nicely but I also felt that it resolved itself too quickly. It felt like nothing was going right and then suddenly everything was right in the world. I would have liked to have had more details and less *poof* everything is better.

Ultimately, I liked the plot and I liked the characters I just wish that there was more resolution and not liquid bandaiding the story.

isalaur's review

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Nearly threw in the towel several times. First, the book is too repetitive. Desperately in need of better editing and lots of scenes that in no way contributed to character developKent or advancing the story arc. Secondly, the whole he loves her but won't tell her/she loves him but won't tell him thing is ridiculously overplayed and especially painful when it isn't done at least half way decently. This one isn't. Plus the whole record label forced fake relationship is just stupid. Like the record label is just going to drop a popular band?