
Disasterology 101 by Taylor V. Donovan

donna_c's review against another edition

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Cedric! <3

j_bookaholic's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the quite vivid detail of Cedric's life and the issues he and Kevin faced as a couple. I would have liked a longer ending and there were a few things I would have liked to experience, instead of time skipping ahead but I still did really enjoy this story. This was my first time reading a book by this author, and I will definitely be looking at her other works.

razzlet83's review against another edition

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3x the love.

This one left me with mixed feelings. There's a lot of potential here, but I could probably use a look through with a sensitivity reader.

Kevin call Cedric a thug a lot, he says things like pretty thug, and it's a little cringy. His reasons for it are Cedric wears his hair in cornrows, has piercings, and wears gauges in his ears. It's even more awkward because you're not entirely sure of Cedric's ethnicity. You either have a person of color whose boyfriend is calling him a thug, or you have a white guy who's using cornrows to intimidate others into staying out of his personal space.

There was another instance where Kevin went on a date with an effeminate older man. Kevin couldn't decide if you wanted to keep insulting the guy with stereotypes in his head or if they were going to be friends. Then the guy is never mentioned again.

Cedric's British is also exaggerated for someone who's been in Manhattan for three years. He says chap way too often.

The OCD storyline is unique and refreshing, it's the saving grace of the book. At about 20%, the author eases up on some of the stereotyping early on which was a relief because I was close to setting the book aside. Unfortunately it does reoccur at various points, particularly the soccer game. I think this could easily be polished up, but right now it just needs a little TLC. 3/5

There's a really good story buried in there, but there are definitely some rough edges that need smoothing.

blessedwannab's review

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“It was about feeling fulfilled, forming a bond, and knowing you belonged together.”

Reading Carry the Ocean last week put me on a path of reading romances with unconventional heroes. Or at least, it put me back on that path since it’s always been a storyline I’ve enjoyed. Anyway, it led me to The Mating of Michael, and it also led me to Disasterology 101.

Disasterology 101 is the story of a man, recently divorced, who has accepted the fact that his generally happy marriage ended because he was never sexually attracted to his wife. He realizes that, while he tried to ignore it when he was younger, he is actually gay and he’s ready to embrace a new lifestyle with the right man. The right man happens to be Cedric, except Cedric is severely OCD with both rituals and a debilitating fear of germs.

For being such an intense story, it was surprisingly tender with very low angst. Yes, there are problems that come up. Sex is a huge issue, because sperm and saliva are full of germs. Cedric can’t even handle people breathing on him, let alone touch him with their tongue. In addition, Kevin has 3 children. Children are little germ factories, as any parent can attest to. As a reader, you wonder how in the world they can overcome any of this.

With a lot of work, that the author doesn’t gloss over. Kevin has an immense amount of patience as he helps Cedric feel safe with him. While he helps Cedric push his boundaries, he also knows that this is who Cedric will always be and he also works on learning how to make concessions. Cedric also learns how to be what Kevin needs. He works hard to extend his illness, bend the lines, kiss longer than 3 seconds, and be around the children.

I also loved the way Cedric cloaked himself in the punk/thug style. The fact that his style was so different than how he actually was inside, how he used it as a shield to keep people at bay, reminded me of myself in my youth. There is something about piercings that make you feel tougher than you actually are inside. It’s away of saying, “Don’t mess with me”, and it works.

(My only issue, and the only reason this book is a 4 star read, is simply because I have a pet peeve about characters reading one way at the start of the book, and then turning out to be something completely different. The first couple chapters gave the impression of Cedric being the mans man, and Kevin felt more sensitive. Then it flops. I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. I got over it quickly.)

Disasterology 101 was so good that I’ve been unable to start another book. I keep looking through my bookshelf and Kindle, praying for something to jump out at me that would be the perfect cure. So far nothing.

I find that I’m tempted to start reading it again.

“He felt happy, and relieved, and had a new appreciation for pop culture. Special thanks went to a brave NBA CEO who dared to come out as a gay man, Kurt and Blaine, and the folks from Modern Family.”

Reviewed at Birdie Bookworm.

zaza_bdp's review

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Avec ce roman, Taylor V. Donovan signe une histoire poignante, qui n'épargne ni les personnages, ni le lecteur.

Voici un roman riche en émotions, pas toujours facile à lire tant l'auteur va jusqu'au bout de son sujet, à savoir les troubles mentaux pour l'un de ses personnages. Elle n'enjolive rien, ne choisit pas la solution de facilité et nous offre une histoire est tout sauf lisse.

Les troubles de Cedric ne s'effacent pas comme par magie, et Kevin et lui vont devoir travailler dur pour faire marcher leur couple, faire plus de concessions qu'un couple 'normal' le ferait. L'attitude de Cedric m'a parfois énervée et fait mal pour son homme, mais en même temps, Cedric va puiser tellement loin dans ses ressources, il se jette tellement à l'eau pour Kevin qu'il est difficile de lui en vouloir vraiment. J'ai aimé la patience de Kevin, on sent que c'est un homme bon, habitué à faire preuve de patience et de douceur, à prendre soin des siens. J'ai parfois souhaité qu'il soit plus ... vindicatif mais en même temps, il ne peut pas vraiment tout envoyer valser, même si, quelques fois, j'ai vraiment eu envie qu'il envoie balader Cedric. Ces deux hommes font pourtant leur maximum pour s'adapter à l'autre et sont prêts à aller loin pour toucher du doigt ce bonheur qu'ils entrevoient.

Si j'ai aimé la force tranquille de Kevin, son côté père de famille/épaule rassurante, j'ai également beaucoup aimé la personnalité multi-facettes de Cedric, à commencer par son look décalé et sa façon de s'exprimer. C'est fou comme il peut être surprenant !

Ce livre m'a fait éprouver des sentiments parfois ambivalents, mais il m'a profondément touchée, j'ai vraiment été percutée de plein fouet par ce que traversent Kevin et Cedric ... Une chose est sûre, ce couple figure parmi les plus originaux et touchants que j'ai pu rencontrer dans mes lectures ...


bitchie's review

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I really enjoyed this angsty number. I feel I learned a bit about OCD from Brit Boy Cedric, and I enjoyed watching Kevin find himself. His kids actually acted like kids their age, which was refreshing. No overly precocious cuties, no spoiled brats, just normal, every day kids. Even the ex-wife Jenny didn't seem to fit either the stereotypical evil ex OR the way too giving BFF.

Near the end, it DID seem a bit like Cedric got too much better, too fast, but enough had went on by that point that I was just able to go with it. I'd actually really like to read more, and see how they do in their lives together as one big, neurotic, happy family.

postcordillera's review

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emotional hopeful reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Surprisingly great romance read despite the scandalous start to the relationship. I like how there isn't any melodrama and the problems the two leads face are very much just normal people stuff with nuanced ways of navigating them. Like how Cedric's OCD is accommodated by Kevin but Kevin challenges him the right amount, difficulties coming out as gay to your kids and small community, dealing with homophobia, class differences and an age difference in a relationship... It's one of the more grounded and realistic romance reads I've had this year and I really enjoyed my time with it and would recommend it to anyone who likes contemporary MM romance. 

mikibooks's review

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[a:Taylor V. Donovan|4959678|Taylor V. Donovan|] tiene una sensibilidad pocas veces vista. La honestidad y comprensión hacia sus personajes, la vulnerabilidad y belleza que muestran a pesar de sus problemas, es sencillamente emotiva. Aun con los pequeños detalles "criticables" de esta obra, tonterías insignificantes en el escenario general.
Somos raros, tenemos nudos intrincados con los que lidiar cada día, pero en esa maraña que muchas veces nos ahorca es posible construir algo. Este libro exuda respeto por la vida, y una enorme conexión con la mas cruda voluntad de resistir. Es el derecho a ser felices con nuestras fealdades. Y quizás sea porque me conectó con mis propias piedras y fantasmas que le tengo tanto respeto a la obra. Solo quien lo entiende puede definirlo de manera tal que el lector empatice y se meta de lleno; entienda, comparta. Honestamente no me importa mucho si hubiera quedado mejor con menos páginas, u omitiendo algunos pasajes. El efecto total es fuerte y cálido y no cualquiera podría haberlo logrado como ella.

teresab78's review

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Wonderful and sweet! The characters are real and perfectly flawed. I loved the insight into OCD and the ways they coped as a couple with Cedric's illness. The chemistry between them was great and I loved the supporting characters. Highly recommend.

liza5326's review

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No matter how many times I read this book, I love it more every time. Cedric’s OCD is so well-presented and researched that it doesn’t seem like just a plot device for conflict like so many mental illnesses are. I love how Kevin and Cedric learn and grow together, a true representation of couples who deal with OCD every day. This is a book I revisit often because I love the story and the romance.