
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria

miumius's review against another edition

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didn't want to give up on this book bc despite overall generic writing every now and then a charming prosey phrase that i love would pop up. plus the cover is so pretty. but its been months & i'm finally putting it down i just can't. starts way too slow for me. more tell than show, which i really don't like. sooo many pages dedicated to telling the reader what other people think of the character/character's reputation/etc instead of putting them in instances that lead me to believe they really are who the author says they are. everyone's dialogue is snarky and edgy which made it hard to distinguish characters. 

whatkatiedidread's review against another edition

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cassa is just Rachel from animorphs and you cannot convince me otherwise

scrollsofdragons's review against another edition

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This takes place in one city in this fantasy world and so the world building and magic is entirely focused on just this city and I found even this little corner of this world fascinating so to hear more from this world would be awesome but if not, for a standalone I really enjoyed it, the romance was on point and I cared about all the characters.

darkling_universal's review against another edition

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I picked this book up on a whim on a rainy day. I still remember the details of when I bought it, that’s how much this book means to me. It was as enchanting as it was sweet, while also kick ass and action packed. Love this book!

rebekahology's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. It's my first time reading this author. The changing perspectives kept the plot interesting and the pace quick. I found the plot very interesting and the characters very believable, and more importantly, likable. It's a solid YA read, and also introduces some diverse characters.

alyram4's review against another edition

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Underrated book is underrated.

I'm honestly surprised this doesn't have more attention? It's really a great book, and I was sure many people would pick this one up. I really, really liked this book. While some of the POVs were odd at times, it did all flow really well. I love the diversity in this book too! I'm also a sucker for heist novels, so that was a huge plus. Put this one on your list if you haven't already!

hanz's review against another edition

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So much telling and no showing whatsoever. There are also 6 perspectives and they all read the same so it's difficult to remember who is narrating. 

moon134340child's review against another edition

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This book right here is proof that you dont need a thousand books to create a great world, with characters you care, cute ships, and characters doing there job.
Even tho the ending might led to another one (i hope it doesnt cuz i like that u can think of your own outcome) one book was enough to have sobbing while drinking my morning coffee.

misterintensity's review against another edition

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Four teens are condemned to death for treason after trying to learn the council’s secret. They escape and learn the secret only to receive a proposition to kill the Chancellor. The question is whether the Chancellor and the council the biggest threat to the city of Eldra. This is one fun book. You have a group of four interesting but flawed heroes: Cassa, Evander, Alys, and Newt trying to stop the infallible prophecies Eldra's council use to cement their ironclad rule on its citizens. The question is whether our fates predetermined our lives or do we have a choice in the direction of our lives. Soria keeps things interesting by constantly upping the stakes by having the characters constantly question their actions. There's a fifth teen in this group, Cassa who did not get caught with the rest of the group and the reasons why provides some tension within the group. Each chapter alternates between the point of view of each of these teens. Soria fills in the backstory with between chapter interludes which explains why and how certain things happened before and during the course of the events of the book. Even the antagonists have motives that are more complex than is apparent. While our heroes are rebelling against the council they are questioning their own abilities and the cause they are fighting for. There is even a romance that develop between two of the characters which develops organically, mainly due to characters knowing each other for several years prior to the story. At the heart of this adventure is the bond between these individuals which is tested at several points during the story. This an enjoyable fantasy adventure recommended for those who enjoy fantasy heist books like the the Six of Crows series.

kayu99's review against another edition

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Solid characters, but I would have liked a little more worldbuilding and backstory. What were some of the infallible prophecies? What were the seers like? Why did they start dying out? What was Solan like when he was young? I also would have liked to have seen more of Cassa and Vesper's friendship before her "betrayal" of Cassa.

This book's biggest strength is the balance between all the character POVs: all of them were enjoyable, and none of them dragged. I especially enjoyed the more interlude-like ones: "The Night Vesper Met Cassa" and "What Cassa Forgot." I also liked how Destiny Soria committed to Cassa's death--no surprise resurrection. Alys and Vesper teaming up made a good ending, as did Newt and Evander pairing up.

Vesper and Newt were my favorite characters, and I liked the portrayal of how Alys fought through her panic attacks.