ajlacassie's review

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Aaand tijan did it again. I loved fight and cant wait for the full novela. So excited :)

wchappus's review

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"12 Days of Forever" by Heidi McLaughlin

kara_hildebrand's review

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12 Days of Forever - Heidi McLaughlin

Ok, let me start with saying that I love Heidi and I love her books. She's one of my go to author's where I don't even look, I just buy and read. Period. I love all of the characters from the Beaumont series and I absolutely LOVED this book. We've seen both Yvie and Xander before and Heidi had a way of writing them that built the anticipation that we knew was coming, and we finally get their story. I read this in on sitting and when I was done I messaged Heidi and said "Damn you, I want more now!"
Xander is hot, sexy and so funny. He has to put up with Liam and the boys and I feel bad for him for that. But, when he sees Yvie, he just can't help himself even though she's Harrison's sister. He wants her, plain and simple. He's looking for his forever. His family. His chance at love and soon as he sees Yvie , he knows she is it. But, she is only visiting and he wants someone who wants to live in Beaumont and share his life with him. Yvie is smart, sassy, talented and has a hard time denying the pull she feels toward Xander. They have scorching hot chemistry and an amazing spark. If you've read the Beaumont series, you can't miss this one! We get to see the whole gang and it just makes me want more and more!

I get there just as he opens it and find Xander, the incredibly good-looking trainer with the I-want-to-bend-you-over-my-weight-bench-and-have-my-way-with-you eyes.

I hate that I blush like a little boy. My mom assured me I'd outgrow it, but it's gotten worse. It's a sign of embarrassment and the last thing I need if for Harrison to catch on that I want to see his sister naked. Not even see her naked, but touch her while she's naked. I'm all sorts of messed up right now.

You're like this pint-sized hurricane that's rolling through town, and I'm the weather man chasing the storm. I'm not gonna lie, last night was amazing - different, but worth it. You're like a fantasy come true."

spark_olaguez's review

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I really enjoy the book but I need to buy my own kindle since I read the book from my cousin but some of the story were just amazing.

ajlacassiejay's review

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Aaand tijan did it again. I loved fight and cant wait for the full novela. So excited :)

darkromancelover's review

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Winter's Kiss: Ryley and Ash by L.P. Dover

This is a continuation of Ryley and Ashley's story and I absolutely loved every minute of it. We pick up where Ryley's Revenge ends and join Ryley and Ashley as they spend their first Christmas together with their families. This novella was full of romance and surprises and I mean lots of surprises. Ryley has me even more in lust with him than I was before after reading this. Swoon!!! L.P. once again you amazed me with your words and characters even though I was a little frustrated with you over the Gabby and Paxton thing. I can't wait until the end of the month when Paxton's Promise is released. A definite must read for everyone.

Recommend reading Ryley's Revenge before reading this novella.

michalice's review

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Reviews of the novellas

12 Days of Forever by [a:Heidi McLaughlin|6568302|Heidi McLaughlin|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1377542035p2/6568302.jpg]
I love anthologies, we get to sample work from authors we may not have read before, but we also get a little fix from authors we love, and my whole reason for buying All I Want was to get Heidi McLaughlin's story, 12 Days of Forever. I needed to get my Beaumont fix and see how the gang were doing.

12 Days of Forever is Yvie and Xander's story. It starts with Yvie travelling to Beaumont, with Xander alternating the chapters. Yvie is homesick, she misses her family, she misses her 'brothers' Liam and Jimmy, and she also wants to get to know Katelyn and the twins better. After scathing comments from Oliver, Yvie decides to get out of New York and visit Harrison for Christmas

12 Days of Forever was a quick read, but it packs so much into the pages it felt like more than a novella. Yvie's chapters give us a look into Yvie and also her childhood with Harrison, what they went through and how they tried to make ends meet. How Harrison was supportive of everything Yvie wanted to do. It also allows Yvie to reflect on her life, and Harrison's life now, and how different it is. We get to see more of the mysterious Yvie we have only ever glimpsed before now, and see the dynamic relationships she has with Liam and Jimmy, who are for all intents and purposes, her brothers.....her very over protective brothers (Harrison and Liam) and the brother how likes to make a joke out of things but also threaten bodily harm (Jimmy)

Xander is also a new face on the scene, and although we do get to delve into his mind, he still remains a mystery, his past, his family, all of that is still kept hidden from us, but we do get to see a lot of different sides to him.....I also won't be looking at a gym in the same way anymore.

12 Days of Forever is a great addition to The Beaumont Series, but I do have an issue with these novellas of Heidi's, the cliff hanger endings. How can you leave a story with an ending of
Do you have plans for New Years Eve? do you know how much I wanted there to be another chapter to this novella, how I wanted it to carry on and find out what the plans where. I need to know what happens next for Yvie and Xander, I need to know what happens for all of them, February is too long to wait to see what happens next, not only for Yvie and Xander, but also for the rest of the gang....especially for Liam and Josie..

I'm going to leave you with this little quote from the novella, I think it says a lot about the story itself, but also about Yvie and her future.

You can’t live your life by someone else’s dreams. They have to be your own and just because it was a dream at one point, doesn't mean it’s your dream now. The beautiful thing about dreams is that they’re ever changing.
