
Valentine's on Primrose Hill by Nikki Moore

ljbentley27's review

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Already I have fallen in love at Somerset House, I fell even deeper in love on the roof of the Ritz and now I have fell into that truly heartbreaking kind of love on Primrose Hill. God bless the #LoveLondon series and God bless Nikki Moore for writing them.

I think the reason that I love the #LoveLondon series is because I am an utterly hopeless romantic. I love the love and can often be seen getting teary at adverts. However, Valentine’s on Primrose Hill resonated with me for a different reason. Yes, I loved the love story between George and Leo but mostly it was because I had been through something similar to George.

When George is left scarred after an accident she tries to hide her scars – nay, her war wounds – away so that no one can see them. She does this to the extent that she hides herself away and becomes a recluse. She fails to see how her scars are her badge of honour. They say to the people that the world tried to kick her ass but she fought back, that the world couldn’t take her down.

What Nikki Moore so succinctly manages to describe is the feelings of self hatred and of insecurity whilst also completely understanding that people in that situation tend to lash out at the people that they love – especially when all that they are doing is trying to help. All of this I have been through and never have I seen it written down in a book. For me, it was like someone opening my eyes and showing me that others have felt like that. So, for that reason alone I have to give my highest praise to Nikki Moore. Firstly, for showing her understanding towards those of us with visible and emotional scars but also for writing an amazing series of books that seem to be getting better and better.

Thank you, Nikki Moore. Just…thank you.

Valentine’s on Primrose Hill by Nikki Moore is available now.

Follow Nikki Moore (@NikkiMoore_Auth) on Twitter.

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I had previously read the other books in the #LoveLondon series so when I saw Valentine's on Primrose Hill was on offer I had to buy it. Unfortunately my schedule has been jam-packed so I've only just got round to reading it.

We open with Leo at the top of Primrose Hill looking out at the gorgeous London skyline. I've never been to Primrose Hill but the description made me want to hop on a train and go there straight away. I thought Leo was so sweet. He clearly has a big heart and really cares about people.

We then flash back to how Georgiana and Leo met and what had happened leading up to Valentine's Day. Georgiana is a shadow of the girl she used to be. After an accident left her physically scarred for life she doesn't think that anyone could ever love her. Not with an ugly scar and an eye patch. She has confined herself to staying indoors and occasionally people-watching through the front room window.

That is until her mum buys her a puppy. Buttons is sooo cute. I wish I could have a dog as cute as him. He seems like a handful but between him, Leo and her parents Georgiana is starting to move past her physical appearance and live again.

This is my favourite of the #lovelondon series so far and I can't wait to get stuck into Cocktails in Chelsea.