lkstrohecker's review

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informative reflective medium-paced

teahkhumalo's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Great for teens and kids!

mom2triplets04's review against another edition

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This book is written for teens but I did get a lot out of it. I am an introvert and could relate to many of the situations mentioned in this book. Highly recommend if you want to learn how to survive in an extrovert world.

mkmorgan14's review against another edition

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I wish someone would of given me this book when I was in middle school. WOW. This book is beautiful and does an exemplary job at, in easy to understand language, addressing why it is okay that you are quiet. That you still are important, your voice matter, and it's just okay. I would recommend this to teachers and students alike. BONUS- Cain wrote a book "Quiet" that is for adults that I would also recommend!

hamckeon's review against another edition

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I don't feel like I can accurately rate this book. The book was interesting, but not what I expected. I thought it was a YA version of her adult book, but it was more of a guidebook for introverted youth. As an introverted adult, I still found some of the information useful.

wendiwoo1's review against another edition

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I think there is great value in this book for kids, parents, and teachers. Our quiet kids are too often forgotten and misunderstood. The only thing I found lacking in this book is that sometimes quiet kids do suffer from anxiety disorders and I would have liked to see a more open discussion on that. Plus, I think more could have been focused on the every day kid. Many of these students were quite exceptionally talented, and while that is inspiring, it is unlikely that every introvert is capable of being the class president or first teen to sail around the world or a stage actor. I would have liked to see just every day careers that embrace the quiet.

listen_learn's review against another edition

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This book does not have the same captivating writing or the breadth or depth of its adult counter-part, but it does have great strength as an introduction to the topic of introversion. It was clearly written with the auidence (of teens) in mind and is a practical guidebook for appreciating and maximizing the power of introverts. I wish there was still an even younger reader's version, because while I would recommend this to teens, I wouldn't feel comfortable putting it in my 5th grade classroom.

astridquesther's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


kj_evanuke's review against another edition

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Ta książka uświadomiła mi przede wszystkim, jak wielką drogę wykonałam sama bez świadomości, że ona może być tak żmudna i wymagająca.

Jestem introwertyczką i nigdy nie czułam, że coś jest ze mną nie tak. Czułam się dobrze ze sobą i to mi w zupełności wystarczyło. Jeżeli coś powodowało, że czułam się skrajnie niekomfortowo, nie robiłam tego więcej lub, jeśli musiałam, stawiałam mniejsze kroki.

Już w gimnazjum nauczyłam się wygłaszać prezentacje tak, żeby nie czuć tremy, a większość moich bliskich znajomych doskonale wie, że dla mnie imprezy kończą się koło północy, bo dłużej zwyczajnie nie jestem w stanie wytrzymać. Nigdy nie doświadczyłam ostracyzmu z powodu mojej introwersji i zawsze staram się komunikować, co czuję - nie oczekuję, że ludzie dookoła mnie się tego domyślą.

Susan Came wskazuje wyraźnie, że nie każdy ma takie szczęście jak ja i zwyczajnie potrzebuje pomocy, żeby dojść do momentu, w którym ja jestem od kilku lat. To bardzo pożyteczna publikacja, jednak w moim przypadku po prostu nie spełniła swojej funkcji - ja czuję, że jestem już na wyższym poziomie :)

vkdarling's review against another edition

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This book is a fabulous. I wish I would have had it as a child/adolescent. This book guides kids and teens through how to cope with their introversion, gives tips, and many examples of people who have been successful because of not in spite of their introversion. It is a great read! A lot of the tips can translate to adults as well, although they are mostly examples of teens and middle aged children. If you have a child who is an introvert or if you are a teacher or work with children in any way this is a book you need to read and to share with them!