
Always Rayne by Sierra Avalon, Karen M. Bryson

starting_again's review against another edition

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I received an ARC for my honest review.

Okay lets see..

I really enjoyed reading this book, The main character (Harper) was, funny at times, and very feisty a bit weird- in a nerdy fun way ( couldn't dress to save her life). She hates rock and she swears the lead singer to "always rayne" is dumber than bricks, and when her friend (Brooke)dragged her out to the concert she let the lead singer know how she felt about him. It was pretty funny, but man as the book goes on do she get a rude awakening.
Nic Rayne is the lead singer to "always rayne" and he is smarter than he looks the fact that he has to play a certain way to appease others really suck. Anyways after hearing how Harper feels about him constantly and trying to get her to change her mind about him, he finds that he holds the answer to her financial issues, there's just one catch- she has to sleep with him every night for the rest of the tour. Can she handle it??

Harper and Rayne end up having a lot in common, especially when it comes to books. They are constantly challenging each other and it something that Nic has always wanted in a girl, someone he can have a full blown conversation with and relate too.

The book was going at a good paste and then everything seemed to happen on over drive- I won't give too much info but let's just say Nic does a lot for Harper in a short period of time and a few other things.. I really wish I could like the ending but I was actually mad and felt short changed because it seems that Brooke could never stay out of trouble and Harper was her baby sitter and she shouldn't have to be.. The ending should not have ended the way it did and I feel like it just stopped, like a few more pages or chapters were missing. I wish it was longer!!

I will read this book again and if she has another book and Nic and Harper I would read that one as well

Thank you for letting us read your story and critique your work!! it takes a lot of courage and thick skin!!

Happy reading everyone

myblissfulbooks's review

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I was given Always Rayne by Sierra Avalon in exchange for an honest review.

Have you ever seen someone and just knew that they were it for you?? Would you have done anything to be with them?? Including pay them to travel with you and your band?? That is exactly what Nic Rayne does when he sees Harper Leigh.

Always Rayne is a sweet fast paced romance. The characters draw you in, the pace keeps you guessing and wanting more. You fall for Nic Rayne just as hard as Harper did. Nic is looking for someone who can stimulate more than what's in his pants. He wants someone who can challenge him in ways he's never been challenged. Harper does all that while not being what everyone would think is Rayne's "type". She's beautiful but tends to unknowingly hide her beauty, extremely smart she makes Nic use his brain during his pursuit. He is everything she never thought she wanted. Nic is blunt, likes his profanity, and a rock star. Watch as their lives collide and intertwine.

If you are looking for a HEA fast read this is a great book to open and get caught up in

bookw0rmz's review

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I was sent this book in exchange for my honest review.

New Adult literature is a bit of a guilty pleasure, I generally pick up a New Adult story because I know what's gonna happen. I picked Always Rayne because I hadn't read any NA novels about rock stars, even though I'd seen a few on Goodreads. I wanted something short and sweet, and Always Rayne delivered.

It's an easy read, very predictable and an average New Adult novel. The characters I didn't find too easy to identify with, they were a bit clichés and not particularly well developed, but they were loveable nonetheless. The story is that of a young grad who works as a journalist, has no sense of fashion and to whom a very famous and desirable rock star is attracted. You see where this is going? Don't worry about it, it will happen, eventually.

I have mixed feelings about this book, I really enjoyed it the way I'd enjoy inhaling my whole advent calendar in one go, but I know it wasn't very good. Special mention to the despicable use of mental illness as an excuse for child neglect. I hope Sierra Avalon decides to dedicate some time to researching stigmas associated with mental health and never falls into that ugly trap again, because it made me cringe big times.

Apart from that little glitch (it's only a line, don't worry), if you're looking for a sweet and not-to-deep book with funny characters and are willing to overlook the slight overuse of literary references, Always Rayne will keep you turning the pages until you're done with it.

indywrites's review

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Always Rayne is the first book of the series and can be read as a standalone but you will want to read the rest of the books because Sierra has penned this story with so much depth and emotions that it is hard to put it down. Plus you want to know what happened to her friends?

Harper is a sweet, simple, hardworking girl. Her beauty is what attracts Rayne to her even though she considers herself to be quite average. Rayne is immediately pulled into her innocence and no nonsense attitude. That she also seems to be immune to his charms is another reason Rayne is so enamored by her. The book starts out with Harper getting chosen and coerced for an assignment with the famous music band. Trouble starts when she finally meets the lead guy Nic Rayne. She finds herself getting more and more intrigued with the bad boy who turns out to be nothing like his image.

Rayne is a rock star and a movie star all rolled into one. He has the best of everything at his beck and call. But when he meets Harper for the first time she leaves him spell- bound. The superstar becomes a fan even telling her the same and offering to help her to pay off her student loan as well. Short of confessing his love, he does it all making it more difficult for Harper to understand him.

Harper gets involved in their lives and the tour of the band learning more about them and Rayne, falling more and more in love with the guy. I found the story very fast and fun. The story moves along and things keep happening, it is not just a love story but a story of their lives and friends too. Sierra has given the just perfect hints of family life and friends, supportive and encouraging all making an excellent introduction to the rest of the books.

It is not just a tale about a gut trying to score but a confirmation that appearances are indeed deceptive. Rayne comes out as the perfect gentleman and manages to find favor with Harper’s parents too. The only thing I found odd was that Harper readily agrees to his plan of running the newspaper while initially she was all upright and wanted nothing to do with his money.

The writing is excellent and the flow superb, the smart, suave Rayne has finally met someone who holds his interest and is equally well read! That Harper loves books was an added plus, who doesn’t love a girl who reads? A fast paced novel perfect for a great weekend read. ( I read it in a day, review took time because of life) The characters, parents, and the ups and downs in the story are all so well written. I recommend it for its story and Rayne. Yes, he is like that! ;)

( © I got the book from the author in exchange of my unbiased, honest review.)