
Crackle and Fire: An Angela Hardwicke Mystery by Russ Colchamiro

jferrell526's review

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Intergalactic detective.
Angela Hardwicke is a detective in Eternity. In Crackle and Fire, Russ Colehamiro has created an excellent blend of the detective novel with the sci-fi fantasy to create his own special genre. With clues found in unusual places and the underworld heavily involved, can Angela solve the mystery?

moonycron's review

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Crackle and Fire is a blend of sci-fi, mystery and thriller. I avoided this book at first because it was hard for me to visualize the futuristic setting but got easier as i delve deeper in the book. The plot structure was great and so was the character designs, i like their backstories too. The unraveling of the mysteries in the climax was an exhilarating experience. Overall a good book. :)

(Copy provided by Henry Roi)

kreennyreads's review

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A copy provided by Blackthorn Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

The book is about:
Angela Hardwicke, a private eye from Eternity, the cosmic realm responsible for the design, creation, and maintenance of the Universe. When accountant Gil Haberseau hires her to find an intern with stolen corporate files, Hardwicke soon finds herself embroiled in a deadly case of lies, intrigue, and murder, clashing with vengeful gangsters, MinderNot rallies, and a madman who’s come a long way to get what he wants. In Russ Colchamiro’sthrilling Sci-Fi mystery Crackle and Fire, Angela Hardwicke learns once and for all that when it comes to being an intergalactic PI, there’s no telling what threats she may face on-realm and off, including the demons that lurk deep within her soul.

My thoughts:
I do love a flawed character and Colchamiro delivers in his novel. Angela has made mistakes, serious mistakes that have made her feel a loss in her soul she doesn't know if she will have a chance to fix. 

Positives of the story:
The LGTQ+ and POC representation were very pleasing to me. Sexuality felt very fluent in this story, which I loved and made the realm really appealing to me.
There are a lot of likeable side characters, for example, (I would say awesome and flirty assistant) Whistler, charming Camilla, irresistible Nini, and so many more. Everyone a little different, but no less appealing.
This book is full of something I would call "the weird" - beings that control (are) the universe, different reals, portal " magic", etc. ANd it is in the centre of the book.
The book is a great start to a series, but also can be read as a standalone if you're scared of commitment.  The ending wraps up quite nicely.

Negatives of the story:
Unfortunately I myself didn't connect to our protagonist, even though I also am a mother, I also have seen how easy people can fall into substance abuse and why. Even though there was so much that could have connected us, she felt disconnected. That is why I never really truly cared about what happened with Angela in the end and don't feel like I will continue with the series.
Another part I didn't like - dRods. I thought that the concept of such a drug was interesting, but the delivery sometimes annoyed me. It was probably because I have learned a lot about DNA etc. during my time at University and it keeps me from connecting universe fiction with something I know as much of.

I'm giving this book 3,5 stars because I did like it, I did enjoy reading it, but unfortunately, Angela will not stick in my head and heart. She just didn't make the cut of the strong, badass feminist list I have built during my reading life. But my reading life is quite long and full of badass females, so I'm a hush judge.

Overall, if you want to have an adventure that defiantly is out of this world, but still feels like something that this world could be in the future with a little sprinkle of sci-fi magic, I defiantly suggest checking it out.