
Mortal Obligation by Nichole Chase

kippins's review

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This was only OK for me. It started off kinda like I might have missed a couple of chapters.(I didn't) And when everything started happening everyone seems to just accept it as if it was the norm and they already knew about the Dark Ones and Alastrania etc.(they didn't)
What pulls it up to 3 stars is it definitely picks up about half way through and I got a lot more invested in the characters. I'll keep an eye out for the sequel and see what happens but I won't be waiting with baited breath.

andiemags53's review against another edition

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It ended rather abruptly. Which I hate. SO there better be another one coming soon.

halynah's review

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Pretty nice - a good plot, interesting idea of different mythologies plus vamps, very likeable characters and sweet romance. I'm intrigued!

babs_reviews's review

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Ree, an artistic slightly social outcast, is trying to live her life after the death of her brother. Her father throws himself to work while her mother kindly checked out mentally for a bit. For Ree normal isn't quite as reachable as she'd like. In love with her brothers best friend and seeing things that don't exist she has more trouble keeping things clear.

One night at a concert and things change drastically, not only for Ree but also for her circle of friends. Things get interesting when Paden and Ree are attacked by the things she had assumed to be in her head. Quite the shocker until Paden realized he now has fangs.

Taken by Sophie to a location Ree and the gang are finally told a story and get bits of information. Ree holds power she wasn't aware she held and it is up to her to save the world from the evil trying to take over. Her power will release the power within her friends and trigger a change in them that will help them protect her better. They are her Guardians. There is ONE, and only ONE that she must defeat in order to win. (of course he comes with an army but he is the one that must die) Regardless of the number, the possibility of her winning is slim without some training.

Roland, the bad boy trying to be of the evil ones yet still able to be good. He struggles to be near Ree as he sees her as the one he lost, yet she isn't. It is up to him to take these teens and train them to properly guard.

The battle scene was epic, by far my fav part of the book. The ending had a huge twist that had my jaw dropping and my head spinning. Can't wait to read the next installment.

klaragon73's review

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Nichole Chase has created a darkly mesmerizing adventure with Mortal Obligation. Vampires and traditional mythology intertwine to breed a fascinating new take on all things vampire. I absolutely love the world Nichole created for this book. Her characters have chemistry, although they are not all that complex. The third person narrative allows a greater understanding of everyone's successes and failures, pulling you along for the ride.

Ree (Alastriana) - A junior in high school who is charged with the fate of the entire world - when all she really wants to do is enjoy the year, save money for college, and maybe enjoy some one-on-one time with her dearly departed brother's best friend, Paden. Ree is a little odd...she is artsy and tends to daydream a lot. She cherishes the friends she has because they are few and far between. However, her group of friends will prove to be much more loyal than she could ever imagine. Now all she has to do is survive.

Paden - A super-hot gift from the gods...literally. Marked with the trident of Poseiden and bearing the necklace of Brigid, he is destined for huge things. Brigid's insight led to Paden being made of mixed immortal blood. The only of Ree's guardians to be blessed by two god's, Paden is an invaluable part of her team. The question is...can he be everything Ree needs and wants him to be? He was Ree's brother's best friend and made a promise to look after her.

Juliette - is a girly-girl with lots of money but she isn't a snob. She is always impeccably dressed but she's not afraid to throw down with the guys either. She and Ree share a mutual dislike for Shannon and Michael...two "friends" of Tristan's. Juliette is one of the few friends that Ree feels comfortable with. Juliette is descended from the Japanese Sun goddess, Amaterasu.

Bryce - Juliette's boyfriend, who she compares to Adam Sandler. The gods have granted Bryce speed, which comes in handy as one of Ree's guardians. Bryce originates from an African god...Horus. He was one of the first to foresee the need to provide extra protection to Ree. Bryce wears a ring with The Eye of Horus on it. The symbol is said to provide the wearer protection, royal power, and good health.

Weylin - Another of Ree's illustrious guardians, he is the most hesitant to climb aboard. He is also a descendant of Poseidon's. Poseidon's mark is a trident inside Weylin's and Paden's wrist.

Melanie - is polar opposite of Weylin. She is a little too excited to join the ranks of the guardians. She is out for revenge and loving every minute of it. The goddess Hecate is where Melanie's history lies.

Shannon and Michael are well on their way to becoming full blown Dark Ones. They kick up the creep factor drastically. Both attend school with the others and Michael plays soccer with Paden. Everyone seems to feel the same way about this couple...they like them best when they are far away.

Tristan - As previously mentioned, was Ree's brother. Drugs and drinking became a significant part of his life before he died in a drunk driving accident. He has trusted Paden with his sister's care, though, that may be Tristan's biggest mistakes yet, in the grand scheme of things.

Roland - A reformed Dark One is the best way to describe this immortal being. He irreplaceable as a trainer for Ree's guardians, although, Paden spares no love for him. I found myself inexplicably drawn to Roland. Probably because he is a reformed bad-boy and we all know how I do love those guys.

Sophie - Once a guardian herself, is now in charge of training the new Alastriana. She was given the death-touch by her sister and is now able to harness powers only granted to the Alastriana. She is tough but also kind and knowledgeable. She tends to keep secrets that could mean life or death for Ree and her friends.

I loved this book. I absolutely, positively fell head-over-heals in love with all of the characters and the mythology involved. Each of Nichole's words proved to have meaning as I read Mortal Obligation. I would read a line and then 50 pages later realize that the line had more meaning than I ever imagined. The first chapter was extremely well written giving you insight to each character and providing a perfect amount of mystery to keep you reading.

The premise of the books was fascinating to me. Two sets of gods got together and decided on a set number of battles to decide the fate of the world. Each of the battles consist of a single Alastriana, her guardian, and a Dark One. The set number of fights - 101. Battles already fought - 100. Score - tied 50/50. Ree must win or the world is lost to the Dark Ones. Lucky for her, the rules have changed. She has five guardians plus Sophie and Roland behind her. Not so lucky for her...the Dark One she must battle will cause her more strife and grief than she could ever imagine.

Action played a larger part in Mortal Obligation than anything else; however, there was also a great amount of time spent building potential romances. None of that fall-in-love-at-first-sight-stuff. I am truly interested in seeing where Nichole takes this romance. The different aspects of different relationships she alludes to, promise to make for an interesting storyline as the series continues.

Even though the storyline is rather dark, I was left laughing out loud on quite a few occasions.

hownovelle's review

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I would love to give this 3.5 stars. It was good, and I started and finished it in one sitting, but the entire book feels like just the background and there's no real climax to the plot. It's all just setting the scene for the next book. I love Nichole Chase's Royal Series, so fingers-crossed the plot picks up the pace in the next book. Overall an interesting concept, but it does get a bit confusing and convoluted

mrose21's review against another edition

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I liked this book, it was interesting.

The characters were different seemed a little mean to each other though which bothered me.

I liked the fact the author hints at more than just trouble with her relationship status (I mean I know who I would choose).
It sucks shes not immortal like them, makes me sort of sad but at least its not like perfect perfect for her.

NOW, what wasn't shocking was the ending. Did anyone else go... hey? I wonder if... I won't say anymore, but its kind of obvious if you read this.

Go ahead and get this book, its an easy read and I may pick up the next book. It isn't something I must admit the author made me feel I needed it.

jen0307's review

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I really enjoyed the book. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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reviewed by

I gave it 3.5 stars

I love when a new book that incorporates the Gods and their gifts comes out. I don't know why it intrigues me so much but it does and I enjoy reading the interpretations of the different myths that authors have for their characters and stories.

Ree and her friends had a great mix of personalities. They are all extremely loyal to each other from the beginning. MORTAL OBLIGATION had a great pace to it. The action and training of the teens was well written and engaging. There was some pretty good twists at the end that I in no way saw coming. I enjoyed the love triangle, I feel both of the romantic interests have enough positive and negative things going for them to make things interesting and it added some great jealousy moments to the book. The biggest complaint I had about the book is the ease that which Ree and her friends believed and accepted all the God gifts and roles they are to play in Ree's Destiny. They were mostly like COOL bring it on, I have vampire teeth hahah (very much paraphrased they didn't really sound like that) when I felt they should have been a bit freaked out at what was happening. All in all this was a great debut novel from a new author. I was kept interested throughout the book and I would enjoy reading what comes next.