
In Your Dreams by Amy Martin

neenor's review

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When Martin approached me with In Your Dreams, I instantly knew I wanted to read it. I'd heard of similar storylines before - you know, main character has narcolepsy but secretly dreams of the future - yet Martin's take on it just seemed to have that little be extra; the setting is so normal and realistic, but then this massive sci-fi twist is thrown in. The author has created a book where the reader is put in Zip's shoes, and rather than reading about a boyfriend with this crazy power, you feel like you're the one with the boyfriend with this crazy power.

Zip can't wait to get out of her small town, a place that lacks pretty much everything. That is, until two new siblings arrive at her high school: model-esque Kayla, and her hot brother, Kieran, who suffers from narcolepsy. After Kieran collapses on Zip's desk in English class, the pair strike up an unlikely friendship which quickly turns into something more. However, Kieran has been keeping a secret from her - he saw Zip months before they actually met, but in his dreams. Kieran sees glimpses of the future, something that sounds cool at first, but is actually pretty frightening. And with him dreaming of a mysterious man who looks far too much like him, Zip is about to be thrown into an entirely new - and scary - world.

I finished this book days ago to be honest, and I'm still reeling from it. As I said, the concept has been done - but Martin's take on it just seemed much more fresh, turning it into something exciting and new. The writing was pretty average, but in the best way possible - it was so easy to slip into, and I found it to be quite informal, making the reader feel like they're friends with Zip, Kieran and Kayla, not just a bystander. I also loved the setting - hey, I have a bit of a soft spot for dingy town settings, alright?

Zip was a great protagonist. At first I was unsure, as it made a point that she loved basketball, and I...well, let's just say that I am as enthusiastic about sports as I am about the British government. Yet Martin made sure that there was a bridge for readers who didn't understand anything about the sport, so in the end my cluelessness didn't even matter. She was a very likeable narrative - not a know-it-all, but not an idiot, just very down-to-earth. Kieran was pretty great too (and yes, I do have a book crush on him!) And the two of them together - um, excuse me, but where is the fan? It was so hot, it made saunas look like something out of the Arctic. I SHIP IT!

I think possibly the best part about In Your Dreams was the pace. That may sound ridiculous, but let me explain: a good book needs a good pace. If things happen to quickly, the reader doesn't have enough time to process what's going on; but if the pace is too slow, then the reader gets bored. The pace Martin set was perfectly in between these two alternatives - we were given enough to be satisfied, but not enough for the entire plot to be ruined.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. Yes, the concept has been done, but not the way that Martin has done it. You're enticed by the synopsis, hooked from the first page, and left reeling for days after you've finished it. If you love sci-fi or are just intrigued, go and buy this book asap - and watch this space, as my review for As You Wake will be up sometime within the next few months!

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review against another edition

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I was attracted to this book by the pretty cover, but I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the book itself. Would it be your average run-of-the-mill paranormal? Would it end up stunning me? Would I hate it, or love it?

The answer to those questions would be somewhere in between. In Your Dreams was a nice story, but it didn't dazzle me. I felt that until the end, things were a bit too slow-paced for my liking. I'm picky about what I consider a 'great' romance, (I love YA Books; romance is something I have to read whether I am inclined to or not, so I've gotten a bit particular as to what I like in Romance) and it wasn't something I didn't like, but it wasn't something I LOVED. It was just in the middle; pretty good, but not WOW!

The characters...what do I say about them? Kieran was pretty well developed, but I didn't truly adore him like some characters. I didn't connect with Zip at all, though. She definitely wasn't my favorite character.

On the bright side, In Your Dreams is a YA paranormal romance; however, considering how many YA Paranormal Romances there are, this one was pretty original. And it doesn't have that cringe-worthy cheesiness that tends to be present in this type of book, something that I was very grateful for! That is one thing I liked about the Romance; it wasn't blown out of proportion like it can be in the paranormal genre. And Kieran's narcolepsy adds to the plot in a good way; it's original, and it sheds light on a condition that tends to get overlooked.

Will I read the next book? Maybe. I did enjoy the ending, and I'm kind of curious to see how the sequel is. In my experience, the first book of the series is either the absolute best or the weakest. I think that this series will get stronger as it goes along, however, so I will probably read the sequel.

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank Amy Martin, author of In Your Dreams, for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this book.

In this YA book we find sixteen year old Zara aka Zip with big dreams of getting out of this small place and doing something big. Everything in her life takes an unpredictable turn when a new boy joins her school and he is no ordinary boy but has the unique disease that is narcolepsy due to which he gets glimpses of the future events and becomes unconscious without any prior warning and sometimes becomes just like a corpse when he is having this fit. There is a grave secret behind Kieran’s condition and now the secret is about to reveal. Is the secret going to shove Zip into the paths of unknown dangers? Will she stand by Kieran’s side while he figures out the mystery?

I really loved this story. It has a sci-fi twist to it which made it real interesting and I mostly enjoyed the passionate love between Zip and Kieran. The secret behind Kieran’s state kept me hooked to the story and I went on turning pages on and on till the end. The characters are developed and I loved Kieran’s character the most because he is just the kind of guy I want for myself, well apart from the Narcolepsy, of course. The writing style is good and I felt it utterly comfortable and enriched. There is action, mystery, thrill and overall a cute and heart touching love and the dedication towards it. Over all a great read and would recommend it to all of you rocking readers out there. Check it out and you are ought to enjoy it.

keirrod93's review against another edition

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Zara 'Zip' McKee lives in a small town in Illinois where everyone knows everyone. She is a 16 year basket ball star a junior in high school and likes to stay out of the spotlight. A new family moves to town where she befriends the two children Keiran and Kayla. The first time Keiran and zip talk is funny and also sad because the readers find out what it is like to have narcolepsy. I though that was a great idea to have for Keiran it was unique and I loved Keiran tremendously. He was so sweet and funny and normally had a great outlook about his condition because of the great things that happened while he slept ( a secret that blew me away). Zip and Keiran were great together and I loved watching their relationship grow gradually. This book was full of action and friendship I would highly reccomend this to ya readers. Thanks to the author for giving me a Copy in exchange for my review. I can't wait to read the next novel coming out in may!

sarah1984's review against another edition

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22/1 - I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed In Your Dreams. I thought it was going to be a slightly cheesy, silly YA supernatural romance, and probably full of editing errors. Thankfully I was mostly wrong. The supernatural really doesn't show up at all, it's just hinted at and then dismissed as a reaction to an unknown drug ingested in the womb. The romance was appropriately slow for who the main characters were - a boy who has to be chaperoned by his sister to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and a girl who has been too focused on basketball and her studies to notice boys as anything other than friends. There were some editing errors (see below), but this was nowhere near the worst example I've read recently.

Page 24
'...doesn't happen to me at lot...'

Should be a lot.

Page 45
'"I guess is the first time...'"

There should be a this between guess and is.

Page 72
'"...sometimes things things that don't happen...'"

For this sentence to make sense there needs to be the words I dream between sometimes and things.

Page 82
'...back in the Seventies.'

Why is seventies capitalised?

Page 104
'He shoots me his trademarked grin...'

Since this is written in the present tense, as if it's happening right now, that should be trademark.

Page 160
...'"maybe he'll ever be truly real..."'

Should be never.

Page 180
'...catch sight of a green file folder in the floorboard...'

First of all, from the context of what's going on I understand the sentence to be saying that the 'green file folder' is found in the footwell of the back seat of a car. I'm not sure whether Martin means 'footwell' when she writes 'floorboard' or not. If she does mean 'floorboard' (not really sure where in a car there is a 'floorboard', but that's beside the point) then how can something (other than a nail) be in a floorboard? On or under, there is no in when it comes to floorboards.

Page 197
'After every few shot, we all huddle up to view the results.'

That should be new.

Page 250
'"...wasn't even enough in his right might to unbuckle..."'

That should be mind.

I liked both main characters, although I'm not a fan of Zip as a nickname. This was absolutely worth reading and I'll definitely be on the lookout for the next book in the series at Amazon (at a good price, of course).

sayitcharlie's review against another edition

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**Win an eCopy of In Your Dreams and As You Wake at Letter Trails. Ends on July 23rd. (INT)**

“So I don't think I'd want to find out what's going to happen in the future because having everything figured out kind of defeats the whole point of life. It's about taking the bad with the good and learning from what happens.”

I started reading this book expecting something paranormal and whooshing supernatural powers but was definitely given something different. In Your Dreams was definitely a different reading experience.

The prose was simple and light, that made it easier and faster to read but the build-up of the mystery surrounding the characters was really good. I really love reading books that could make you form theories or ask a lot of questions (as long as they are answered) and this definitely nailed it. There were some parts where it felt like I was watching a TV series and waiting for the revelation about certain things felt like waiting for the next episode for a week—exciting, with the right amount of anticipation and questions.

My favourite part was Kieran and Zip’s relationship. The romantic part felt so natural due to their closeness and friendship that was cemented at the first few chapters of the story. It was inevitable and totally expected, minus the insta-love. At first, the easy and fast friendship between Kieran and Zip felt off but was soon justified as the story progressed.

Zip was easy to read and relate to. She’s a very realistic teenager with lots of questions, reckless decisions and romantic feelings. It was nice to see that she wasn’t too wrapped up with Kieran’s issue and had a life of her own, including the typical joys and disappointments.

I was glad that Kieran was not among the majority male protagonists nowadays who has issues with life and oozes sex appeal. He was just simple, sweet and witty. His frustrations were totally understandable and the way he acts around Zip was adorable.

It was also good that the characters that were closely involved with the issue and the MC were at its minimum, which solved the usual overcrowded issue I feel in some books. Although I wish there was more about their friends, just the closest, and Kieran and Kayla’s family.

I thought the ending answered my questions already and gave a good conclusion to the story so I’m really curious about what will happen in the second book. Hopefully, this will not be one of those dragged stories for the sake of making it a series.

*This and other reviews can also be found on my blog*

loveat1stwrite's review against another edition

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This review can also be found on my blog Love at First Write

A copy of this book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I found this book really unique to read. The concept of a character having a something about them that they like/hate at the same time isn't new, but the way it was in this particular book was great. The book’s main character is Zip. She lives with her mom, her grandparents live next door, and her dad lives in Chicago. Her parents are divorced which obviously isn’t so abnormal nowadays. Her dad gave her the nickname ‘Zip’ years ago because she’s a fast runner. She plays basketball, loves to read, and what do you know, has new neighbors moving in next door.

Kieran and Kayla are the new kids to town. He has a sleeping disorder. He can't control when he sleeps and sometimes passes out at inconvenient times, such as during school. He also has dreams of the future that always come true. They are only small scenes that don't normally make sense until the event actually happens, but they're always accurate. This happens to him because his mother was taking a new drug while pregnant. Interesting stuff happened back in the day (no spoilers) and now the only person who might know the formula is his biological father. Their hope is that if the formula was revealed a cure could be developed to help Kieran. But does Kieran want to change? Obviously he wants to be in control of when he sleeps, but having those dreams is part of who he is. It's what he's grown up doing. Could he really give that up to be like a normal guy?

Zip just happens to be there when Kieran has his first episode in school and they end up becoming close friends, much to his sister Kayla’s dislike. The formation of their relationship was super cute <3

The main problem of the book was that Kieran's real dad is getting released from jail and might come to manipulate Kieran. His buddy Frank is already in this town and Zip thinks she might be getting the dreams too. Everything goes down on the most important night of the year: Prom. There were engaging twists and turns throughout. This book actually made me not want to read it. The file sat on my phone for like a week because I didn't want to find out what happened on Prom night. I didn't want to hear about anything bad happening. My curiosity won out. I'm glad it did because it was nowhere near as bad as I thought haha. The book was good, obviously, but it doesn't leave me dying to read book two. The book doesn't end in a cliffhanger and I honestly think it could have been a stand alone book. I have no clue what book two will be about, but I most certainly will read it, it's just not going to kill me to put it off a bit.

Typically I put constructive criticism in my reviews but there wasn't really anything that stood out to me. Which can be taken as a compliment and a criticism. I liked this book but there wasn't really anything about it to make it stand out from other books, aside from the fact that Kieran's condition came from his mom taking drugs during pregnancy. What I mean is, in the future I probably won't remember this book, it doesn't have that 'omg' quality that makes a book unforgettable. I’d recommend it if you want a short refreshing read, but I don’t think that the book is something that will stick with you.

kitkatscanread's review against another edition

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Times read: 2

"Hand shaking, I reach out to his raised upper arm, but instead of responding to my touch, his fingers remain balled into an immovable fist, his skin feeling stiff and cold on my fingertips. The term rigor mortis pops into my head. Oh my God, I think. Way to go, Zip-he's dead. You killed the new kid. But how? Did I literally bore him to death?"

I received this book from the author Amy Martin. This is the first book I have read from her. It is written from Zip's perspective.
There are several characters involved. You have the main character Zip, the brother and sister who start at Zip's school: Kieran and Kayla, Zip's mum, her grandparents and Kieran's parents.
I really liked the characters in this. They are all strong, and I felt a big connection with them. I could feel what they felt throughout the story. I believed and followed the characters so well that I felt an emotional connection. I felt my heart leap and jump around, and I even found the character Kieran adorable. He was so sweet and courageous, and his sleeping disorder didn't let him down. I really felt happy for Kieran and Zip when they got together. I could feel the sparks between them, and when they kissed, I was like "yay!". You can see Zip has a good relationship with her family, which is nice. Kieran's sister Kayla starts off not warming to Zip, as she is being protective of her brother, but when she realises Zip is actually decent, she then begins to trust her. There is also a mysterious character who you meet near the end, but I'd rather let you read to find out who that is, rather than ruining it for you.
I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline. It's an interesting one, and I haven't read a novel with this sort of synopsis before. When I read what it was about, I jumped straight on it and requested to read it, and I'm really glad that I did.
I like the overall structure to this book. I really liked the ending, and I can't wait for the sequel, which is due to release this year. There was so much going on in this book that I was drawn to every page. I couldn't stop, and found I was reading until the early hours of the morning just to see what happened next. I honestly didn't want it to end.
The cover design to this book is nice. It's a simple, but unique picture of a closed eye.
Overall, I'm going to give this book a well-deserved five stars because I simply loved it so much that I know I will read it again. It made me feel all sorts of emotions and I loved the storyline. All the characters were amazing, and I most definitely recommend to anyone. If there was a sixth star, I would probably give it, as it was that awesome.
If you like stories with narcolepsy, romance, family mystery, then this is definitely for you. Well done Amy Martin =D

Happy reading =)

jen286's review against another edition

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In Your Dreams was an interesting read. I was really hoping it wouldn't turn out that Kieran was a Faerie, and thankfully that was not what the big reveal of what is really going on.

The story starts out and I instantly like Kieran. He is so cute and sweet and he is so positive even though he has his narcolepsy to deal with. I can't imagine high school while falling asleep randomly. Add to that how he sees bits and pieces of the future and you have an interesting main character.

Zip was a little more....I didn't hate her, but her obsession with basketball and looking down on girly girls I didn't like. It was like if you like makeup and clothing there is something wrong with you. She definitely thinks she is better than other girls, which I really don't like. There is nothing wrong with being girly, and there is nothing wrong with not being super girly. It just depends on what the person likes, and you shouldn't look down upon the others just because. So I didn't love her because she was kind of close minded.

I did like Zip and Kieran's slowly evolving relationship. It wasn't insta-love which was nice. They just hang out and grow together slowly. So the whole first part of the book I was enjoying. It was nice. Then the big reveal as to what is really going on with Kieran, which was not as crazy as I thought it would be. Kieran is a little unforgiving after that. I understand being upset with your family instantly for keeping such a thing a secret for years, but to hold onto that grudge forever? I just wanted him to get over it. He can't understand why they might do that? He can't understand how they were trying to protect him? He says himself he is 18 now, well maybe he should grow up some and try and see it from their point of view.

Then we have the prom. Slight spoiler alert ahead. Zip keeps having this dream where she is dancing with Kieran at the prom and suddenly the lights go out. She has a bad feeling leading up to prom, and is super worried abut what will happen. So most of the way through the prom and nothing has happened yet so she thinks perfect! Nothing will happen now! I mean no way this could happen in the last 5 mins! It doesn't, but still. Then they go to the after prom party and are dancing there and the lights go out! Zip is terrified, people are leaving, and she is like let's go! Well they get out to the secluded car (people have left already) and she instantly forgets her fear because she has an overwhelming desire to make out with Kieran in the back of the car. I was just like wait what? You instantly go from terrified something horrible is going to happen to super horny cannot think about anything else but getting with my man? Really? I spent the rest of the book thinking about that and just shaking my head. It was so odd...I didn't get it.

Overall I did enjoy the book. The story itself was a little simplistic, but it was fun. The last part though was a bit much so it ended on a low. I still would read the next books, but since the next one supposedly is a cliffhanger I am just going to wait until the third book is out.

Also posted to Jen in Bookland

starlit_reads's review against another edition

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A new style of writing I've never tried before and I loved it. Zip has such a relatable personality and there is many relatable teen moments in the books aswell as a twist in the form of a Male character called keiran. Their relationship begins to blossom and zip faces issues from her past as kerian copes to deal with his own issues within himself and with his home life.