collinsdonique's review

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Took me some time

I have been reading this series off and on for a year but it finally picked up causing me to want to finish. I enjoyed it very much

chymerra's review

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I normally don’t read serial novels. I am too impatient to wait for the next ones to come out. Like super impatient and then I lose interest in the story. Sad, but true. When I was approached to read Mind Dimensions, I was kinda “eh” about it. I normally don’t really like to read books like this. So wasn’t I surprised when not only did the plot rock but the characters grabbed me from the very beginning.

I enjoyed the relationships that Darren had with the various characters in the book. His moms (which was another first for me. I haven’t read a book with a character who had same sex parents), Mira, Eugene, Colin, Bert, Hilary….he had a complex and in depth relationship with each of them. It was refreshing to read that. I also liked that the author made him out to be normal with an extra talent.

The violence element was a little much, though.But, and stress but, all the killing and violence are essential to the storyline. And don’t get me wrong, I am not a prude or anything, it is just it got numbing after a while.

The ending of this series was what I expected and I wasn’t surprised!!!

Disclaimer: I received Mind Dimensions Omnibus: Volumes 0-4 for free through Tomoson for my honest review. All opinions in my review are mine and mine alone.