
Rachel's Secret by Janet Gurtler

chrissymcbooknerd's review

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After finishing the first installment of life in the Mermaid Kingdom, it might be helpful to rehash the basic tenants of life as a mermaid, before getting into the plot of Rachel's Secret.

First, a mermaid may not go on land until her 13th birthday, when she will receive her legs in a coming-of-age ceremony involving all of her friends and family. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a total memory wipe, along with a ban to forever live on land as a human.

Additionally, a human and mermaid may only fall in love and have children if granted permission by the King and Queen, and any resulting offspring will be half-mermaids who are free to roam either land or water, but must never tell humans about mermaids. Failure to comply with this rule leads to a similar punishment as in the first rule.

So, that said, book 2 really focuses on Rachel, who was briefly introduced in the first book as a mysterious young mermaid who is new to town and who is hiding a few pretty huge secrets. For starters, her best friend is a boy, and a HUMAN boy at that! Although Rachel is soon turning 13, she knows that there won't be a special ceremony for her legs -- and she knows that she can share nothing about any of it with her very best friend on land.

Will Rachel's secrets be enough to ruin the new friendships she has formed in her new water town?

Overall, I thought that this story was every bit as cute as the first one, and it was fun to see things from the perspective of Rachel in this book. My only real gripe was that things seemed to end pretty abruptly, but I'm sure this would serve to keep very young readers eager for the next installment (which would probably make a pretty cute little bedtime story).

I did receive a copy of Rachel's Secret for the purposes of providing an unbiased review.