
Total Surrender by Rebecca Zanetti

kaitlin_durante's review against another edition

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This was my favorite of the Dean brother's stories.
Jory held the most intrigue as to what happened to him and if he could be saved.
Piper being a badass sweetheart hacker made things all the better especially with how she fit in with the story.
Because I read Deadly Silence first I knew the outcome which didn't ruin the suspense for me but I recommend reading the Sin Brothers before the Blood Brothers series.

nellesnightstand's review against another edition

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Finished this series with a SERIOUS case of BOOKHANGOVERITIS!! Nonstop reading fun!!! YUM!

ladybalbuena's review against another edition

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naomilane's review against another edition

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Woohoo! Just got my ARC of this baby! I'm so excited for Jory's story! Finally! =D

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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Fast paced, nail biting, sexy, 4 and 5/16 Cocktails of page turning adventure.

I will explain the 4 and 5/16 stars further on.

So far I have read two finales out of the three series that Rebecca Zanetti has written. She does not disappoint. Her writing mixes in action and hot sexy scenes to keep our personal fans turned on high.

In Total Surrender we finally get to see where Jory has been and what has been happening to him all this time. His three brothers, Shane (Forgotten Sins) Matt (Sweet Revenge) and Nate (Blind Faith) never gave up hope that he somehow survived after watching a video of him being shot.

Jory being held captive by the evil Commander is fighting against time to save himself and his brothers from a dangerous chip that has been surgically placed in their spines to activate and kill them all.

While in his cell he meets Piper the beautiful computer hacker hired to do the work of the Commander who wants all the brothers captured and killed.

Piper I loved. She was no nonsense type of gal but being put in a place of who to believe and not believe made her more vulnerable. Trying to get the info she needs to impress the Commander and trying to avoid the feelings for Jory the prisoner whom she believes is a traitor to our country is bringing out in her. Jory telling her that the Commander cannot be trusted and the Commander telling her that Jory is trained to use his “skills” on the opposite sex to get what he wants. Oh what is a girl to do? Go with the hot guy of course.

Jory is probably my favorite of the brothers. The way Rebecca wrote him as a hot bad ass hero who does what he needs to do to save his girl but lets her , well almost lets her make her own choices especially when it comes to her family was very admirable.

So now for the 4 and 5/16 out of five stars rating.

In all the books of the Sins Brothers series there was always one hope that all the brothers had in all their own books. Jory. The search for Jory, the hope that Jory was alive and they could save him. So when Jory escaped and finally made contact with his brothers it was bittersweet. The reunion was very emotional. But I guess I wanted to see what their reaction was when they all the brothers got “the call” from Jory. I wished there was a chapter where we could have read about their feelings seeing that message from their long lost brother. After all this time and searching… Jory is ALIVE!... But that wasn’t in the book. Other than that I loved how the series ended and it looks like there can be more if Rebecca wanted to continue it. Maybe they can meet up with the Dark Protectors and save the world or something…. It could happen. ☺

Reviewed by BookBud for Cocktails and Books

poorashleu's review against another edition

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This took me two months to read, not because it's bad, but because I had all my other audiobook holds come in at once. I love this stupid series.

mooncricketjp's review against another edition

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New favorite.

This series just got better and better as I got through the stories of the Dean brothers. Piper and Jory were my favorite for sure!

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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*I received a free ARC of Total Surrender from Forever / Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Oh my goodness, this final installment in the Sin Brothers series was definitely action packed! And fast paced. And it also had a little romance and a lot of different story-lines running alongside the main plot.

Full review to come soon.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Total Surrender
4 Stars

Kept captive by the commander and plotting his escape, genetically engineered super soldier, Jory Dean, sees an opportunity in the young computer programmer assigned to deactivate the malfunctioning chip in his spine. Piper Oliver is well aware that the man in the cell is a traitor, but the more time she spends with him, the more she realizes that something is not quite right and becomes determined to uncover the truth . . .

A well-executed end to the story arc begun in book #1 with some good twists and turns. Nevertheless, Jory and Piper’s romance is the weakest of the four.

Despite her intelligence or perhaps because of it, Piper comes across as incredibly naive and gullible. She accepts “facts” at face value without questioning actions and motivations. Jory is as hot and sexy as his brothers with an added sweetness to his nature that makes him particularly appealing.

Unfortunately, the attraction between them feels contrived and the sexual tension that would be expected given their circumstances is sorely missing. That said, Zanetti certainly knows how to steam up the pages, and the glimpses into the HEAs of the other Dean brothers adds a lovely extra touch to the story and provides a real sense of closure.

Although the plot is action packed and exciting, there are several elements that detract such as the inclusion of Brian’s character, which serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, and the secondary romance between Piper’s mother and her neighbor.

All in all, the Sin Brothers is an entertaining series with a compelling premise and Zanetti has left sufficient room for a spin-off with the introduction of
Spoilerthree additional “Dean” brothers
and the open questions concerning the PROTECT organization and
SpoilerDr. Madison
. It will be interesting to see where she takes it.

msmattoon's review against another edition

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It wasn't for me, but I'm not into body-mod super soldier lovers, so.