
Prophecy Girl by Cecily White

jlove731's review against another edition

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I just loved everything about Prophecy Girl. The story is really unique and I love how every turn there is something thrilling happening. Definitely never a dull moment with our lead character, Ami. Prophecy Girl is a book I instantly fell in love with. From the fast-paced, gripping story to the sweet and spicy main character, plus a beyond sexy love interest... there's nothing not to love.

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chllybrd's review against another edition

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The world for the Angel Academy Series was fun. There are both werewolf and vampires but there are also Guardians who use magic. These magic users are either channelers or watchers and when they graduate they are paired together and are expected to get married and have children together. This doesn't always happen but those that do not are frowned upon.

Amelie's personality reminded me a lot of Rose Hathaway from the Vampire Academy series. She was spunky, outspoken and found herself at the front of trouble throughout the entire book. She was not a rule follower. Jackson tries REALLY hard to hide his feelings for Amelie and push her away. He ends up playing a few roles in the story but they all revolve around Amelie in some way. The action seems non stop and the mystery is well written.

I found PROPHECY GIRL to be a fast paced fun read. The characters were interesting and the story was smoothly written. The reason I am giving it the rating I am is because there are so many books that have the same sort of storyline. I have a few questions from some book ending events that I don't fully understand the results of. I will most likely pick up book 2.

zilsheth's review against another edition

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The plot, writing, almost everything is great except the hero is suicidal who keeps the heroine away and heroine is pushy, keeps coming back for more rejection.

lucy_rain_and_cupcakes's review

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So, I was told you either going to love this or you are going to hate this. I've done my homework as usual, and read reviews about this book, and couldn't help but to be curious. There were few novels mentioned by the reviews that Prophecy Girl shares similar themes. But what sort of books out on the market right now doesn't, right? As it turn out I did like the book, oops.

I like boarding school novels, and when I saw "Angel Academy" I thought this was going to be one as well. Wrong! This was not a boarding school novel. Neither it truly focus on the school part either. So, if you were looking for boarding school type of novels, you probably will be disappointed as I was.

So there is a prophecy about Amelie, although we don't know about it until later in the book.
SpoilerBasically, the prophecy said Amelia is going to end the Gabriel bloodline.
Interesting huh, wait till you learn more about the prophecy, the conspiracy and the twist in the book.

Angel Academy is where the human of angelblood learn and train to become demon hunter Guardians, and in their senior year the students will find a suitable watcher to bond with and become life partner. Now what's interesting is that each angelblood came from different angel bloodlines, and certain bloodline does well with each other (the book did explain a little about this). So a female angelblood (Guardian) and a male angelblood (Watcher) will bond, and together they will hunt demons down and etc (hopefully the next book will explain more about this bond and relationship).

I thought it was weird that Amelie's best-friend Lissa kept pushing and trying to talk Amelie into asking a guy, any guy as a date to the dance. From the start I find myself disliking Lissa's character, she was not a good friend to Amelie, she was actually quite rude and often voice her opinions that I don't care for. Like when Jackson joined the school, I thought Lissa badmouthing Jackson, and oddly has strong hateful attitude toward Jackson were all very inappropriate. Lissa is shallow and annoying, that I couldn't help but wonder if she was always like this, or is this a new behavior of hers
Spoilerbecause of her true identity.
If Lissa was always behaving like she is in Prophecy Girl, then I couldn't but wonder what sort of character Amelie would be like if she allow a suppose best friend bully her as such.

I want to say Jackson is quite a contradicted character. Before we learn the truth behind his behaviors He was hot and cold to the extreme degree. I thought it was obvious that something paranormal was going on between Amelie and Jackson, not just the attractions but how their power interacted and enhanced with each other. But for the most part of the book, Jackson was quite mean to Amelie, and Amelie, well she was like a lost puppy carving Jackson's attention.

Amelia, given her family background, she seem to have loads to prove herself. She has quite a school record of pranks and troubles, to sum up Amelia is rebellion and has problem with authority.
Spoiler So it turn out Amelia isn't Angelblood, she actually has Luciferblood (so I am guessing her mother also has Luciferblood? The book didn't explain).
Because of her bloodline Amelia is also something else utterly unique that can bring people's soul back and revive them from death.

I did like the story, it was interesting and fast pace (perhaps sometime a bit too fast, loads of things happened within matter of a day). Although there were time I was confused by what's happening, like when Amelie woke up after her field test. This part was bit fuzzy, since Amelie passed out after the jump. She woke up and find out she was frame for killing the headmaster and the angelbloods. Then all the sudden they were on the run, and with Jackson's help and Amelie's close friends' help, Amelia and Jackson were able to escape the school. The transaction isn't quite smooth, the story can get a bit messy from time to time.

I thought it was weird that while demons are killing angelbloods left and right, but the elders are so hang up on Amelie and the prophecy, that they couldn't give a rat's ass about what else is going on. How weird was that?

SpoilerAnyone else think it's weird that Lissa being Amelie's evil twin, however not even Lissa's own father realized that Lissa was his suppose dead daughter?! Really?!

As it turn out, as evil as
SpoilerLissa was
Spoiler, she was just a pawn to a supernatural racial war, what a let down. But I am sure we haven't seen the last of Lissa yet.

SpoilerI am not sure about the whole Amelie being part Angelblood, part Luciferblood, and part Vampire. How does this work? What does it mean? I see that Amelia will have to play by Vampire's rule. And if you've read plenty of vampire novels as I did, you know vampire are all about rules, hierarchy and politic. Also, what about Jackson? I wish Amelia and Jackson are fully bonded so I don't have to be stress over their relationship. But of course that would be too easy. And given how obsessed vampire with their bloodline and such, I can see Luc would be quite a problem for Jackson and Amelie.
I suppose we will just have to see how this will play out in the next book. Since I am a fan of vampire novels, I can't wait to see how up and personal we will be getting with the vampires in the next book.

I can see why readers can easily go either way with this book, but for me, I quite enjoyed it.

Happy reading!

seeingnight's review against another edition

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GENRE: YA Paranormal
THEME: Magic, Angels, Demons, Romance

This book has officially made my top five favorite book list of 2013. I haven’t been this excited to write a review in so long, but I never wanted this story to end and I already miss these characters.

Prophecy Girl follows Amelie, a young demon slayer who seems to always be getting herself into trouble. In the start of a new school year the school has become a dangerous place after the disappearance of instructors. Strangely enough a mysterious new trainer has come to take over for the missing teachers and Amelie immediately feels a strange connection to him. Unfortunately for Amelie and him they have a prophecy that they can’t escape and now must fight to find the truth about Amelie’s destiny and stay alive.

Amelie is the type of girl I could easily be friends with, her character was so easy to connect to. Her sarcastic personality, getting herself in constant trouble and seriously devoted to protecting her loved ones makes her one heck of a great character. She’s extremely strong and doesn’t know much about controlling her abilities as a guardian, she pretty much calls chaos to herself without knowing. Amelie is like a puzzle for the readers, there is a lot about her that is kept secret from her by the people she’s closest too. I was able to put some pieces together quite fast, but I had know idea what the ultimate fate of the characters were going to be. In the end I was super shocked and actually quite excited about what came to be.

Jackson is my new book crush; this guy frustrated me to no end at the beginning. I just couldn’t understand why he was trying to be so mean to Amelie when clearly he could just tell her what was really going on. Overall I think it would have been better to tell the poor girl everything from the beginning, but what would be the fun in that, eh? He’s the ultimate bad boy who can’t seem to resist her and keeps protecting her, even though he makes her angry every time. I loved their chemistry, with a little love hate and fantastic scenes of bickering and sarcasm.

Overall I adored Prophecy Girl, the story was a mix of demons, angels, magic and insane twist that I was wishing it never ended. The secondary characters are extremely important to both Jack and Amelie, as much of their decisions involve them. I don’t’ want to give away much more than that. There are a lot of battle scenes and interesting historical tidbits dealing with the angels Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer that tie in to all the mystery behind Amelie’s character. Then there are the villains, I felt were not scary evil but more they were either crazy or some just didn’t understand what was really going on. There such an interesting backstory with the villains that were cleverly twisted into the whole mystery.

This is a fast paced book that had me finishing it in one sitting. The ending is a slight cliffhanger but not one that has the reader pulling their hair out, thank goodness because I don’t like those. There is so much to look forward too and I can’t wait to see what challenges are to come for Amelie.

This is a Young Adult novel that you should add to you must read this asap! Fans of the Mythos Academy series by Jennifer Estep and the Covenant series by Jennifer Armentrout will absolutely love Prophecy Girl by Cecily White

bookifiction's review against another edition

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giving it a very generous 3 stars. this book was very disappointing

ayanamifaerudo's review against another edition

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What can I say about Prophecy Girl?

It reminds me of Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout and Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.

We have a girl, a student-trainee of a prestigious paranormal academy, who is the center of an ancient prophecy/destiny because of her impeccable pedigree. Then we have a boy, either a student or a teacher (a few years older than the girl), who is the main love interest of the girl. A forbidden romance ensue because they're not supposed to be together because their society's powers-that-be think so. But fate and love have other ideas because no matter what they are fated...

Oh, by the way, the girl needs to save the world.

The End.

It really does sound familiar but I tell you what: I thought about Prophecy Girl's similarity to the mentioned books AFTER I read it; which goes to say that Prophecy Girl delivers a story, though not quite unique, that would capture you and ensnare you in its pages.


I'm getting sick and tired with all these instalove madness.

leahmichelle_13's review

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Prophecy Girl is the book you get if you mix The Vampire Diaries, a teensy bit of Pretty Little Liars, Harry Potter, and a whole lot of the Blue Bloods series, with Supernatural thrown in for good measure. And it's AWESOME. I like books I can just lose myself in, that are just so thoroughly enjoyable you can't stop reading. I also love books that take you to an entirely different world, and that's the case here because we have no demons, and Prophecy Girl has a ton of demons. And some pretty wicked prophecies, and a heck of an ending that has me desperate to start reading Conspiracy Boy.

I loved Amelie. I absolutely adore snarky heroines, with quick, witty one-liners, and a nose for trouble, even if she doesn't always mean it and Amelie very much knows how to get into trouble. Chuck in a hot, hot, hot supply teacher (which sounds so wrong, but let me be clear here there are only three years between Amelie and Jack and he's HOT), the loooovely Jack, and you have a heck of a sparring match between two people who you're never quite sure are about to kiss, or kill each other. Or team up and defeat this Greymason, because Amelie is NOT a Greymason. And so starts a very entertaining novel, that I pretty much devoured. I wasn't sure at first if it was my kinda thing, but it really pulls you in until you literally can't stop reading.

I really, really enjoyed Prophecy Girl, I liked the new take on vamps and werewolves, how they weren't enemies, or particularly vicious and there was this peace treaty in force, to protect everyone involved. I loved the idea of being a Guardian, and having to be bonded with a Watcher, it was quite a nice mythology. I am stoked to get straight into Conspiracy Boy, and see how everything that occurred in the finale of this book pans out in the second one, and to have more of the fabulous Amelie in my life. She truly was amazing. This was such a good book, if paranormal is your thing, this is the read for you.