
The Darkest Hour, by Erin Hunter

ikuo1000's review against another edition

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*** Warning: This review contains spoilers!! ***

This book was awesome!

From start to finish, this book was action-packed, suspenseful, and emotional. I LOVED the scene when Fireheart received his nine lives! There is a bit of a spiritual angle in this book, with belief in StarClan being kind of like a religious faith. It's not exactly like religion, though, because the fact that clan leaders do actually get nine lives makes the existence of StarClan kind of incontestable.

I almost gave this book 4 1/2 stars because I was so disappointed in the way Tigerstar died. It was a shame, and not at all fitting, for such a fierce warrior to die in such an ignoble way. And I just couldn't fathom how any one injury could cause him to lose all nine lives at once! But, after seeing what happened to Firestar after he lost his first life, I could imagine a scenario in which Tigerstar faced StarClan but refused to repent, and his insistence on fighting caused him to return to life before he had fully healed, meaning that he started each new life with a mortal injury. I guess it still bothered me a little that I had to come up with that explanation myself, but also, by the end of the book, it became clear that it was important to the story that Scourge not know about the nine lives of leaders until he faced Firestar.

Like Forest of Secrets, this book really struck me as being more appropriate for an older age group - like middle school. There's quite a bit of gore, and a lot of explicit descriptions of killing. Again, I find myself intrigued at the idea that somehow, certain things like violence are less objectionable just because the main characters are cats.

In the end, I couldn't let a couple misgivings stop me from giving this book 5 stars. I just couldn't put it down, I wanted to see what would happen next!

Now that I've finished this series, I'm hooked. And given my wariness when I started the first book, I'm pretty darn shocked at how much it won me over. When I lamented to my daughter that I was so sad to not have any more books to read about cats, she said, "Well, there are the super editions." What! A quick search brought me to, which lists a whole bunch of Warriors books! A lot of them are about the next generation of cats, and I don't know if I'll read them all, but the super editions are all about the cats in the original series, so I'll definitely read those!

aotora's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this finale to this arc, I really did - but I just.. couldn't.

I feel like Scourge was introduced way too late. He is introduced and killed in the same book - sure there were some hints here and there that Tigerstar was meeting with strange cats but he just came out of left field and I felt like he was defeated way too easily considering how deadly he is.

Speaking of Tigerstar, whilst his death was great and gruesome and deserved- and really dark for this series, I feel like we were cheated. I really wish that Firestar was the one to kill him instead after all Tigerstar put him though. And the entire final battle felt rushed at that.

Also Whitestorm's death was great and sad and all but I feel like it was kind of meh at the same time too, mainly because he kept dropping hints that he knew that he wouldn't make it out of the battle alive.

Overall I feel that this book was lacking something that the other books in this arc had, I am just not sure what it was that was missing.

celiastjmes's review against another edition

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that 5 clans twist is fucking insane i wish i read this book as a kid

tillytom's review against another edition

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This book was the greatest ending to the first series of Warriors. When it was over, I was so sad that I was done reading about Firestar's adventures in the forest. The book always had something interesting going on, I couldn't put it down. It made me happy, it made me cry. I shouted and sobbed over the last heart whelming story of Firestar and his battle to be the best cat he can be in the forest of warriors.

donationwayne's review against another edition

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Warriors Re-Read book 6:

I faintly remembered this book being a favorite when I first read the series when I was a kid. It was very action packed, I was surprised how quickly I read it. I didn't even realize how far I was until it was almost over! Definitely a fun and interesting one!

wanderinglizzy's review against another edition

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My favorite Warriors book! :]

erickabdz's review against another edition

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No hay un guerrero más noble que tú en todo el bosque.

okay OKAY. Okay.

En el último libro de "Los cuatro clanes" tenemos el anticipado final de los planes de Estrella de Tigre contra Estrella de Fuego y todo el Clan del Trueno. Me siento bien utilizando palabras tan formales, incluso cuando en un principio pensé "omg gatitos" y en lo gracioso que sería leer una saga de este tipo. Más equivocada no podría estar. En este provocativo final, creo que las autoras cierran con broche de oro este complejo, interesante y adictivo mundo gatuno.

Tengo que admitir que su antecesor, [b:Huellas peligrosas|18144191|Huellas peligrosas (Los gatos guerreros Los cuatro clanes, #5)|Erin Hunter||995220], me dejó preguntándome si esta saga realmente me gustaría. Pero acabo de ver el impacto que tiene tener a más de un autor trabajando en los libros: [b:La hora más oscura|18949793|La hora más oscura (Los gatos guerreros Los cuatro clanes, #6)|Erin Hunter||1245365] no me defraudó en ningún momento, aunque se sintió como hicieron trampa para resolver algunas cosas
Spoilerdejen que Estrella de Fuego le pegue a Estrella de Tigre jaddsuifdhak
, pero igual me dejó tan contenta como los primeros libros. Me refiero a "contenta" como lectora, no como persona, como persona soy una gallina llorona ahora mismo.
SpoilerTORMENTA BLANCA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( NKJNHSFDNKDMS Era mi favorito y merecía MÁS pero omg se fue y se fue tan bien noo :(

En general, me quedo con un buen sabor de boca con esta saga, e incluso consideraré leerme los otros 1000000 libros de este mundo. La recomiendo para cualquiera que tenga tiempo libre y quiera entretenerse.

the_bee_writes's review against another edition

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what a brilliant story. entertaining, exciting and a lot to learn from those forest cats :-)

chlozjayne's review against another edition

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not proud of the ending was probs the worst out of the series

rc05's review against another edition

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