
Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin

lzw's review

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Virtue of Death (Earthbound Angels Volume 1) by Randi Perrin is a paranormal novel that I gave 4 out of 5 stars. At the age of 18, Sera chose to follow her heart, and attend culinary school. Fate, however, had a different profession in mind. She was chosen to be an earthbound angel of death who collects souls, a reaper. Her best friend, Cheryl, is an angel of mercy. This is a story of Sera’s journey, balancing life and death.
Sera is a compassionate woman who helps people transition from life to death. She must keep her true calling a secret from mortals, and follow all angelic rules set forth such as no lying/swearing/drinking. She enjoys her purpose in life, and gets to share the journey with her best friend Cheryl. She also owns her own bakery which leaves no time for romance. Then she meets Destin, a food critic, who is more than harsh when writing about her culinary skills. She intends to let him have it! However, she rather enjoys being around him, and they begin to pursue a relationship. Sera finds it hard to trust anyone though, and Destin has to work to gain her trust. The last guy she dated thought she was crazy when she finally confided in him, would Destin react the same way?

This story involves paranormal aspects, but it does not rely on fantasy to build the story. This is a story of trust, duty, romance, loyalty, and sacrifice. Sera and Cheryl’s friendship is an amazing and integral part of this novel. These two are loyal and supportive. There are some great comedic moments between them as well. The characters are all well developed, and the story never lags. I do wish there was more of an emphasis on the paranormal aspect, but it was an amazing tale none the less. Can’t wait to read more from this author!

bookingbonkers's review

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Virtue Of Death by Randi Perrin is the first in a series of Earthbound Angels series.

Sera is an earthbound Angel of death and her friend, Cheryl, is an earthbound Angel of virtue. Sera takes those who are leaving this earth onto the next place and Cheryl can perform miracles. They are governed by Heavenly bound angels Michael and Gabriel.

Sera and Cheryl run a bakery by day and perform their Angel duties by night when they are called upon. After receiving what Sera perceived as a bad review for her bakery and meeting the reviewer, things change for all involved forever.

I found this book to be very gripping and wonderful to read. It is like watching a romantic comedy type film with some paranormal thrown in. Sera is a wonderfully angelic character and doesn't need her wings to be an absolute angel. Her friendship with Cheryl is heartwarming and brilliant. Destin, the reviewer is a great leading man. I loved the relationship he had with Cheryl as the boyfriend/friend not liking each other much and getting each other completely wrong!

This book is so well written and is so sweet and heartwarming. I loved this take on Angels and am glad to discover there is more in this series to read. The authors descriptive and narrative elements to this story are beautifully written and draw you completely into the story.

I would recommend this book to any romance, paranormal and Angel fans. It was a brilliant read.

foxy_roxy's review

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Have I ever told you how much I love reading Paranormal? No? Well, let me tell you that it's one of my most favorite genres. When the opportunity came to read Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin, I was more than ecstatic to pick it up and read it.

We meet Sera, who was chosen to become an Angel of Death when she turned 18. We also get an opportunity to see what she does as an Angel of Death, and how merciful and beautiful she is. She's also a Pastry Chef, who owns and operates her own bakery.

We also meet Destin at a wedding, while he's trying to pick up any girl to take home with him. It's there that he sees Sera for the first time, and tries hit on her. The fun part is that he's a food critic, who happens to give Sera a bad review, without knowing who she is.

What comes next is an adventure full of steamy tension, laughter and so much humor.

I love reading a book that will make me laugh so much, that my family thinks that I'm crazy! And this is exactly I got with it. I was able to loose myself within the book, storyline and characters. I have to say that the author did an amazing job in her character development. I've never red any books by this author before, but am definitely excited to read more. What makes me even more giddy, is knowing that Cheryl (Sera's best friend) gets her own book. And I can't wait to get my hands on it!

This book was definitely 5 Heavenly Stars!!

apagetoturn's review

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My rating: 4

I truly enjoyed the story in this book! Sera is the owner of a small pastry shop, but she also happens to be an angel of death - when her path crosses with a food critic named Destin, things ignite and just about implode. Destin leaves a bad review of Sera's cookies and then finds himself face to dace with her wrath... only to find that there is some initial attraction that eventually blooms into more. An interesting take on paranormal romance, and an exciting cast of characters. Cheryl, Sera's best friend, was probably my favorite character over all. She was the life of the party, so to speak.

I was sucked into this story from the very beginning. Very passionate with a great mix of mystery as well as intrigue!

becsa's review

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Sera Moore is the owner of the bakery Heaven on Atlantic and also an Angel of death. She bakes during the day and at night she helps people bridge the gap between life and death. With her 'job' she is unable to have a normal relationship as she constantly has to leave in the middle of the evening to perform her duties.

Destin Waters is a food critic and spots Sera at the wedding of his best friend Kristian when she is there catering the event. Little does he know that she owns the bakery Heaven on Atlantic which he does his latest review on. When he asks for a chance to explain the review the two realize how attracted they are to each other but after a kiss Sera leaves.

What will happen when Destin learns the truth about Sera? Will he leave her like everyone else has and will the consequences be higher than anyone could have imagined?

This book wasn't what I was expecting but I did enjoy the read.

Sera and her best friend Cheryl were interesting as they tried to bridge the gap between their two lives and what they were responsible for. I have no idea when the two ladies slept as many nights they seemed to be out and then had to work in the morning.

Sera and Destin had chemistry for sure and I loved the things that unknowingly tied them together. Yet Sera held the truth back from Destin for as long as she could and when she did tell him everything exploded in front of her. There were definitely some huge consequences for everyone's actions.

I think the one thing I didn't care for was Gabriel and how his actions ended up changing everything. On one hand I am happy as now Sera and Cheryl are free to live their lives yet at the same time it really makes Gabriel and everything he stands for so evil. I wish that part had been changed in the book.

nikkismiles43's review

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Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin

This was such a great book! I give it 4.5 stars! I loved it… I laughed, I cried and well, got angry too ! Very well written and very deep and intriguing characters.
Sera and Cheryl have been childhood friends, since as long as they both can remember.They share the same secret and they have vowed to tell no one. They are Angels. One is an Angel of death and the other is the Angel of miracles. They get each other and understand life’s challenges being an angel.
Destin is a food critic. He writes reviews for bakeries and restaurants. He loves his job!! He meets Sera in a very unconventional way. He was very enamored by her. But for her, it was hate at first sight.
He finally gets her to agree to a date. Will their relationship bloom into a real life love like they both want? Will she share her secret with him?Can she trust him?

nic_w's review

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Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin is a Paranormal Romance and the debut story by this author.

As a fan of PNR, I found this book to be a great mix of witty banter, highs and lows with great characters. I found the world that Randi has created here to be an easy one to fall into. The relationship between Sera and Destin was quite refreshing and intriguing, whilst the dynamic between Sera and Cheryl was a great balance.

I'm officially hooked and I can't wait to read more about these angels.

I voluntarily reviewed this advanced reader copy and I have not been compensated in any way.

kelli513's review

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Five Stars

Virtue in Death An Earthbound Angel novel by author Randi Perrin follows two Earthbound Angels in their nightly duties of saving lives or helping them choose to go to judgement or not.  

Sera and her best friend Cheryl became Earthbound angels at the age of 18.  Sera’s job as an angel is to help the deceased decide if they choose to go to the judgement of if they choose to follow a less desirable path.  Sera cannot force anyone to take her hand, it has to be their choice.  As well as being an Angel Sera is also a classically trained pastry chef and owns a bakery called Heaven on Atlantic.  She loves what she does and finds peace and serenity in baking.  Her cafe is well known and loved by many.

Cheryl is an angel that tries to save people whose time has not come yet.  If there is an accident she is there to pull them to safety and make sure they are ok.  Cheryl and Sera have been the best of friends for a long time.  Cheryl works at the  Cafe that  Sera owns to help her out and to stay close to her even though her passion is art.

Destin is a columnist for the local paper and writes food reviews about the local eateries.  Destin has written a review about the  cafe Heaven on Atlantic and called it banal and said it lacked originality and personality, giving it a B rating.  Sera was trying to burn off anger and ended up driving to the newspaper office to confront Destin and give him a piece of her mind.

This book is full of twists and turns and the fall from grace.  Randi Perrin does a great job of combining Angels and humans and the way they interact and learn about each other is great.  I enjoyed this book from start to finish.  I cried right along with the characters in certain parts of the book, no spoilers from me.  I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.  Five stars for sure.

Kelli Harper

arthistorygirl's review

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Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin is the first in the Earthbound Angels series. The story is about Sera an Angel of Death. At the age of eighteen Sera has plans to go to culinary school but there are also other plans beyond her control for her. She has been chosen as an Earthbound angel of death. Her duty is to guide souls to the afterlife. At the age of 30 she is challenged because she has a hard time letting someone become her someone special. During the day, she is a successful baker and at night she fulfills her higher calling. Her challenge is she might be falling for someone but can she trust him in her life. Sera has a great friend Cheryl who is a great balance to Sera. Also, there is Destin, he is not a part of Sera’s secret life but works his way into her life in other more romantic ways. Can Sera trust Destin not to break her heart and also with her secret?
This story is a fantastic paranormal, romance that makes you want to believe in angels. Sera is strong and fantastic in many ways. Also, her baking made me crave sweets, lol. If you enjoy a story with some fantasy and reality mixed in this is a great story for you. There are challenges to overcome and love on the horizon. I really enjoyed the mix of characters. The writing and story are well done. I like something that has an original slant and good writing.

katie_83's review

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4 star review
Virtue of Death is a paranormal romance standalone novel by Randi Perrin. I will admit I’m not usually a fan of this type of book but the synopsis drew me in so I thought I would give it a go and I have to say I really enjoyed it! I thought that the story line was captivating, the characters were likeable and it was beautifully written. The author’s descriptive writing was really good and I could imagine some of the things that were being talked about.
The story is about Sera who is an earthbound angel. During the day in her human form Sera owns a bakery but by night she is an angel of death. She runs her bakery with her best friend Cheryl who is also an earthbound angel. The only thing missing in Sera’s life is a man and as her relationships are unable to survive once she reveals her night time activities it’s easier for her not to bother with one. But when Destin, a food critic, won’t take a hint will Sera lower her wings long enough to risk heart and will the relationship survive once he knows what she does at night?
I really liked the characters in this story. Sera was a really kind and genuine person in both her human and angel form. She felt compassion for the people that she had to take from this life onto the next. Cheryl was a good supporting character in this story and I do wonder if we may read more about her in the future! Whereas Sera is an angel of death, Cheryl is an angel who performed miracle and they had a very strong friendship. Destin was a really great character and although I wasn’t too sure about him at the beginning of the story I warmed to him the more I read on. I loved the relationship between Sera and Destin, in the beginning it was kind of a love/hate relationship – his review of her bakery was hardly up there with the best but he didn’t give up! It was fairly obvious that Sera liked him as much as he did her but she was wary of him knowing about the angel side of her life especially after what happened with her previous relationship. I was definitely rooting for these two throughout the book, I thought that they really fit well together and there were so many signs that they were perfect for each other.
I definitely thought that I had this story worked out but the author had some great plot twists in the second half of the book that made it even better than I imagined! I was certainly hooked all the way through and I have to say I really am looking forward to reading more by this author and my eyes have definitely been opened to a new genre of books that I would like to read more in. I would recommend this book if like me you are a little unsure of this genre and whether paranormal romance is something you would enjoy.