
For Real by Alison Cherry

lfthoman's review against another edition

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Man, this book was fun.

Everything about the premise of this book appealed to me. Sisters. Revenge. Reality TV. International travel. Romantic shenanigans. It sounded like exactly the sort of breezy, light read that would leave me with happy butterflies in my tummy and a goofy smile on my face. The kind of book that’s cozy like a pair of fuzzy slippers and a glass of lemonade. And it delivered in every way.

Miranda and Claire are not a saccharine-sweet pair of sisters — think less Meg and Beth, more Jo and Amy. They’re different in their interests, looks, personalities, insecurities. They’re the way I think lots of siblings are — two people who may not have ever chosen to spend much time interacting with each other if they hadn’t been raised under the same roof. It’s not that they’re incompatible; more that they’re not inherently complementary. But incongruities aside, they share a special bond, and I felt FOR REAL did a fantastic job exploring that dichotomy — sisters who love each other and are fiercely loyal to each other, despite how little they have in common.

I loved – loved – how their relationship was the driving force of the story. Miranda’s revenge on her sleazy ex-boyfriend, Claire’s awkward attempts to woo her charming crush, and the array of bizarre challenges they were forced to complete as contestants on Around the World were highly entertaining, but all the big emotional punches hinged on what was happening between the two sisters, as did most of the big shifts in motivation and stakes. It’s no big surprise that my favorite scene in the book — and one that may have provoked a few tears — was a quiet moment between the two sisters in the midst of all the crazy set pieces swirling around them. I loved the balance between the absurdity of what the characters were forced to do and the groundedness of the relationships. A book about competing on a ridiculous reality show needs to really drive home the authenticity in its characters and emotion, and I thought FOR REAL did a masterful job of that.

That said, the Around the World premise (and its unexpected and wholly inconvenient twist) was such wacky fun. Everything from the premise of the show, to the insane challenges, to the over-the-top contestants, to the polished host, to the zany twists was simultaneously outlandish and totally plausible in the current landscape of reality television. Following the characters through each challenge was as compulsively readable as actual reality TV is watchable. Plus I loved the snippets of different countries and cultures as the characters raced from one exotic location to another, even as the characters were frustrated that they didn’t really get to experience the different cultures because they were too busy smashing pomegranates and coating each other in pudding (yes, really).

As for the romance, all I’ll say is that FOR REAL is chock-full of the kind of witty banter and squishy moments and stolen glances that make for the best kind of romantic comedy — but that it never forgets its reality show premise, or that the primary focus of the book is the two sisters. So don’t expect conventional romance tropes to come into play here — in FOR REAL, the boys are the side show, never the main attraction.

All in all, if you’re a fan of great sister stories, or reality TV, or travel — or you’re just looking for a fun, quick, un-put-down-able read that makes you chuckle and groan and roll your eyes, all while tugging at your heartstrings and making you grin like a fool — then FOR REAL is the book for you.

sweetdreams_sunshine's review against another edition

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This was really cute. It was not lacking its issues but overall I enjoyed it a lot.

toodoorcc's review

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It was really good. I particularly didn't like Miranda at all. I thought she was a complete bitch and definitely did not feel any "sister-bonding" throughout the novel. She was constantly belittling Claire, throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way, and overreacted on everything. Claire was pretty cool and so was Will. I like how Claire didn't really end up with Will although I did like him so it was a little bit disappointing.

mehsi's review against another edition

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4 stars, if only that bitch sister Miranda wouldn't have been in it. It would have gotten a 5 stars then, but now, sorry I was just frustrated a lot of times because of miss Uberbitch Miranda, who acted like she was soooooo effing prissy and wonderful and special and oh her sister sucked so much, bohohohoho *rolls eyes*. Oh and the fact that after everything that happened, they magically bond together and booohoohoo everything is magically fine. Fuck that.

I was truly looking forward to this book. Roadtrips? Revenge? Bonding? Reality Shows? Yes, yes and more yes please! Sadly it didn't turn out to be that good. :(

The roadtrip never really happened. Not in the way I was expecting (especially considering the cover had a car on it) and the bonding? What bonding? The only thing I saw was bitching and a big sister who still thinks she is better than her sister and that her sister is a baby. More on that later in the review.

The reality show aspect was done quite well and I loved it! I also loved the little twist and the reactions of everyone participating. Dating + racing over the world + reality shows = wonderfulness. I really enjoyed that aspect and how the characters changed or showed their true colours. The whole racing over the world was awesome. I loved the things they had to do, loved seeing the world through our main characters eyes. Loved seeing her run, try to the puzzles and all the challenges they had to do. I just wished the challenges were a bit more romancy/steamy. Now they were pretty much boring. Only a few challenges were a bit steamy and the rest was just normal stuff. When I heard steamy, I thought things like having to feed your partner by mouth or massage your partner or other things, but instead we have them searching for foods, we have them finding things on/in things.

I loved our main character and her (useless) trivia of all things related to Reality Shows. I also liked how hard she tried to be better, tried hard to kick-ass, tried hard to not crack when her sister was evil again. How she broke down, but got back together. I am sure she has her faults, but she does her best to show the world she can handle them now, that she is a big girl who has guts and a good head on her shoulders.

Oh and I hated Will. I already suspected it was what was revealed at the ending, but I still felt sad that it was really true. :( Bad Will!

The revenge part was sadly a bit of a disappointment. Maybe because the 2 sisters can't be together and have to fight to win with other partners. Maybe also because I just didn't care about the big sister who lost her boyfriend any more. Maybe also because the whole revenge plot became kind of a third wheel. With first wheel our main character and how she wants to proof herself to the world (and especially her sister), and then second wheel with Will and what goes on with him.

And like I said at first, a big reason why I didn't like the book is because of Miranda. I am sure if she wasn't so stuck-up, wasn't so downright intended on mentally kicking and stabbing her sister with all kinds of things, if she wasn't all that and more I would have liked the book more. Now it just destroyed it. And again, I hate it when books just magically do things and poof, everything is fixed and they are best sisters once again! No, that is not how it works. If you break someone mentally like this, you don't just get magically together again.

All in all, I am not sure if I would recommend this book. On the one hand, it is a good and fun book about reality shows, but on the other hand, it has a character in it that is pretty much evil and also the whole roadtrip is a lie part.

Review first posted at

sc104906's review

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Sisters, Claire and Miranda, team up to exact revenge on a deserving ex. Claire has always been the reserved contrast to her sister's bubbly personality. However, it is time for Claire to take the lead after her sister catches her boyfriend cheating on her. The ex is going on an "Amazing Race"-like reality show, and the sisters decide to beat him royally on TV in front of millions. Claire has a wealth of reality TV knowledge and Miranda has the personality to really bring down the ex. However, things do not go as planned. It turns out this "Amazing Race" is actually one with a twist. Will Miranda get her revenge? Will Claire get her heart broken in the process?

sheffner07's review

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I was pretty disappointed in this. The premise sounded awesome, but fell flat. The side characters were forgettable and I struggled to get through the second half.

sarahonthecoast's review against another edition

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Looking past the fun premise (globe-trotting reality show) and hint of romance (or, "showmance"), this is the story of two sisters. As the oldest of 5 sisters, I love reading about the complicated, nuanced bond between sisters. Sisters can love and detest one another- simultaneously- with a ferocity that is rarely found in other relationships. Such is the case for Claire and her older sister Miranda. They can tear each other down with a look or a phrase and build one another up just as quickly. Their influence over one another felt real and true and was the heartbeat of this story. For Real perfectly captured the growing pains many feel when transitioning from an adolescent to adult relationship with a sibling. Claire has to work to overcome the feelings of insecurity that have plagued her role as shadow to her older sister and Miranda has to begin to see Claire in a new light- as a capable, intelligent, independent young woman who has more to offer than Miranda has given her credit. This story has plenty of humor and adventure thrown in, but they don't deter from the pain and joy the two experience as they race around the globe. This is a great read for teens who have always wondered what it's like to have a sister and for those teens who wonder how they can relate better to the one they already have.

Readalikes: "You Look Different in Real Life" by Jennifer Castle, "Something Real" by Heather Demetrios

charmaineac's review

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I LOOOOOOOVED THIS BOOK. But I mean, there was almost no way I wouldn't. I've religiously followed The Amazing Race while it's been airing since season 7 (and now it's on season 26!). As in, I've been following The Amazing Race for the past TEN YEARS. So yeah, you could say this book excites me. Plus, next season's twist has a blind dating component. Maybe they got some inspiration from Alison Cherry over here? Imagine that!

What really shone about this book was it's amazing creativity. I loved how wacky the challenges were, and I would LOVE to watch any of the following reality TV shows: McGyver Survivor, Speed Breed, Obstacle Kitchen, or Twin Cognito. The Limerick Game was so clever too. I have no idea how the author dreamt up these things, but they kept things going in a lighthearted way. This story could have easily dragged with Miranda's worries or Claire's teenage angst, but instead, it was perfectly sweet, funny, and crazy. The whole concept was insane, so I loved seeing it play out.

Also, Will Divine? So perfect. I wish things ended differently, but there's nothing that can be done about that.

If you love reality TV (especially The Amazing Race), sweet love stories, strong families, kick-butt heroines, and insane creativity, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.

lazygal's review

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I wasn't sure about this one because the premise sounded, well, a little lame. So glad I was wrong! Ok, yes, there's a huge degree of predictability here but there is a great twist at the end that makes up for much of that.

Teens today are into reality shows and the shows are getting more and more bizarre, so the ones that Claire is so well-versed in actually sound plausible. It's also highly plausible that the producers would change the format and premise of the show Claire and Miranda are on (just think about all those ambushed guests on shows like Dr. Phil!). I won't go further because 1. we all know what to expect from reality shows and 2. I don't want to spoil anything.

This feels like a great read for any teen.

ARC provided by publisher.

justineduhart's review

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Je suis finalement rester à la moitié. Pour moi, rien ne peut rattraper un début d'histoire pareille. L'auteur a voulu le faire un peu différent en mettant en scène un jeu de télé réalité mais non, quoi. Non.