
Tangles by Sharleen Scott

katie_83's review

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By Sharleen Scott
5 stars

I knew as soon as I read the blurb for this book that it was going to be an interesting and I imagined emotional read at times and I was right. Tangles was a wonderfully written story about something that affects so many of us and in so many different ways. Not one person with this awful condition behaves in the same way and I thought that the author really did write about it well, with empathy and truth. Logan’s story was such a journey and I truly felt like I was on that with him. I don’t think Alzheimer’s is an easy condition to write about – for me I always worry that the author might take a more stereotypical stance but Ms Scott definitely didn’t with Tangles – she really delved into the depth of how this condition can affect families and I was completely captivated by what I was reading from beginning to end.
I 100% recommend Tangles; it is a raw and emotional read that is exceptionally well written.

fish3718's review

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Sharleen Scott took the subject of Alzheimer's and makes a beautiful story out of it. Tangles is just that a story about an Alzheimer’s patient and a family’s relationships.Her characters are complex and I found it easy to fall in love with them as they became part of my family. Logan starts to go nosy around and finds journals. He read the journal, which made him stop and think about his family. This led him on a hunt to find out about who he has read in the journal. What will Logan find out? Will Logan be able to handle what lies ahead? Alzheimer's diagnosis is a scary and it takes away from the people who are affected by it.

bwagner's review

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I loved this story. This story is about a subject that is near to my heart and has affected my life. This is an emotional story about Alzheimers and the love and forgiveness that follows. It pulled at my heart strings along with making me smile.This author took a difficult subject and wrote a story that is engaging and hard to put down. Logan discovers journals that lead him in search of truth and discovering his family. Will he find the man mentioned in the journals? This is a must read story!

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Tangles by Sharleen Scott is a little bit different to the other books of hers that I’ve read. I really loved ‘The Caught” series, so when I saw she had released this book, I was intrigued to see what it was all about. The blurb gives a tiny taste of what you can expect from this story. But it doesn’t convey how much heartbreak and emotion this story contains.
Alzheimer’s is a tough subject to write about, as there are so many people who are living it, and have felt the impact of this horrible disease- whether it’s being diagnosed personally or seeing a loved one succumb to it, Alzheimer’s leaves a huge impact.
This story is more than an Alzheimer’s story- it’s about family, secrets, discoveries, questions, truth, forgiveness, and understanding. Tangles follows Logan, who takes on the responsibility of caring for his mother after his father suddenly passes away- as she has Alzheimer’s. He faces many challenges and experiences many conflicting emotions as he grapples with their situation. But things are compounded when he discovers her old journals which cause him to question everything he thought he knew. What do the journals reveal? How does that affect Logan? What will he discover?
I loved Logan and his mother Lois- they are wonderful characters. I really felt for them both, but especially Logan. The story was really well written and felt very realistic, believable, and relatable. My emotions definitely got a workout with this story.
Looking forward to seeing what Ms. Scott does next.

Thank you, Ms. Scott!

jennadb's review

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Tangles by Sharleen Scott is a very emotional read and one that will break your heart and make it ache. It is a story about Alzheimer’s and the affect that it has not only on the person who is suffering from this disease but to everyone around them and particular the family they have basically left behind and who have to struggle with a person they no longer know. I watched my grandfather go through it and this story brought back so many memories both good and bad. Sharleen has done a great job of sharing a story of the real life struggles.

Logan is now caring for his mother after his father suddenly passed away. It deals with the many things he is now facing day after day, grief and loss, hate and love, frustration and hope. Whilst in the throes of his caring he comes across journal his mother had written and what he finds is a shock to his system and causes him to question his whole life.

I look forward to reading what Sharleen gives us next.

hncald78's review

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I was unprepared to experience the depth and raw emotion that settled on me as I read these pages. Scott fluidly describes this reality faced by so many families and breathes life and perspective through every poignant word. I’m really at a loss in such a beautiful way. I look forward to reading more by this author.