
A Brush with the Moon, by Raquel Lyon

ashl3y44's review

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Overall I did enjoy this book. It was not your average vampire/werewolf book. It was definitely worth the read. I definitely think that the summary didn’t do too much justice for the story. My overall rating was 3 1/2 stars.

Sophie was a character that I felt we didn’t get to know too much in the begging. A fox bites her and then shortly after getting out from the hospital, she moves from brumpton to Fosswell for university. She moves there to live with her best friend Beth, who happened to find a house above a funeral home. Like all best friends, Beth enjoys the company of men and likes to party, also she is always badgering Sophie about boys, which she claims to have no interest in until she meets the mysterious Sebastian.

Seb was the picture perfect book man; he’s described as an extremely sexy mystery man with eyes that you could drown in. Sophie try’s to resist him at first but he persists to show up and make his advances, then one night he just shows up and tells Sophie that he has to have her and spills all of his irresistible secrets. This is where we learn about the werewolves and the vamps and assortments of demons that weren’t elaborated on too much. I found I had a very strong relationship with him at first, but by the end he really pissed me off, cause he kept showing up and then disappearing for an extended period of time. When he would disappear Sophie was in the company of Seb’s cousin Connor. I found that I loved him the best. The relationship between him and Sophie was irresistible, as he was falling for his cousin’s girlfriend. The attraction between them was a little frustrating. She spends a lot of time with Connor, as Seb was gone for most of the book. Sophie almost lets things happen with Connor but then stops them; you can see why this would be frustrating.

I also liked the story of the fox lady Tokala, that passes wisdom to Sophie, I just wish that story would have been elaborated on a little more as it would have given me a better sense of Sophie’s character. Sophie was relatable but also very frustrating, because she would lead on men in the event of Seb’s absence including Connor and would be mad when the men would advance more aggressively. She was all over the place with men, even though she was pinning over Sebastian.

There wasn’t too much action to it though, until the very end and the way it ended wasn’t gradual, it just ended. It had a good story and a good plot; the only thing was Sophie’s character I wished we got to know her a little better. I tried not to give to much away. I feel like there is more to the story so I will most likely read the next one.

*I was given a copy of this for an honest review*

demon_queen13's review

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Two thumbs up for an interesting and original story that I didn't want to put down. I finished it in two days & plan on reading the next one in the series.

Warning: book ends in a cliff hanger.

chasingthebibliophile's review

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To be honest this book was quite boring. There was barely an action and if there was action is was poorly written, not much detail. I don't think I'll be reading the next book.

rayne's review

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I read this book as a part of the Strange Worlds Collection.
I love a good shifter/paranormal book but this one fell a little short. Sebastian is just so egotistical, arrogant and plain bossy. I really got over his attitude pretty quickly. I understand that he felt this connection to Sophie but he didn’t always deliver and then expected her to be waiting with open arms. As for Connor, well he also fell a little short in my opinion.
Anyway, it did win some point towards the end when it built up momentum. The book definitely has promise but too many glaring holes. And it may be the case of too little too late.

timofeev's review

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I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, the world is somewhat interesting, but on the other...I didn't really like Sophie. She started out pretty interesting but then became kinda worthless. Sigh, maybe she will get better once she figures out what she wants and how to use her powers.

exemzordies's review

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Only finished this book out of morbid curiosity of how much worse it could get.

Book has a very strange habit of suddenly skipping forward in time without any page formatting to indicate that this is happening, one scene will finish and then a new scene will start in the next paragraph. It felt jarring because typically most books would do a page break or at least a bit of a spacer and a line across the page when this happens. Feels like a messy first draft that didn't get the fine tooth comb it needed, or fanfiction. This seems to be a symptom of an overarching problem.

Our protagonist is a homebody that only wants to paint and not live a dead end life in a small town moves away from home for college. She isn't interested in boys, more concerned with studying so she can avoid a life of being a dissatisfied supermarket clerk like her mother. She's always had vivid recurring dreams/nightmares involving a set of "intoxicating eyes." This is a motivation that I can get behind, making sure that your foundations are good, and worrying about boys later once you've got a solid footing. She flip flops pretty much as soon as she sees the guy with the eyes from her dreams, and
Spoilerafter becoming an item with him, proceeds to flirt and consider 2-4 guys over the course of the book, despite her original state of disinterest in boys.

In general the protagonist is inconsistent in her behavior. She spends 7-8 chapters mostly disinterested in guys, at most curious about Seb because he has the eyes she saw in her dreams. She gets a tad jealous over a girl draping herself over him in chapter 6, but besides eyeing Seb and getting ruffled when he hit on her (acceptable range of variation I think), she maintains a non-romantic stance.

Chapters 3-6 she isn't interested, and immediately brushes Vincent off every time he comes on to her.
Chapter 8 reveals that in the interim since the end of chapter 7 she got drunk and didn't stop Vincent from draping himself over her and feed her strawberries at the party. But she maintains that she's disinterested during her hangover the next morning.
But then

Bonus points for a gay character, minus points for him being a background character that has no impact on the story and is a cliche gay best friend stereotype.

The book ends in an abrupt cliffhanger, and the last act is disappointing, leading me uninterested in reading any more.

This book has some good ratings, to each their own. Personally the material is too derivative (of the supernatural boyfriend/Mary-Sue heroine protagonist variety) and the characters too flat, selfish jersk or self-contradictory to empathize with or like.

kellyosreads's review

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The ending was underwhelming

rochte's review

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God. Puke.

cherryreads's review

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Initially I was going to give this book one star but since it got slightly better near the end I thought it deserved just one more star. The heroine was not likable in the least, and I found myself completely bored with her antics and waiting for her to make some progress towards change. She was given some magical power through a fox bite and she literally did nothing with it and when she did it was an accident. She spent most of the time being an indecisive and jealous teenager. After a while, I honestly didn't even care what happened to her. But I wanted to finish the book anyway to see if anything would happen to her, if maybe she would rise up to the duty given to her by the goddess, but she seemed totally unworthy of it in my opinion. Will not be continuing this series.