
How To Marry a Rake by Deb Marlowe

una_macchia's review

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3.5 stars. One of those romances where the title doesn't have much to do with the plot - there aren't really any rakes in this book, and no weddings either. I really enjoyed the Newmarket setting - the horse racing world is often mentioned in Regency romances but I've never seen it take center stage. The chemistry between Mae and Steven fell a little flat for me, unfortunately, though I liked them both.

mscookielady's review

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DNF. This is the second try I have it and I just didn’t care enough to read the story. I didn’t care if they got together, and I didn’t care if the side plot was resolved.

prationality's review

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Prelim Review: When I originally read [b:The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor|6661203|The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor|Diane Gaston||6490173] I had a sincere wish that the stories therein were longer. The Fitzmanning Brood was an odd, interesting mixture of people, all related in some way or other. The anthology focused on the female part of the Fitzmanning's (mostly) and Marlowe chose Stephen of the boys left.

The Stephen of this novel is a more somber fellow who seems to have become a worry-wort in the years since Charlotte's wedding (about 2 years or so ago I believe). He decided to take his responsibilities to the estate his mother left him, Fincote, seriously and let that rule his life. Mae meanwhile took his rejection of her, nursed her feelings of unhappiness for a bit and then took off to live her life.

Some of the ridiculousness from the anthology's premise finds it way into this story as well, but its nowhere near the level it was. We see first hand the damage that was wrought by Stephen's father. Issues that were only brushed upon in the anthology took full root here--such as Stephen's mother and the devastated state she lived in after his father left her.

Full Review to be posted at Romance Readers at Heart