
Vox Gn by Matteo De Longis

daynpitseleh's review

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a nice art book, full of drawings of white girls, guitars, planes, and boats. The drawings are artistically nice, and some of them could easily be imagined as concert posters or Threadless t-shirts. I guess I'm not really the target audience for this. I could see some people enjoying it as a coffee table book.

urthwild_darknessbeckons's review

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Vox is ordered chaos, a measured rhapsody.

Matteo De Longis

The Artist


If you are a big fan of Country music, now would be a good time to experiment with something else.

Turn up your music so loud that the bass rattles your neighbours teeth and your neighbours 6 month old baby crawls all the way to your house and starts hacking away at your front door with a rusty axe.

Open VOX.

Experience VOX.

Close VOX, it is time to burp that baby.

There is nothing shocking in this book at all, and I am no prude, (quite the reverse in fact), nor am I as one disgruntled author called me post-review, 'a raging feminist with an agenda', however, it was a little disconcerting to see so many pictures of lolitaesque partially naked women in an art concept book that is meant to have as its core subject, music. What do multiple thin white arse's, clad in the briefest of briefs and perky chests have to do with the beauty of music and colour? Or in fact a woman with the face of a dog?

I am not opposed to the odd clothed or naked and inked rock chick now and again, but, where were the pictures of semi-naked men? They too can be lithe and beautiful and turned into objects Mr De Longis.

Without doubt VOX is beautifully drawn and that I can appreciate, but the seemingly endless repetition of arse gave me much concern that these young ladies were all going to catch a chill. Anime, manga fans will love it, but casual readers of graphic novels will wonder where the words are, was it the letterers day off? Casual readers need to look at my previous hint about the music.


VOX really is beautifully drawn.

There are no pictures of Urthwild in her knickers.

It is one long Acid trip.


It is not one for the feminists.

There are far too many images of women in their knickers.

There are far too many depictions of the female bosom.

There are far too many images of women as objects.

It is one long Acid trip.


Received for an honest review


kittykult's review

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The VOX Rockbook is a book of concept art with a musical theme. The art contains both neon and pastel color palettes, overlays, and a dreamy luster. It reminded me a bit of the Wicked and the Divine while reading it. Unfortunately, all of the girls are either naked or there are upshots of their skirts showing their underwear. While I'm all for females embracing their sexuality and pictures of cute girls, I felt like there could have been some variety and not every single picture needed to be exactly the same. Heck, throw some men or some enbies in there and mix it up a little. The art was very good and catapults you to different imagined places, it just got very redundant after a while. Best perused over while listening to some good music.

I also want to note this was put on NetGalley under "graphic novel" but it is NOT a graphic novel. It is concept art. I probably would not have requested it if it had not been labeled as a graphic novel.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

petk0616's review

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VOX is an original raphic concept artbook that combines musical instruments, women, and electric colors.

I thought that the art styles of many of the images were creative and well executed. I do, however, have a problem with the amount of female nudity present. It was almost as if it was on every page. I wanted to enjoy this artbook but I just found myself feeling increasingly repulsed as I continued through the book.

2/5 Stars
I received this from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. If there was not as much nudity to the extent it is currently at the point of being both vulgar and sexist I would have found it more enjoyable. Also, despite the artistry being creative, the topics of sex and rock n' roll is not.

esters's review

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** Received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. **

Reviewing this concept art book isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I did really like the art. I love music and the art really complements it, the way I see it.

However, about halfway through it I've had enough. Not because the art would become less interesting or boring but because there's a great deal of female nudity and I wasn't comfortable with it this time around. Or I would be if it was just couple cases but it feels like every other pages pictures a girl with her panties on show. And while I understand the appeal of such images, in larger number it felt really disturbing and I didn't really enjoy rest of the pictures that much.

That said, I loved the colour schemes and if anyone is a fan of half naked (hentai styled) girls, go for it.

lumiio's review

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I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book is filled with edgy and beautifully painted artwork. Really movingly gorgeous. I would definitely recommend not only to look at for pleasure but as a source of inspiration.