
Ballistic: Icarus Series, Book Two by Aria Michaels

nicspears's review

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**ARC provided for Beta-reading and in exchange for an honest review**

Oh my holy hell!!!!

You know when you finish a book and your emotions are so over the place, you can’t even comprehend where to start when writing a review?
Well, that has been me since I finished reading.
After reading Killshot I wandered how in the hell Aria could top it, but by god has she surpassed any and all expectations I could have ever had.
There is literally nothing I can say that will give Aria and Ballistic the justice it truly deserves.

Picking up right after Killshot finished, we are thrown back into Liv, Zander and the gang's journey to find 'Beans' and salvation. With the continuous threats along the way from both the after effects of Icarus and the people who you'd think are there to help, they are sure in for a long and dangerous road ahead of them.

The vivid, the attention to detail suckers punches you in the gut and leaves you breathless.
You don't just read words on a page, you are transported into that world. You feel the heat of the flame, you smell the corpses; the decay. It takes over your mind, your senses. It's like watching a film play out right in front of your eyes.
This is not just a book. This is art. this is a masterpiece; a piece of literacy magic that grips you and refuses to leave. And by hell is it a piece you want to submerge yourself in.

I don't know what else to tell you, you can't just take my word for it. You need to experience it for yourself. Believe me, you will not be disappointed at all.

paperbacksandpinot's review

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Every so often I come across a series which has a truly cinematic quality, this is the case with the Icarus series. Ballistic doesn’t falter after Killshot and the same depth of world and character building is astounding.

Before picking up on Liv’s search, we start with Lucas’ story. The chaos in the aftermath and where we discover that he is at least alive, but being taken to “safety” by the Army. Liv on the other hand is still battling through with her band of friends and allies, at least with transport they now have something going their way, but with the heat still blazing their choices of shelter need to be wise. What looks like the perfect sanctuary for a pitstop brings them face to face with yet more mutations, the pods have incubated and the results are truly terrifying.

The team seem to be living from one escape to the next, be it from the pods to the lightening storms to other survivors. Clues left by those they are searching for are followed but an interruption along the way leads to new discoveries allegiances. But will Liv ever reach her goal? Is Lucas better at getting himself into trouble than his sister is?

As with Killshot, the set pieces are fantastic, battles are intense in both description and scale and the book is full to bursting with story. The pace fluctuates well with the ups and downs of the groups experiences, well earnt rests are time for reflection, to get to know each other better and to get under each other's skin. I like that there is such a diversity between the group and also with those they meet along the way. There is a good sense that even in times of strife people either naturally get along with each other or they don't. The writer doesn't force them to be a jolly band but nor is anyone truly a villain, everyone is just getting through each day as best they can. For me this is a massive part of what sets this series apart, the characters are exceptional and that leaves the slower parts of the book being just as captivating as those filled with action.

It’s a book which kept me on the edge, desperate to turn to the next page but this time the cliffhanger is a little more dastardly! Thank you Aria Michaels for another amazing read!
