
Sisters of the Perilous Heart, by Sandra L. Vasher

emmarj's review

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I received this ARC free in exchange for my honest review.

I'm on a roll with ARCs!! I really, really enjoyed Sisters of the Perilous Heart. The pacing is great and while lacking in twists, the book leaves plenty of secrets to be unraveled in the next installment. 

The theme is so diverse and different. It's like medieval fantasy set super far into the future so it's a little SciFi but it's also magicky but it's also got some chosen one stuff peeking through. As I said, very different and in a refreshing sort of way.

The writing is smooth and well edited. It does not feel bogged down or self serving, an issue I find commonly in YA fantasy. The relationships between characters are complex and intriguing as well as evolving throughout the book. 

One thing I did dislike is that the two sort of POVs we're told the story through seemed a little too parallel to me. Like one group meets mysterious boy and then the other group meets mysterious boy. And it goes on from there but I can't talk about it because spoilers. :) Maybe that's thematic as well, to be revealed in a later book but I do have to mark it down for now.

All in all, a successful read for me. 4 stars and book 2 IS going on my TBR! Yay!

thebookwormsfeast's review

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Set on another planet, this book has a vicious immortal race developed by humans, a magical royal family, and an intertwining storyline - following two groups of people with very different backgrounds as they deal with all this.

I really enjoyed the story, however, I also feel I wanted a bit more from it. But, I think it's a good set up for the next book - which I'd imagine could get straight into it with all the juicy plot points it leaves you with. You definitely feel that this is part of a series.

I'm still not sure where I stand on a lot of the characters. Vivian was spoiled, her thought processes reflect her privilege (which I like are a thing, but are traits I don't like in a character - its a conflicting feeling, but I wouldn't change it), but I liked her by the end of the book. I've maybe flipped on a few others, and I just can't make my mind up on Carina.

The story itself is easy to follow, and I did guess almost every twist way before I should, and I feel some that are still to be revealed. But I slipped into the tale straight away every time I picked it up, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this story will go moving forwards - particularly around Bast and Nate.

Thank you Book Sirens and Sandra for the copy in exchange for an honest review

misscroft's review

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Not the book for me...

Characters are interesting, story is intriguing; but I'm losing interest. DNF

carola84's review

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Thank you Mortal Ink Press, LLC and NetGalley for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. My review is my own and not influenced by others.

This book got my attention because of the cover which I like very much, the description sounded good so I was eager to start reading. However, after several times trying to read this book, I finally decided to DNF it.
I coudn’t get into this story, I found it confusing from the beginning, there was no connection that I was feeling with any of the characters and to be honest, I got frustrated by reading this book.

monikasbookblog's review

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Planet Kepler - Two young protagonists - Vivian, new Queen to the throne, who needs magic to save herself from the Immortal Virus and Carina, an orphan girl forbidden to use magic and bought up hidden in a convent! Their paths are bound to cross and unforgettable things will happen along the way...

I really liked the history of planet Kepler and the forgoing rival between Kepler Mortals and the Immortals. The world building is a fine mix of virus, immortality, dystopia, sci-fi, space travel and fantasy, it doesn’t stop and develops with the story. For first few chapters, the story was slow paced and the characters other than Vivian and Carina were often morally confusing in whom to trust. But as a reader I stuck with it and honestly I got more involved in the twists, betrayals and adventures!! I think I’ll read the next book just to confirm my thoughts about the characters.
Thank you Netgalley, Sandra L Vasher, Mortal Ink Press for the ARC!

malligal's review

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Sisters of the Perilous Heart takes place on a planet that has been inhabited by settlers from Earth some of which have been injected with an immortality ‘virus’. Sisters of the Perilous Heart takes place thousands of years after the first settlements arrived on Kepler.

Sisters was an imaginative sci-fi story that explored a ton of different ideas. It honestly took me a while to absorb everything I read, and I’m not really sure that I even got it all. This one will most likely be a reread for me. I love rereading stories and picking up on things I missed the first time around, and I’m pretty sure there will be a lot of things I missed in this one.

Vasher built the world and the history of Kepler extremely well. She included the information that the reader needed without bogging the story down with minute details. Although, I really would have loved to learn more about the native Keplers. They seemed so interesting!

The character building was done well too. The depth of characters and their relationships with each other were both extremely developed and, for the most part, believable. The one issue I had with a character is a completely personal one. I found Carina entirely selfish, annoying and unrelatable. As an older sibling, there’s not much that I wouldn’t do to make my younger sister happy, but Carina is constantly getting mad at Miguela for not going along with her plans and for being cautious and wanting to stay safe. It seemed like the sibling roles were reversed. Miguela exuded an older sibling vibe while Carina was more reckless and self-centered. The whole relationship made me cringe constantly. In the end, I can honestly say that I have never been so confused and disoriented regarding which characters to trust while reading a story! I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!

I received a free e-copy of Sisters of the Perilous Heart from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

squeegybeckinheim's review

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Sisters of the Perilous Heart is a fun fantasy/sci-fi adventure. The story was paced well, and the characters were interesting. The ending left me a little confused, but I imagine future installments will clarify things. I'm left with so many questions about this world. I'd love to know more about the magic system and the Red-Eyed Ones. This feels like a solid introduction to the world that Sandra Vasher is building. I very much look forward to reading future additions. Thank you to Mortal Ink Press for the opportunity to read an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

princessleopard's review

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Preface: I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review
Actual rating: 3.25 stars

I have really mixed feelings about this one, mostly as a result of the ending. It was a bold move, for sure, but it brings up a lot of questions that can't possibly be resolved until the second book - which is unfortunate, because how those questions are answered definitely changes how worthwhile this book is. If the big event sticks, then a lot of this book ends up feeling pretty pointless, as it revolves around a character and events that don't really serve any purpose. If it doesn't stick, the moment will feel like a giant bait-and-switch for drama. It's just an unfortunate place to be.

I'm also pretty torn because there's a lot of this book to enjoy, but also a lot that is confusing or not particularly well done. The writing is, mostly very competent, and illustrates everything cleanly. The characters are generally likable, though I didn't care for Vivian much at all (she comes off as very spoiled/passive). The two brothers were the highlight for me, as it was super interesting to see the dynamic between them, but also how wildly our perspective on them changes as we shift POVs. With Vivian, they're loving, devoted, and just general sweethearts, even when they're fighting with each other, but with Carina, they're almost bestial in the callous way they treat her. It's really well-done.

Unfortunately, other parts of this story are just desperately weak. The worldbuilding didn't really make any sense to me. I get that although this society is in our far-flung future, they might have slid backwards technologically, but it never seemed consistent. There are scenes in here where people are fighting in swords/armor, but also scenes where our characters eat at greasy spoon diners - just a really weird technological gap that I didn't understand. The plot also seems very unfocused, especially in light of the ending, as mentioned previously. If the certain big event had played out differently, then I could sort of see why we spent so much time with certain people doing certain things, but if things do stick, then a large chunk of this novel just seems like a gigantic waste of time.

Overall, if you're interested in a fantasy/sci-fi blend, this might do it for you, but I'd probably wait until the next book comes out, to gauge people's reaction to it, as this novel doesn't set up the rest of the series particularly well.

peireads's review

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Sisters of the Perilous Heart
Enjoyment: 3/5
Execution: ⅗

Sisters of the Perilous Heart follows the journeys of two girls: The young new queen of Kepler, Vivian, who is infected with the Immortality virus minutes into her coronation, and Carina, a girl struggling to control her magic.

The first half of this book was quite tedious, with slow pacing and a disjointed narrative; the story is told from two perspectives, Carina and Vivian, and their stories do not meet until past the halfway point, which made it feel as if I was reading two completely separate books. Other than the initial few chapters, which I thought set the stage well, there were many little mundane scenes that just made everything drag on. There were also some plot points that seemed as if they would be important and then quickly skimmed over. Additionally, there was a very large host of characters introduced within a short span and it was hard to keep them separate. I am still not sure who any of the Sisters are. Several of these characters did not seem to add much to the plot (Ivan? Reed?) However as the story progressed, the plot became much more fleshed out and cohesive, and the last 30% of the book was where it truly shone. The action was well-written and exciting, and the character growth interesting; however, if I am about to pick up a lengthy book, the last thing I want to do is trudge through the first 70% to become fully invested. There were lots of breadcrumbs dropped and I almost wish that there had been less, making the final reveals more dramatic.

The world-building was interesting, and I liked how the story was broken up by excerpts from letters, textbooks, etc. However, because it was so hard for me to follow the story as well as grasp the numerous characters, it sometimes felt more confusing than enlightening, because it was yet another thing my mind had to puzzle out.

The characters are interesting and complex, however in some cases, specifically with Carina, it took time to get there. Carina starts the book off extremely shallow, naive, and oblivious. While a few of her antics were funny, I was more annoyed with her than anything. It was hard to connect with and empathize with her until the end. I was much more invested in Vivian's story and her connection with her brothers. Bastian and Nate are complete opposites other than their love for their sister, and their interactions with each other and with Vivian are fun and sweet. Nate was my favorite - he is kind-hearted and hard-working, and I enjoyed watching his character grow through the story.

There are some light elements of romance in this book, which were sweet but somewhat unnecessary. Again, I was not very invested in Carina and her relationship with Max, which felt sudden and forced given the lack of build-up.

Overall, an interesting start to the series. Lots of foundation is laid and the first book ends on a cliffhanger, which makes you want to read the second.

Thank you to BookSirens for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

daphneereads's review

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Sisters of the Perilous Heart by Sandra Vasher is a sci-fi/fantasy book. We follow two points of view: one is Carina and her sister who have to flee all they know. The second one is of Queen Vivian and her two brothers. First, the world was quite difficult to understand. I almost gave up during the first few chapters but the action-packed scenes kept me reading. I had some issues with this book, mostly with the characters. I thought some decisions did not reflect with them, mostly for the princes. I would have liked a point of view by one of the side characters, Miguela, Carina's little sister, which was the most interesting in my opinion. Also, the romance was unnecessary and didn't need to happen but oh well, it did! Will definitely consider reading the next book. Thank you NetGalley and the author for the free ebook copy.