
Double Fudge & Danger by Erin Huss

mae_mae13's review

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I really enjoy this series by Erin Huss featuring apartment manager Cambria Clyne and her three-year-old daughter Lilly. I found this book so delightful and funny! I can't tell you the number of times I laughed out loud at something that happened in the story. Cambria always finds herself in some kind of disaster and I like how she manages to work her way out of it. There's even romance involved...looks like it's turning into a love triangle which I'm not too fond of but I'm definitely impatiently waiting for the next book to see if that gets resolved. Overall, excellent read!

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

grettypop's review

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5/5 Stars

Another incredible addition to Cambria's story. So far, the second book has been my favorite, I was slower to get into this one. But as soon as the story started picking up, I got sucked in!
Cambria's adventures continue as she now manages two properties, and on top of that, the glamorous next door apartment complex mentioned in the first novel makes a reappearance. The resident manager of the luxury complex, Violet, disappears under mysterious circumstances, leading Cambria into a chain of secrets, messes, and twists you never saw coming. Added to her hilarious work mishaps, the author lets us further into her relationship with Chase, and baby-daddy Tom, and her neighbor Kevin ('nuff said).

I'm not sure how to hype this series up any more - if you enjoyed the first book, it seriously only gets better. I cannot wait to get my hands on the 4th!

vikingslyn's review

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Cambria and her special brand of crazy stumbled into another murder that nearly got her killed...again. This time she was trying to balance managing two properties, two men, her daughter, investigating another murder and all the crazy characters at the properties while trying to stay sane and uninjured. Chase's future looks bright with a possible career change and Tom still seems to want Cambria when it's convenient for him. It was nice seeing Silvia mellow a bit after finding a man who seemed to get along with Harold.

'I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily reviewed it.'