
Wild Nights by Tina Wainscott

angie_stl's review

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I was given a copy of this book for review from

I absolutely loved this book! The suspense, drama, romance and humor kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the book. Sax and Jennessey had chemistry from the moment they met, clicking intellectually and emotionally before any sexual tension even jumped in. Of course going to an island retreat with a Wild and a Mild side, you know the sexual chemistry couldn't be far behind. I had actually meant to buy the first two books in this series months ago, but for some reason they slipped my mind. Not to worry now, because after reading this book, I've already purchased all THREE of the previous books and can't wait to read them! I can't imagine that they could entertain me any less than Wild Nights, because it was obviously written by an accomplished storyteller with much to say! I'm sure after reading them, I'll love Sax even more. I'd recommend this to any romance reader, but most especially to any of them that love suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat kinds of books. Though this book is smack dab in the middle of an ongoing series, it read well as a stand alone book, with just enough information to keep you informed on how the Justiss Alliance was formed, but not giving away any more of the previous books than what you'd find on the back of said books.

hannas_heas47's review

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Thanks netgalley for a free book to read and review.

This book was an easy read,, ex navy seal Saxby Cole joins the Alliance with other members of an ex navy team that were booted from the military in one of those don't ask...don't tell scenarios. This one follows a mission to find out if a Wild Resort is promoting a date rape drug, I fell into this book hook, line, and sinker! Some wild action going on, making these bad ass navy seals notch it down a level, trying to make them look like they need help getting a woman had me chuckling through the pages. Jennessy was definitely a wild card for poor Saxby. I loved her instantly. Overall entertainment is four stars.

sadiecass's review

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I almost put down this book after the first chapter. There was too much info dump and a room full of testosterone laced men. I understand the need to fill in us newbies in the midst of a series (I have not read the first two books) - but I just wanted the meat of the story.

I'm glad I didn't...Read the rest of the review here.

mandy_pandy's review

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This is the first book I have read in this series and I really enjoyed it. Suspense, sexy times and a sexy SEAL! This was fast-paced and exciting. I really enjoyed this story and can't wait to read more in this series!

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

liferhi_inspired's review

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Wild Nights is the third book within the Justiss Alliance series by Tina Wainscott. While this was the first book from the series that I've read, it was easily read as a standalone novel and has me itching to read the pervious stories with the series.

This book is chalked full of action packed suspense, molten lava level sexual chemistry, and there's a sexy hot SEAL teaming up with a damsel in distress. The writing of this book is crafted beautifully, and the characters are well rounded and came off very real, with their own fears and insecurities. The storyline was fast paced but will suck you in and won't let you go until the very end.

Overall this was a fabulous book and it's definitely a series that I'll read in the future.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*

nessismore's review

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I love love LOVED "Wild Nights" by Tina Wainscott. The story centers around commitment-phobic Saxby Cole and Jennessy Shaw, a girl who's looking to get wild after a break up. They meet on the way to a hedonistic resort where Saxby is trying to covertly uncover a date rape drug ring, and sparks fly from there. Saxby is expecting this to be a relatively easy solo mission, but when Jennessy wakes up in Saxby's room with no memory of how she got there, she gets drawn in and the whole thing gets a lot more complicated.

What I love about this book, and about the Justiss Alliance series so far, is how involved the ladies are in the mystery. No traditional damsels in distress here: like Wainscott's other Justiss Alliance heroines, Jennessy is capable, competent, and clever, and she's just as much of an asset to the mystery solving as Saxby is. She's not trained in espionage, but she takes things as they come and she does things to the best of her ability, and although Saxby doesn't like the thought of putting her in danger, he respects her and the fact that he needs her to fulfill his mission. The best part of this whole book is the partnership between them. Their chemistry isn't just physical--they're also compatible working together to figure out who's behind the date rape drugs, and it's really just so much fun to see them working together.

abdem3's review

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* ARC provided by NetGalley *
I really enjoyed this book. This is book 3 in the Justice Alliance series but I didn't have any problems with not having read the first 2, although after reading this I plan to read the first two.
Ex Navy Seal Saxby Cole is sent to an island resort to discover how it is that some of the single ladies that have visited have woken up with no memory of the night before. On his plane ride there he meets Jennessy Shaw. There is an immediate attraction but because Saxby is there on assignment he can not act on it.
Soon enough Jennessy finds herself awaking in the morning with no memory of the night before.
Now Saxby and Jennessy have to work together to find out how these women are being drugged and who is behind it all while fighting the attraction they feel for each other.