
Behind Her Back by Jane Lythell

nannyf's review

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I loved the first book in this series and couldn’t wait to read more about the characters. The author did not disappoint. Once again we are brought slap bang into the action. The way the author describes everything is so well done. I can only imagine how much is based on fact, and would love to be a fly on the wall during some of the scenes.

portybelle's review

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Behind Her Back is the second in the StoryWorld series by Jane Lythell. I haven't read the first one (Woman of the Hour) but this can easily be read as a standalone novel. Liz Lyon is a producer on popular morning tv programme Storyworld and has just returned from her holidays to find that changes are afoot for the programme and its staff, changes which look as though they will make her working life rather difficult. In particular, a new member of staff, Lori Kerwell, seems to be working to undermine Liz and Liz is beginning to wonder just how much is going on behind her back.

Although the tv world is not one that many of us will be familiar with, Jane Lythell shows that issues faced in that environment aren't much different from the more typical working world. Liz has to face a dilemma which will be familiar to many working mums, in particular single mums, how best to balance work and outside life. Just like many workplaces, office politics are all too evidently in play with suspicion and gossip but also camaraderie and support. Challenges facing women such as changes to working conditions when returning from maternity leave and pressures of working in a high profile, high pressure job are all too clear in the story concerning presenter Fizzy.

I have to say I didn't envy Liz as she was dealing with tabloid stories, the office rivalries, a possible new romantic interest in her life, dodgy builders as well as a teenage daughter and all the dramas surrounding her. Throughout the book though, Liz's integrity came across clearly. The mention of major news stories from recent months gave the story a very contemporary feel. I liked the way the story had quite an open ending, allowing the reader to make up their own minds about how certain storylines might resolve. This also left some avenues open to be continued in future StoryWorld novels and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what happens next for Liz and the team.

Behind Her Back is an easy to read, enjoyable book and one of its strengths for me was Liz as a strong female lead character. Even though she has a high-flying job, she's a character I think that many women will be able to identify with. It gives an interesting insight into the world of daytime live tv broadcasting, with the author's own experiences used to great effect. It's a book which shows many of the challenges working women face and will have you firmly on the side of the main character.

mandylovestoread's review

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behind the scenes on a morning tv talk show... whats not to like! the lies, betrayal, friendships and rivals... this book has it all. thanks to netgalley and Head of Zeus for a copy of this book to read and review

steph1rothwell's review

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I hadn’t read the previous book in the series but it didn’t take me long to get to know all the characters. It is different to what I usually read but sometimes a change is good and I’m glad that I took a chance on this book.

Daytime TV, or shows like the one featured are not something I usually pay any attention to. I’ve always felt they were ego driven, with competitive presenters who weren’t as friendly as they appeared on camera and were just a little fake. I hadn’t given a minutes thought to where somebody sitting on a sofa showed how important they were. Luckily much of the novel concerned Liz who worked behind the scenes and was fully aware of everybody’s ego and coped well with any brattish behaviour.

There were a few of Liz’s colleagues I didn’t warm too, maybe because I hadn’t read the earlier book or maybe because they were just unlikeable. I liked reading about what happened behind the scenes, how a programme came together and the things that went wrong. Especially with a presenter who wouldn’t do as they were told. I imagine that the author has seen a lot of bad behaviour in her previous career.

I loved her relationship with daughter Flo, it felt real and I could sense her loneliness and frustration at having to deal with teenage angst on her own. If there are future books in the series I would love to see more about the two of them.

pretty_little_bibliophile's review

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Title: Behind her Back
Author: Jane Lythell
Publisher: Head of Zeus Ltd
Genre: General Fiction
Format: Paperback
Language: English
No. of pages: 368

My review:
After having read Woman of the Hour, I knew that I simply had to pick up Bhind her back as well. Liz Lyon returns with her crew in this sequel and it is a delight to see her navigate the rarely stable environment at work. Just like the first novel – Woman of the Hour, this one too just compels you to dive right in. Compared to the first book, I felt like this went at a slower rate, not that I am complaining.
Lythell has brought back the various themes we saw in the previous book as well, and she has not failed to keep them fresh. It is undoubtedly a new scenario and thus, new ways to work with. There is a new character this time in – Lori Kerwell, who is the new Head of Sales and Marketing. She is a difficult character I admit, one of those we see sucking up to the authority and trying to build a power base around their colleagues that they can dominate over.
I am quite happy to see Fizzy back and Zachary sounds amazing. I do have my complaints regarding her, but oh well! Ledley’s character has gone over some drastic change and it is bound to give you a shock when you read through. It is not pleasant but very understandable for the reader that power truly does something to the people.
Explosive secrets are nothing new on the StoryWorld station and this time it is no different. The romance element has a strong suit here and I really loved it. I found Douglas very understanding and ideal, although human and flawed in his own ways. Moreover, I loved how Harriet, Flo and Ziggy’s character arc have developed.
through Fizzy, we also get to see the, what one may call, the ‘darker’ side of motherhood/pregnancy. She is too worried about her figure, breastfeeding etc and hardly seems to devote enough time to her son. She repeatedly sems to be confused whether to choose her career or her baby. And oh my god, I still hate Bob.
Whatever your reactions may be, I bet they were as if you have known these characters in real life. That is how real Lythell makes them and I personally would not have them any other way.

I really enjoyed this book too and rate it a solid 4.5/5 stars!

thesincoucher's review

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Fantastic read! 30 pages in I was completely hooked in - I needed to know what happened with Liz and the author is so skilled to keep you at the edge of the page at every turn. I felt that the characters were very life-like and I would completely love for it to be a trilogy.