ajcain92's review against another edition

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We live in a day when we are constantly bombarded by a plethora of views on Spiritual Warfare, with stances as varied as beliefs that there is no Satan, demons, angels, or hell, to an obsessive interest in Spiritual Warfare. Thus, I was unsure what to expect when I began reading Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura’s Spiritual Warfare.

I was so pleased to find that Spiritual Warfare lived up to it’s subtitle, giving a Biblically sound and balanced view of the Spiritual battle that rages around us.

Securely grounded in Scripture, Borgman and Ventura’s Spiritual Warfare walks the reader through Ephesians 6:10-20, sharing many helpful anecdotes that gives historical context. One aspect of Spiritual Warfare that I especially appreciated was the amount of quotes incorporated by the authors. And for a relatively small book (only 124 pages) that is written in layman terminology, I was impressed by the number of footnotes.

The first Appendix in Spiritual Warfare should not be overlooked, as I found it to be the best discussion on Satan and the Sovereignty of God that I have ever read.

Overall, I found Spiritual Warfare to be an excellent and valuable piece of exposition. Easy to read and understand, yet solidly biblical, I would highly recommend it.

I would give the book an “A”.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Cross Focused Reviews bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255