
Guard Wolf by Lauren Esker

saphirablue's review

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I really like this one.

It's been fun to read. Very likable characters and a great mystery/kind of adventure plot in which the romance didn't take over. :)

I love the fact that different shifters know of each other and work together. So often in shifter books there is just one kind of shifters or other kinds of shifters are the bad guys/enemies. Not here. A wolf shifter and a koala (*squeee*) shifter are the main characters. There is a falcon shifter, a bear shifter, a big cat shifter, a gecko shifter, a spider shifter (who is way more adorable than they probably should be considering they are a spider shifter) and so on. There is a mention of a hedgehog shifter. I, just, *LOVES*.

The plot has been engaging and plotty. The action parts have been great and the calmer parts let me get to know the characters better.

I love Avery and Nicole. And Jack. And Cho. And Mayhew. ♥

Especially Avery hit some of my buttons so hard. His past. His loneliness. His slowly thawing around Nicole. His realisation that he has a pack consisting of his friends. Oh, Avery. *hugs him*

And Nicole? I just can nod and say Yes! to everything Avery said to her.

On top of everything? Four adorable werewolf puppies and everyones reactions to them. :)

There have been some things I didn't like (like, almost every time someone lifted/saw the pups, they have been described as "fat". It just rubbed me the wrong way, I guess.) and also left me a bit confused. Like, everyone saying that it's basically impossible that werewolves can go against a very strong pack feeling/family love & protection/and so on, but Avery is the living example that it's possible and we never really learn why. Has something happened to his father that let him be that abusive (illness?)? Or has he always been that way? How is it possible that nobody from the pack stood up against them (have there only been his father, his aunt and him & Hunter in the pack? No more adults?)? Maybe I'm missing something that would explain this.

Other than that, I really enjoyed reading this story and I had a very good time.

justabean_reads's review

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Enjoyed this one even more than the third one (why read things in order?). I often avoid werewolf stories because they seem to be an excuse for violent macho posturing, which isn't my cuppa, but I loved this to bits. The werewolves are more like actual wolves here, and most of the dynamics are related to family stuff. Oh, and there's a box of puppies and they are ADORABLE.

I also really liked Our Heroine, who was a very down to earth social worker with a slightly tragic past. I liked that she was generally positive and functional, but also happened to be on anti-depressants. Also she turns into a koala which is awesome. She and Our Hero had a lovely slow build relationship, and lots of angst and puppies.

The actual plot was really good too, and his a couple narrative kinks of mine pretty hard.