
A Man Most Worthy by Marcus Major

mochagirl's review

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A Man Most Worthy by Major introduces John Sebastian, an accomplished, handsome, smart millionaire who has "got it going on". Sebastian, a self-made man, pulled himself up from his proverbial "bootstraps" and escaped from Newark, NJ's inner city to the posh surroundings of the suburban Charlotte, NC. To complete the "look" he has the flashy, canary colored (not yellow) sports car and a beautiful, snooty coed girlfriend, 13 years his junior.
Sebastian is in his late-30's and undergoes somewhat of a "mid-life" crisis in which he chooses to lay down his trophies (including the young girlfriend) and add substance and purpose to his life. He decides to expand his business by returning to Newark and increase his public service activities by volunteering in his childhood neighborhood. With the help of a geriatric cupid, Mr. Duke, Sebastian connects with his long lost love, Josephine Flowers. She is everything he remembers and more - in fact, she is married. Sebastian learns that she married very hastily on the rebound from their bitter, heart shattering break-up seven years earlier, however he does not know that she has been silently suffering ever since. The drama ensues as Sebastian tries to win her back.....but will he be successful in his pursuit of love and happiness? Can Josephine forgive him for the painful act that he forced upon her....the one act she has regretted daily for seven years? Read to find the answer!

Major has written a perfect novel for a lazy summer afternoon-it has romance/drama, it is fresh, and it is light. The book exhibits solid pacing, decent writing, and great characterization. Major further demonstrated his skills by delivering au courant and clever dialogue, especially between the female characters Josephine and her best friend, Gloria. Even the love scenes in the novel are tastefully done - they are "spicy" and add just a pinch of flavor to excite the story. This was my first time reading Marcus Major's work and I would read more of his material.