
Star Wars Tales Volume 1 by Jim Woodring, Dave Land

hstapp's review

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This book was okay. For the most part I did not find them very well written though in some cases the base story was mildly interesting. The art was always interesting. I really would not recommend this book.

kellylynnthomas's review

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A series that, like "Infinities", explores "what if?" It allows the authors and artists some license to be creative without having to worry about continuity. There are some truly moving stories in "Tales," such as the one about the stormtrooper who has to take point when they board the Tantive IV, and the Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul duel, and the story that shows Vader with 3PO on Cloud City during "Empire".

wyrmbergmalcolm's review

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What?: Darth Vader hunts down the Dark Woman.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This was an interesting example of Vader's dedication to wipe out the order to which Anakin was once a proud member. Although the outcome was inevitable, it was well told.
Life, Death, And The Living Force
What?: Obi-Wan learns some lessons about the living force from Qui-Gon Jinn
When?: Before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: In interesting art style and a nice examination of Obi-Wan's dislike of 'lesser beings'.
Skippy The Jedi Droid:
What?: R5-D4 (the red one) turns out to have Jedi powers.
When?: Before and during A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: This was a fun take on why R5-D4 spontaneously blew its motivator.
Mara Jade: A Night On The Town:
What?: Mare Jade goes on a missing
When?: Sometime during the Empire
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This was a good mini story following Mara Jade as she does what she does best.
What?: A patrol keeps stopping Han Solo but can not find any evidence of his smuggling.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This is more like a joke being told, but was enjoyable enough.
Incident At Horn Station:
What?: A no-named figure rolls into a town suffering under a criminal organisation.
When?: Anytime
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This is very much a Spaghetti Western, Star Wars style. Good stuff.
Stop That Jawa:
What?: Max Rebo and his band have their musical instruments stolen.
When?: Before Return Of The Jedi
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts:A silly adventure much lighter in tone than most of the stories in this book.
The Death Of Captain Tarpals:
What?: Jar Jar Binks gets banished.
When?: Just before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Paints Jar Jar Binks is a much more sympathetic light and shares a friendship with Tarpals.
Deal With A Demon:
What?: Devaronian mercenary Vilmarh Grahrk takes on a job and does it in his own indomitable way.
When?: Sometime around the Clone Wars
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Another fun Villie adventure.
Lady Luck:
What?: Lando plays a game of Sabacc that could win him an impressive prize: Cloud City
When?: Before The Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This was an unnecessary 'origin story' but was nice to read.
Three Against The Galaxy:
What?: Three unlikely beings team up to right some wrongs.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A fun extra adventure featuring none of the major characters from anything.
Moment Of Doubt:
What?: An assassin posing as a bounty hunter attempts to kill Darth Vader.
When?: During The Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: An explosive altercation between two skilled combatants.
A Death Star Is Born:
What?: The Emperor questions Bevel Lemelisk about the design of the Death Star
When?: After Revenge Of The Sith
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: This is an anachronistic and silly sketch that is so much fun.
Spare Parts:
What?: R2-D2 and C-3PO attempt to escape from their Jawa Captives
When?: During A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: A very short and silly story.
What?: A trio of thugs fall foul of an experimental Imperial war droid.
When?: During the Empire.
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: This was a brilliant action piece.

dlssmit4's review

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Such a fun read! Definitely going to read the next book in the series!

bookhero6's review

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Wasn't sure at first how I felt about this odd assortment of tales in the Star Wars universe. They were varied, some cute, some serious, some better than others. I particularly enjoyed the tale of how Lando Calrissian came to control Bespin, "Lady Luck," and also "A Death Star is Born," a tongue in cheek story about the concept origins of the Death Star where the Empire symbols all have Mickey Mouse ears (in pre-Disney Star Wars days) and the Emperor himself remarks on the appalling lack of guard rails.

Not what I was expecting (not sure what I was expecting) but enjoyable nevertheless.

irasobrietate's review

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This was an interesting mishmash of tales. The one about the Death Star was especially good campy fun. As with an anthology, the quality varies, but overall it was decent.