
Thetis by Greg Boose

pixiejazz's review

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Thetis is the second book in the Deep Sky Saga, and let me tell you, it gets even crazier this time around. I was able to read Achilles last year, and you can check out my review of that one here.

Now, if you haven't yet read Achilles, you may not want to read this review, as it will most likely contain some spoilers. Proceed with caution...

Thetis picks up where Achilles left off. Jonah and some of the other survivors have been rescued and are taken back to the planet they were originally meant to land on. But they no longer receive the welcome they expected to. Instead, the other colonists seem angry with them, blaming them for things beyond their control.

Jonah is annoyed by this, but he tries to take things in stride. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done. Mirker, the man in charge, seems nice, but there's an underlying aggression to him. And then there's the strange creatures on Thetis, along with the "druggies" who took verve and are now completely off their rockers. However, there may be more to their craziness than anyone knows.

When Jonah starts unraveling the secrets of what's really going on, he realizes his life is about to change in a big way. But is he ready for that responsibility?

I really, really enjoyed Thetis. It was intense and dark and crazy, and I enjoyed every second of it. I was like, what's going to happen to Jonah next? Like, this poor kid can't catch a break at all. But the more into the story you get, the more you sort of understand why his life is one giant nightmare. Well, not really, but it is pretty awful.

I loved the crazy imagery I got from the descriptions of Thetis, the creatures on the planet, etc. I feel like these books would make awesome movies, because they'd be so...visual. I like that.

I absolutely hated so many characters this time around, and there were other characters I was glad to see weren't as bad as I originally thought. So that was a plus.

I'm just really looking forward to book three. Like, I cannot wait. I need it now.

I highly recommend this series, and if you haven't yet read Achilles, you need to get on that ASAP. Both stories are fantastic, and if you like YA sci-fi, you'll enjoy these books.

I give Thetis 4.5 stars.