
Sleuth on Safari by A.R. Kennedy

wernerkl906's review

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I really enjoyed this book. That being said, the mystery seemed to take a back seat to the actual safari. For me, it was great because I love wild animals and have always wanted to go on an African safari. By the end of the book, I felt as if I were with the group on the safari and at the resort they were staying at. If this was a safari book with a little mystery included, it would be 5 stars. So even though I greatly enjoyed it, the mystery was lacking and I gave it 3 stars.

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review

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Sleuth on Safari by A.R. Kennedy is the debut of A Traveler Cozy Mystery series. Naomi Hanley and her younger sister, Charlotte are on a vacation in Africa. Naomi saw a deal two weeks prior for an African safari and could not resist the opportunity for her dream vacation. What Naomi did not count on was the finding fellow vacationer, Dr. Higgins dead in his cabin. The death is ruled a terrible accident from a hyena attack, but Naomi has her doubts. She believes Dr. Higgins was murdered and sets out to find the killer. Sleuth on Safari is a unique cozy mystery with its traveling theme. A.R. Kennedy takes us to Africa with her detailed descriptions which allow the reader to visualize the scenes. I especially enjoyed the depictions of the scenery and the animals. I can tell the author has been to Africa from the scenes with the animals. They were very realistic. Naomi and Charlotte are your typical bickering sisters. Charlotte is a medical student who is prepared and always does right in their mother’s eyes while Nami works in customer service (I see nothing wrong with that), was ill prepared for the trip (did not pack the right items, read the materials or listen to the orientation), and tends to find herself in awkward situations. The mystery had multiple suspects along with good clues. I did not understand Naomi’s insistence on looking into the death. She seemed obsessed with searching for clues and asking questions (instead of relaxing and enjoying her vacation). I wondered if there was something in her past or if she is just plain curious. Naomi seemed determined to find the killer before they left the lodge. The reveal was a Mrs. Fletcher moment. I hope the author takes time to flesh out Naomi in the next book. I want to know more about her background and her life choices. Sleuth on Safari is a lighthearted cozy mystery with raging rhinos, splendiferous views, high pitched hyenas, elegant elephants, a frustrating sister and a surprise demise.

meezcarrie's review

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Sleuth on Safari takes us deep into the heart of Africa, on a bucket list trip for Naomi – and, vicariously, for the readers too! While I’ve never been on a safari … and probably never will because a) I don’t fly and b) I’m not a fan of heat and c) I would be terrified the whole time … I very much enjoyed the vivid descriptions of the vista and the animals they encountered on their drives. And let me just say that if I’d had the kind of experience Naomi did in the treehouse, I would be heading home that instant. I like my rooms to have 4 intact walls. Just saying. Yep. I’m a wimp when it comes to the great outdoors lol.

The murder mystery is a bit gruesome for a cozy mystery but it lends itself nicely to a closed-door feel of a case to solve – a la Agatha Christie. Even though they are in the wide open of a safari, the suspect can only be one of the people on safari or one of the handful of staff at the lodge. Nobody comes in or out of the area easily, and that aspect ramps up the tension in this story and keeps it high throughout.

I also really liked Naomi. She’s an intriguing blend of impetuous and insecure – but also confident in who she is when it matters. The banter between she and her half-sister was entertaining and added some humor at the right moments … but there were also some sweet moments between them as well. None of the supporting characters were especially likable, though they all had their likable moments certainly, and all were quirky in their own rights. This kept the list of potential suspects long and ever evolving as Naomi took it upon herself to solve the case.

Bottom Line: Pack your bags and head on safari (vicariously, of course) with A.R. Kennedy and her plucky heroine Naomi. Layers of tension combine with vividly-drawn landscapes and wildlife to create a story that’s fraught with danger and suspense. The writing style is smooth and engaging, and you’ll find yourself eagerly turning the pages to see how it all plays out.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

jen_baroness_mom's review

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Sleuth on Safari by A.R. Kennedy is a mystery with humor, great characters, and an impressive setting. 

Was the terrible Dr. Higgins murdered or just careless?

Naomi and Charlotte embark on a South African safari. They are staying at an all-inclusive lodge, where they will go out on daily game drives to take pictures of animals. Ok, I seriously want to do this. It sounds amazing. Charlotte plays a game of guessing the story of the other guests. The two couples are easy enough to figure out, but then there is a woman with a young man and a teenage boy.  Dr. Higgins was a jerk, but who would kill him? No one claims that they know him, and he didn't speak to anyone as he knew them. But hyenas?

Oh, and to add fuel to Naomi's case, the internet at the lodge is entirely out and has been since the morning after the death. 


Sleuth on Safari CRShe is the oldest of the two sisters. Naomi hasn't found her calling in life yet, but she does read lots of mysteries. One the second night, Naomi finds the body of Dr. Higgins, and apparently, he was killed by hyenas. Seriously! In his room, sitting in a chair, killed by hyenas. Naomi doesn't believe it. So, she starts investigating everyone at the lodge. Naomi enlists Charlotte's assistance when possible. She clears as many as she can but still hasn't solved the murder, until the final gathering when the internet is back up. 

Four Stars

I enjoyed the characters and their relationship struggles, the scenery, and the mystery in Sleuth on Safari by A.R. Kennedy. The cover is beautiful, too. Therefore, I am giving it a rating of four stars. This book is the first in a new series, and I am looking forward to the next book. 


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This Guest Review is for Baroness' Book Trove. 

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

dollycas's review

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

Pack your bags, we are escaping to Africa with Naomi and her sister Charlotte. Naomi has always wanted to go on a safari and she was able to get a great deal but with such short notice, she could only get her sister to go with her. The girls separated after their parent’s divorce. Naomi went with her dad while Charlotte went with her mom.

The girls arrive for their great adventure and meet the others in the group. Everyone seems nice except Dr. Higgens who is traveling by himself and as cantankerous as they come.

When Dr. Higgins fails to arrive for a game drive he is found dead in his room. It is a grisly scene that is quickly labeled a tragic animal attack, but Naomi doesn’t think there was anything accidental about it. She can’t convince even her sister that the man was murdered but she is going to use the rest of her vacation to prove it.


I really enjoyed this story.

Naomi and Charlotte are both in their mid-20s but are as different as night and day. Charlotte is studying to be doctor, very driven and organized. Naomi is laid back, still trying to find herself, thrilled to be on a Safari but tuned out during the orientation talk and really didn’t follow the list they were given about what to pack for this adventure. She knew Charlotte would have whatever they needed. Charlotte is the apple of her mother’s eye, Naomi is happy to have little to no contact with the woman.

The tour group is diverse with a woman with a teenager and another man about Charlotte’s age, a couple of senior citizens, a middle-aged couple, Dr. Higgns, and the sisters. Upon arrival at the lodge they meet the manager Leticia, Sonny, who had picked them up at the airport, is their guide, and Ray their tracker. All the characters are strangers and develop over the course of the story. I really liked the camaraderie between Sonny and Ray and all their knowledge.

The lodge they were staying out sounded spectacular and scary at the same time. Much of it is open-air and the rooms have windows looking out over the lush landscape. The group sees something amazing too. I will never be able to do anything like an African Safari so it was fun to go along through the pages of this book on the several game drives looking for “the Big Five” — African Elephant, Lion, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, and Rhinoceros plus many other animals. Naomi also has an experience by herself that is absolutely fantastic.

Now the mystery is an unusual one. Only Naomi believes a crime has been committed, except for the killer of course, so everyone is a suspect and there are no police involved. She quickly rules her sister out but really has to twist Charlotte’s arm the few times she needs her help to do a little investigating. Naomi was a little pushy at times but she was determined did not give up. I must say having no police involved was a true breath of fresh air. Naomi was really on her own and it showed what a strong woman she truly is. Most people on vacation would accept what they are told about the death and move on, Naomi just couldn’t.

Sleuth on Safari is a real treat. Ms. Kennedy takes readers right there, on the scene, for some spectacular sights. She also gives us a tricky mystery to solve with plenty of suspects. The story flows naturally and the reveal is surprising.

This series is off to an excellent start. I want to get to know Naomi and Charlotte better. I am excited to see what adventure they take us on next.
