
Influencer Island by Kyle Rutkin

emmachu130's review

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A dark psychological thriller written in podcast form, this was unlike anything I have read before. Ten influencers are invited to an island to compete for social media glory, but all is not as it seems and is in fact far from it. The influencers go to the island expecting to take part in lighthearted competitions in the hope of winning some prize money and eternal fame. Instead, they are thrown into an evil and twisted game of life and death, hosted by an infamous celebrity artist. Influencer Island is a book written in a non-conventional format and despite its 400 pages, makes for a quick and easy read.

Influencer Island is described by the author as Frye Festival meets The Hunger Games, which is a huge claim to make. Unfortunately, I felt this description was inaccurate and leads the reader to expect something more. The podcast format makes for quick reading but this writing style made me feel disconnected to the characters and we missed a lot of information. Despite its flaws, Influencer Island is a unique psychological thriller with interesting plot twists and backstories.

Thank you to NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.

beastreader's review

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I was drawn to this book by the premise. So, I had to check it out. As soon as I started reading, this book got a vivid image of the island and what everyone looked like. I could see this playing out as a television series on Netflix or Hulu.

Where Cal is concerned, he is good. At least I did not mind him unlike the "influencers", which is supposed to be the point of the story. I don't follow celebrities or influencers because of the fact that most put on a "persona" that is not the real them and seems so fake. So, in the case of this book, you did not feel bad for what happened to them while competing on the island.

Although, I do wish that a bit more time was spent on the competition. It felt like it was rushed and most of the focus was spent on Cal and him tracking down Wyatt James.

jessiecoad's review

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I really loved the story and the concept. What happened if the influencers at fyre festival had to fight to survive? Sign me up! My only issue is I wish it was more in depth it was such an interesting story that I wanted more. More about the characters, more on the challenges, more action.

It's told in a podcast retelling style which it does well I just don't think I enjoy that style of writing. Nothing to do with the story I think that's just a personal preference. It does what it set out to do and that's be a podcast about the events on influencer Island.

If you're on the fence read it it's a great story!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

emily_loves_2_read's review

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Influencer Island
Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 7/30/22
Author: Kyle Rutkin
Publisher: Greater Path LLC
Pages: 190
GR: 3.51

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Greater Path LLC and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Welcome to Influencer Island, an experience for ten competitors to travel to paradise and compete for social media glory. By the time the contest went offline, over a dozen influencers were declared dead or missing. No winner was announced. The only hope for a conclusion lay in an unaired podcast produced by Cal Everett, a young reporter with his own mysterious connection to the murderous contest creator, Wyatt James. If the contestants hope to survive, they will have to answer the question at the very heart of the competition: How far would you be willing to go for fame?

My Thoughts: The format of this book is unconventional, once you get used to it, it goes really fast. I think if the book would have focused on action events or the original scenes, it would have been better. The character development was hit or miss, meaning some characters were developed real well, while others got a line with no development. The POV was hard to keep track of, who was speaking where. The plot was a bit all over the place, it tried to incorporate too many subplots. The book was very chaotic. I was left with wanting more, more structure, more character development, and more definitive plot direction. I do not like giving books 2 stars but I just couldn’t find where to give more stars. I did not mind the podcast commentary, I thought that was unique. The ending was disappointing.

fearnerd's review

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A bunch of influencers get thrown together on an island thinking they're going to party down, but instead, they're forced to fight to the death. It's an intriguing enough premise that caught my attention. The book has a format resembling a podcast with interviews and snippets taken from the island event. I thought Kyle Rutkin executed its podcast structure quite well with moments that built to a shocking reveal. If it was a podcast, you'd be anticipating the next episode, which is how the chapters are arranged. It pulls you along nicely as you want to learn more about the mysterious Wyatt James, the mastermind behind the island contest. Also, I enjoyed the mysteries around our two leads: Carrie and Cal.

There's plenty of brutality on display once our story makes it to the island. But even before the island, there are moments that shock like hearing about Cal's dead father on display in an art exhibit that was pretty gruesome (and entirely unbelievable). Yes, you'll need to suspend your disbelief quite often. It's a fast, fun read but also a little disposable. I'm not sure how much it will resonate with me in a few months, but it's good in the moment.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5. Fear Nerd says, "Check it out!"

Thanks to Net Galley for the advance copy!

katisfullybooked's review

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This story takes place on a mysterious island, where the most elite influencers must go neck-to-neck in a challenge hosted by one of the most elusive and mysterious artists of the modern time. They know nothing about the challenge, and are not expecting what they have to face. We read the transcript of a podcast all about the horrors that these influencers must face on the island, while also figuring out the mystery behind the great Wyatt James.

While reading this, I was quite confused by the format. It's a podcast transcript, and most times there are two different stories happening on the one page. It took me a while to get into how to read it and how to follow along properly. Due to this, I did not really enjoy the first 30% of the book. However, once you get into to the groove of reading it, it does become easier to follow.

I thought the concept was absolutely fantastic. Think Hunger Games, but instead of unwilling teens you have fame hungry influencers. Really cool idea! However, the execution was just so-so. I thought things moved way too slow in the beginning, and way too fast at the end. I was left unsatisfied with the ending because I couldn't connect with the characters. It's hard to connect with characters when you're just reading a transcript.

I thought Cal was boring and whiny, and Carrie had no depth outside of the arc of her missing brother plotline. I just couldn't care! Despite this, it was interesting to read because the concept is kind of new and unwritten. I would definitely check out other books by this author in the future!

readwitray's review

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“May fame and followers be upon you”

I literally read this book in less then 24 hours. Let’s just say as a social media influencer if anyone sends me a invite to a island competition, I’ll be denying it.
This book is written like a podcast script so it’s not like a traditional book. I was a bit confused in the beginning of the book since I’ve never read a book like this.
But I can say once I got the hang of the writing style I was hooked! I was drawn into the hunger game like plot. Only one influencer was leaving that island.
I do wish there was more competitions in it but overall I liked the book and might purchase a physical copy to actually read again.
I’ll always be reading his over works.

“We’re going to hunt each other for sport. Shoot and skin each other like animals. Maybe look pretty while we do it.”

“A wave doesn’t care about your intentions. It won’t give you a break or play games with you. So, if you hesitate even in the slightest, you’ve already lost.”

knaveryact's review

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That’s really edgy of you.

xavia's review

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What to say about this book?

It's premise is very interesting, and I can say with certainty that if anything like this happened in real life, millions of people would absolutely be tuning in to watch. Even if they shouldn't.

The format of the book is that of a podcast transcript, which means it takes some getting used to. There are parts where two threads are happening simultaneously, and there isn't a paragraph break between them. Still, I think this was an incredibly cool concept and the execution wasn't bad. I think adding in some of the tweets or comments between chapters would have also been a really cool touch.

The only thing that deterred it from being a 5 star read for me is the ending. I can't help but feel it was all rather mundane and nonsensical. The reasons for the island fell flat to me. I guess I can kinda see what we were going for, and it's clear all of these people are or were unhinged, but I was expecting something bigger, and I didn't get it.

Still it was a lot of fun. I'm interested in the other books in this vein.

nezimmer's review

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Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a free ARC copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
As much as this book does have it flaws I do recommend it. I had been in a bit of a reading slump before reading this and it was the perfect book to snap me out of it. The twists the plot takes keeps the story fresh and moving but it is also a books that is a reasonably fast read. It's other big selling point for me was that it perfectly captures the felling of horror I have when listing to a true crime podcast or TikTok at night.
I do wish that some of the characters where fleshed out more, lots of the concepts are fascinating and I would have wanted more about almost everything. The book could have been twice as long with all the parts that could have been fleshed out more. That's not to say that it is a bad book, it just left me felling like lots of interesting stories and plot got pasted up.
SPOILERS. All of the contestants are reveled to have been connected to the main character's brother's disappearance and death. unfortunately most of them die before we learn this and then we never find out how they are connected or knew him. Much of the Hunger games aspect felt rushed. In all honestly looking back it feels more like a saw trap disguised as the hunger games. END OF SPOILERS
This all is not to discourage reading this book I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was fun trying to find the clues about whats going on along the way.
One of my favorite things about NetGalley is how I'm able to read thing I would not pick up normally. This book is one of those books and for its flaws I am glad I got the chance to read it.