
Best Women's Erotica 2013 by Violet Blue

avoryfaucette's review

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Pop quiz: what, exactly, is women's erotica? This is a question I always have to ask myself when I see these "best of" anthologies.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have a bit of a bias against the editor, Violet Blue. What I've heard from her just rubs me the wrong way in terms of gender, sexuality, and other things. But I was willing to give her collection a shot, and I found myself pleasantly surprised. From her introduction, it's obvious that Blue wanted to capitalize on this past year's Fifty Shades craze and focus on explicit sex aimed at women. The stories she chose are just that, and refreshingly well-written. The language can get a bit romance novel-y at times, but there's a clear message from Blue's curation that "erotica for women" has as many meanings as there are female readers. There's a mix of kinky and vanilla, and though most of the pairings are straight, there are a couple of lesbian stories included. One features a trans woman, which was awesome to see. I even got some guilty jollies from stories that might not seem to comply with my gender politics, such as Serafine Laveaux's "Road Crew Cock." The last story did make me desperately hope that the author is a person of color, and I was disappointed in a piece about a secret college spanking society that went from gender subversion to slut-shaming, but on the whole I would recommend the collection to women and other readers alike.

This review was originally published on the Sex Positive Activism blog and now appears at Queer & Now.