
Barging in by Josephine Myles

suze_1624's review

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The story of Dan (lad about town, out of depth on a boat, well out) and Robin (not really even admitting to be gay) and their journey to change for each other. Nice comic touches. Couldn't really bond with some of the other characters (Smiler and Mel) but did like Robins mum. The meeting of D and R I thought was quite funny.
I like Josephine Myles books, so was predisposed to like this one, and I did.

Reread 14.5.17 : enjoyed once again. It is 5 years since I read this and whilst some bits I could remember, others were more vague. I couldn't remember really once Dan left on his Gran Canaria assignment. Robin was a bit too hot and cold, Dan had the patience of something, though he had his moments too.

maya56's review

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4.5 Stars

I absolutely love Josephine Myles' writing! Don't know what it is about it but it really seems to speak to me. So much so that, if I were younger, I'd chuck it all to be a boater! I wonder if we have anything like that here in Canada?

And Robin & Dan? ❤

msmiz95's review

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discocrow's review

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I received this book for free through the GoodReads first-reads program in exchange for an honest review.

There was a time when I was simply happy to receive any book through the GoodReads first-reads program, and the next slew of first-reads books I review will likely be reflecting that time. I normally don't read romance books on the whole, although I am forever in love with [author: Jennifer Crusie|19005]'s writing, so I am not entirely the typical audience for a book like [book: Barging In|11827306]. What a typical reader for this book would be, I'm not entirely certain. It's a lascivious gay romance written by an English author and boat enthusiast so... take that as you will.

Dan Taylor is an out and proud travel writer on the prowl. Robin Hamilton is a mostly closeted grumpy man who has fully adopted the boater lifestyle. Although their first meetings are tense, they quickly fall into a passionate affair which is complicated by... well, a myriad of issues. Robin's troublesome past romances, Dan's self-described 'slutty' ways and commitment issues, Dan's quickly approaching business deadline... Will love and level heads prevail?

My feelings towards [book: Barging In|11827306] were mainly complicated by my dislike of the characters. Dan felt a bit too much of a stereotype and just... outright unlikable in some instances. Bad decisions abound, and I couldn't relate to him at all. Robin, on the other hand, was far too hostile in the bulk of his actions. Defensiveness I could understand, but his outbursts often turn too violent for my liking outside the bedroom. Anger issues, oh no. Aside from that, I would have liked a bit more plot to be present, but really, those are fairly minor complaints.

I feel like anyone picking this book up would likely know just what they're getting into, and on the whole, fully enjoy it. Keep doing what you're doing [author: Josephine Myles|3499509] and enjoy the hell out of it, girl.

lillian_francis's review

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Seesawing emotions reading this one. At times I wanted to slap both guys and at other times they were making me cry.
I think there were too many sex scenes for me but the depiction of life on the waterways and a handful of excellent secondary characters helped me overlook this.

aug3zimm's review

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The writing is lovely so plus one for that. But I couldn't connect to (or like) either MC and didn't like any of the other characters except for the cat and even he was just something to move the romance plot one step further. Honestly, I'm not a big one for reading about drug use so those bits were meh for me and then they sandwiched a rather-uncomfortable-for-me-and-not-in-a-sexy-way sex scene... Well, a good writing style can't save everything. I checked out. Glad I did, too, now that I read other reviews commenting on the impending cheating/thoughts of cheating. No thanks!

calila's review

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I sadly didn't really love this. It was fine. But I just did not like how Robin treated or talked about Dan. And there was never any resolution. His behavior is pointed out but I didn't get any indication of long term changes. Dan completely changes his life for Robin and I never noticed any reciprocation by Robin. It irks me. I don't know. It never clicked.