
La coincidencia de Callie y Kayden by Jessica Sorensen

i_dont_read_blurbs's review against another edition

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Holy cliffhanger!!! I want more!!! I can't believe it just ended like that! I love Callie and Kayden, but I need more. I kept flipping pages not thinking it could really be over. I liked the story a lot. Such a painful life these kids have led, and to have one another to lean on and overcome what they did was amazing. All the characters were great and I couldn't love them more. Although I thought the book was a little too short and I can't stand the cliffhanger ending, I can't wait for next book!

sharonsm_28's review against another edition

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June 2017 Review:

Actual Rating: 4.75

This was an incredible read. The story was beautifully written and dealt with many issues that occur in the world. The characters were the main reason why I loved this book. The first time I read this, I gave it a 4.05 stars. However, as reread the story, I found myself identifying more with Kayden and Callie. Callie displayed the strength to carry on with her life after the horrible things that happened in the past. Kayden has only dealt with suffering, so I can see how their romance can be ignited. They found love by understanding the struggles and their pain. I really liked Luke. He seems very interesting as well. The reason I didn't give this book a full 5 stars is the ending! It ended in a cliffhanger. Now I need to read the second book to find out what happens next. I can't wait to continue this series. Overall, a fantastic read.

Favourite quote of book: "It's amazing how the things you remember forever are the things you'd rather forget and the things you deseparately want to grasp seem to slip away like sand in the wind."

July 2015 Review:

Actual Rating: 4.05

This was a beautifully written read! I thought the characters were well developed, especially Callie and Kayden. Callie displayed the strength to carry on with her life after the horrible things that happened in the past. Kayden has only dealt with abuse from his father. They both been through difficult times, so they can understand each other more than other people. I disliked Daisy. The romance between Callie and Kayden was great and the steamy scenes are there to prove it. The reason I didn't give this book a 5 stars is the ending! It ended in a cliffhanger. Now I need to read the second book to find out what happens.

Favourite quote of book: "It's amazing how the things you remember forever are the things you'd rather forget and the things you deseparately want to grasp seem to slip away like sand in the wind."

dontgrumble's review against another edition

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I'm soo sad i have to wait for the next one what a cliff hanger. Absolutely fantastic book about good things coming from bad situations and people learning to live their lives again. Am counting the days until the sequel!

hazelaudyy's review against another edition

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Lumayan bagus sih. Lumayan suka.
Plot Kayden-Callie juga ga terburu buru.

Yang ngeselin adalah kenapa ga dselesein dulu sih konfliknya malah lanjut ke buku kedua.
Kaya buku yang belum jadi dan kadung deadline :|

emleemay's review against another edition

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I am conducting what I'm shelving as a "New Adult (NA) Experiment". I'm going to work my way through some of the popular New Adult books and see if I can weed out the crap and hopefully find some surprising gems. Here's hoping!

I don't know if I should call this one and a half stars because I didn't hate it straight away or minus one star for luring me into a false sense of security. The beginning of this book gave me an inoffensive - if somewhat formulaic - introduction to the story and characters. I can feel my standards slipping the more I read these new adult books because not offending me seems to be rapidly becoming a reason for an extra star. However, it was only a matter of time before the usual slut-shaming started to creep in, making it increasingly impossible for me to care for our formulaic protagonists.

It's the same old story.

He was a boy, she was a girl.
Can I make it any more obvious?
They were abused, love saves the day.
What more can I say?

Well, okay. Love doesn't quite save the day but if I mention that, then I would have to talk about the stupid melodramatic cliffhanger ending that left me feeling cheated of a proper ending to this mess. I hate cliffhanger endings to books I didn't like. It's not as if I'm going to read the sequel. But I feel like I should read it. It aggravates me that I can't say a very final goodbye to these silly, recycled characters. It aggravates me even more to know that they're out there somewhere, living on in another book and probably annoying someone else with their silly, recycled nonsense.

Predictably, both Callie and Kayden have issues. Kayden was physically abused by his father and Callie sexually abused by her brother*. These are both very serious issues and I have no intention of making light of them. But the book, predictably, handles both issues unsuccessfully and simplifies them into a story about romance and (as Rose pointed out) awkward "healing" sex. I can see why some people love this book because it moves at a breakneck pace from one melodramatic event to another but the use of shock tactics to keep the reader's attention wasn't enough for me and lacked any kind of sensitivity for the serious issues being addressed.

But the real problem that ruined this novel for me? The thing that turned it from a silly, predictable issue-book into one I really hated? Dum, dum, dum... everyone meet Daisy. Put your hands together for the latest throwaway "slut" Kayden uses and casts aside. Because anyone who wears that little clothing can't possibly be hiding any feelings. I mean, where would she put them?

Look, I have no problem with people using each other for casual sex. The Rolling Stones have made decades of hits off of doing just that. But there are two problems I do have here. One, the separating of women into two categories: 1) usable (i.e. "slutty" and wears revealing clothes) and 2) not to be used (i.e. virginal and innocent). And also the way Kayden looks down on Daisy while they are still sleeping together. Am I supposed to like a guy who smiles to a woman's face but holds such contempt for her the minute she turns away? Am I supposed to feel sorry for Callie when she calls Daisy the "super slutty girlfriend"? Because I don't. These weren't easy characters for me to find sympathy for, even with the serious issues they had to deal with.

This is the end of the road for me and this author. I'm sorry but I don't like books where I can predict every plot turn, every scene, every sentence... it was like when I watch one of the movies I've seen a million times; I could speak the words with the characters. The handling of the issues was predictable. The progression of the romance was predictable. Even the "surprise" ending was predictable. No more, thank you.

*"her brother's friend" - I shouldn't write reviews at 2am.

kizsia's review against another edition

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omg!!! I need the 2nd book like now!! what an amazing book.loved it...and that cliffhanger..kayden omg!!

desertlover's review against another edition

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I put off reading this book for months after I heard there was a huge CH. So happy, I did not have to wait 6+ months to read the next book.

This book is heart wrenching! Often times in NA, you see one of the main characters battling demons. Not this one; both Callie and Kayden are attempting to conquer life altering events that they have blocked out and ignored for years. I was stressed from the first page, to the last! In fact, I have not been in such turmoil since the first book of the Breathing Series. My heart ached for both of them. Amazingly, together they seem to fit and are able to cope and even begin to flourish. However, making changes in life are nearly impossible for these two given all the hurt and suffering they have endured. The story is told from both POVs and I feel it adds so much depth into what each of them are really thinking. The supporting characters are superb! I don't think the story would not have been near as powerful without Seth and Luke.

I can't wait to start book 2 to see what happens to their story. My heart was completely in my throat!

Favorite Quotes:

It's amazing how the things you remember forever are the things you'd rather forget and the things you desperately want to grasp onto seem to slip away like sand in the wind.

"In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one."

There is something about someone trusting you enough with their secrets that it makes it easier to trust them. It's like they're opening their heart and in return yours should be open up to them, too.

mhuang's review against another edition

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[Second reread: April, 2017]
[First read: June, 2015]

mcarmi's review against another edition

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caitlyntap's review against another edition

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Here’s the thing, I didn’t know that The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden was this massive series so I planned on just reading this as a stand alone. I was completely unprepared for it to end on a cliffhanger. At the same time, I don’t think the book was good enough for me to consider reading the next book. It was cute in parts and I think the ending was a lot better than the beginning to middle parts but it just wasn’t my favourite.