
Jess's Promise, by Lynne Graham

destinugrainy's review

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Jess seorang dokter hewan yang membuka praktek pribadi. Bukan karena dia kaya, semata-mata karena dia peduli pada hewan. Penghasilannya yang tidak seberapa dihabiskannya utk hewan2 yg diselamatkannya. Suatu hari ayah tirinya datang padanya meminta tolong atas kasus pencurian lukisan di estate tempatnya bekerja. Ayahnya tdk bersalah. Dan karena cintanya pada ayahnya, Jess memberanikan diri menemui pemilik estate, Cesario.

Cesario seorang pengusaha Italia yang kaya raya. Satu lukisan sebenarnya tdk berpengaruh pada kekayaannya. Tapi dia memanfaatkan kondisi itu untuk mengajukan tawaran pada Jess, gadis yang sudah lama menarik perhatiannya. Cesario menginginkan ahli waris untuk mengklaim harta ayahnya, dan dia meminta Jess menjadi istri kontrak hingga batas waktu tertentu. Tidak ada pilihan selain menyelamatkan ayahnya, Jess menerima tawaran itu.

Tadinya saya mengira kisahnya bakal flat seperti pernikahan kontrak antara pria kaya raya dan gadis miskin. Hanya saja di bagian akhir, Jess mendapati bahwa ada rahasia besar yang disimpan oleh Cesario. Ada hal yang lebih penting bagi Cesario untuk mendapatkan ahli waris daripada sekedar mengklaim warisan ayahnya. Dan dia sudah memanipulasi Jess untuk itu. Sayangnya Jess menolak untuk mundur karena dia mencintai Cesario.

gamz's review

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This is the best book in the series!

Jess was blackmailed into marriage by Cesario. Her father was complicit in the theft of a piece of art from Cesario valued at over half a mil.

Jess begged for leniency for her father and got a proposition to marry Cesario and give him a child. She very reluctantly agreed. She had her own fears and trauma to overcome but she stuck to the agreement and got married and began a life of sorts with Cesario.

Jess had her moments of insecurity regarding her marriage and found herself falling for her husband. He made it easy. The MOC took on a much more intimate feel during their honeymoon and he made it easy to fall for him.

Upon their return from their honeymoon, Jess learned she was pregnant and then the world as she knew it fell apart. Cesario was keeping a secret from her. One that would almost shatter her.

I loved Jess. She’s tiny, compassionate, loyal, loved her family, and adores her rescue animals. Cesario realized how much she loved them and they loved her so he had them shipped to Italy so they could be together during their honeymoon. I fell heads over heels for Cesario then and there.

Jess and Cesario were perfect for each other. LG worked her magic with this book. It’s worth the read.