
The Best Kept Secret by Tawna Fenske

kle105's review

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Nyla is a nurse, so when her best friend Leo has some dental work he calls her when he has a reaction to the pain killers. What she wasn't expecting was him to babble a secret that would change everything.

The secret is something she promises not to share but it does cause a problem with her family. Since her sister is Leo's ex-wife. Nyla is also not a good secret holder. She is too honest, and can't lie well.

I really liked the chemistry between Leo and Nyla and had the familiar relationship not been what it was I would have probably liked this more. The sister seemed a little too blasé about catching them together. Even when the shock wears off she still doesn't seem to react all that upset, especially considering how close they are to each other.

Had I known the relationship was between her sisters ex I would have not requested this one as it was too hard for me to get over that part of the story.

I received a free copy for review from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own and given freely.

mistysreads's review against another edition

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This was a really cute story. There were a lot of family elements that really showed how close they all were. I kind of thought it was funny how Leo's mom did not like his ex-wife, Mandi, and was upset that he was still involved with her family, but was fully ok that Leo and Nyla (Mandi's sister) were together. It was a cute family moment, because after the statement was made, Mandi agreed. I will admit that at first I thought it was kind of weird that Nyla got involved with her sister's ex-husband, but when you get to really know the characters you see that they fit, they are good for one another. I thought that the Epilogue was especially cute, as you got to see what was happening five years in the future. I always know when I read a Tawna Fenke book I am going to like it, and this is one is no exception. Another great book!

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review.

jillmlong's review

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This was not what I was expecting. The blurb says that Leo and Nyla are best friends but that is never shown or felt in the book. What they are is ex in laws! Leo was married to Nyla's sister. This made the romance come to a crash and burn for me.

beastreader's review

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This is such a fun read. I was laughing so much. I love when I can really have an enjoyable time with a book as it makes it an easy read. Everyone was so engaging but the star is Nyla. She and her "big mouth" had me loving her. I never knew what would come out of her mouth next. Nyla really is horrible at keeping secrets. Yet, I am glad she can't keep a secret otherwise these gems of sayings would not have been spoken..."dunking the donut, hiding the hotdog, and baking the potato".

Even though Leo is so nice and he and Nyla did share good chemistry, I was not feeling it in the beginning. This is because they both were a bit awkward with one another in taking their relationship from friends to lovers. Yet, when they moved past that stage it was steamy. Romance readers looking for their next friends to lovers read will want to pick up a copy of The Best Kept Secret by Tawna Fenske.

read_on_reader's review

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This book was funny and interesting where at times I had my doubts I still enjoyed their story. Leo and Nyla are really good friends, they know each other, and like the same things but there is an attraction that is blooming all of a sudden, the problem is he is her sister’s ex husband. This is what had me questioning whether or not I’d enjoy this aspect, but I kept reading and I’m glad I did. When Nyla, the notorious truth teller, ends up having to hold so many secrets in it all just explodes. Nyla and Leo can’t fight their attraction and yes it may seem odd but Leo and his ex have been divorced for 6 years, were kind of estranged the last year of the marriage, and the divorce was his ex’s idea although he agreed with it. All that being said when his ex tells her secret she hurts so many people but when everyone tries to keep Nyla silent knowing she can’t lie was unfair. Leo is an outstanding man who is willing to help anyone and everyone while sacrificing himself so when it’s time for him to be selfish will he go after what he truly wants freedom or Nyla? Will all their secrets tear this family apart or make their bonds stronger? This was funny, a tad strange at times, but overall I enjoyed it.

rachelreadsdaily's review

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I really enjoyed the characters in The Best Kept Secret. Nyla, poor thing can't keep a secret to save her life and even after making a colossal slip, Leo still forgives her and supports her as they all navigate what the secret meant and the changes it means for the family. This book was funny at times, cringe-worthy at others, and fun. It's a light, sweet, easy read.

shereads_theworld's review

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I am just not a romance person I think

acozyadventurer's review

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Here's a formal mention of especial appreciation to this book for curing me of my recent reading rut!! I've finished two books that have been fine, but not outstanding (reviews coming soon) but this one thankfully broke the spell!! The Best Kept Secret is a quick-paced romance of an unconventional nature and it's so, so cute. Perfectly sweet, moderately spicy, and plenty of plot to keep you fully intrigued. I loved it!

mdb8199's review

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This was the first book I’ve read by this author, and man this was an interesting trope to read. The best kept secret is about Nyla who is known for never keeping secrets to save her life, is tasked with keep a whopper. The H in the story is her sisters ex. So you can see the trope here already. I did enjoy the way the author went around the taboo of dating your sisters ex and made it less cringy.

I received this ARC through #netgalley and I am voluntarily reviewing this book

suey_library's review

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Did I sign up for a tour just because the cover looked incredibly adorable? Yes. Did I request to read books one and two in the series because getting to The Best Kept Secret? Yes. Did I devour these three books in two days? Yes, yes I did. Can you blame me? Swoon me more please. But in all seriousness, I was really excited for this read. The synopsis sounded super fun, though the best friends to lover trope mixed with single-dad is not one of my favorites but I still jumped at a chance to indulge in a delicious romance.

The characters were a bit of push and pull for me personally, the family drama mixed with the different complicated situations that was not just the main characters but the others involved. It was interesting. Nonetheless Leo and Nyla had great chemistry. They made a really great couple especially considering their build up. There was just a definite bond but also a sexual attraction that didn't make the romance feel forced. Nyla was actually really easy to like, I know, insane that I say this so willingly but I honestly felt I could relate to her personality. She was awkward, fun and witty, charming, she was just someone I could see a believable person. Leo was sweet and kind, definitely a feel good hero type which is always a swoon worthy interest.

I don't want to go into too much detail about the family drama or some of the more awkward, complicated dynamics of the plot because it would honestly be a semi-spoiler, but it was interesting as it was also weird. It was probably one of these most wham-bam twist, not so much uncommon in the romance world but it honestly wasn't what I was expected just given the synopsis. But it was good. I cringed a bit, laughed, swooned and went back to the 'ah.... no' factor. And yet I was glued. GLUED I tell you to the book I could not stop reading it.

Overall, I enjoyed The Best Kept Secret, not only this, but the entire series, it was such an easy flowing sweet romance that I did not know I needed. Between the laughs, sniffles and cringe-cute moments I can honestly say that I will have to keep some Fenske in my life more often!

***Received an free copy through TLCBookTour in exchange for an honest review***