
Doctor Who: Diamond Dogs by Mike Tucker

read_n_drink_coffee's review

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Mike Tucker did a really good job writing this book. He portrayed Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who really well! Loved that he kept referring to his unruly hair and angry eyebrows haha. Pearl Mackie’s Bill Potts was also portrayed really well.

I loved the idea that on Saturn

bookprincess11's review

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A fast paced and exciting Doctor who Novel taking place during the beginning of 10th series. Straight off the bat, I found the Doctor and Bill to be really well written, highlighting their amazing dynamic from the show. The strengths of the book were definitely its characters and the moments where the Doctor gets to show off his intelligence and abilities. Where the book falls a bit short is the villains. The villains although creative, they could have been more threatening or intelligent to push to book to be even better.

I would recommend this book to any Doctor who fans, it is fun and if anything it give you even more of the Doctor and Bill, who are in my opinion, a much underrated team.

nwhyte's review

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Set in a future where humans and their alien allies are mining the rains of pure diamonds that occur amidst the clouds of Saturn. Tucker when on form is one of the best Who novelists writing at the moment, and here he is on form - great characterisation of the Doctor and Bill, a nice mystery saboteur plot which ends in a decent twist, loads of fan service for previous Who stories both Old and New, and tight writing. This was the first of the three Doctor-and-Bill novels this year (I accidentally read the second one already) and it's a good start.

sharon_geitz's review

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So the four stars, are because, this is a very enjoyable piece of cultural Valium and sometimes you just need light escapism, with a snarky super intelligent alien hero who likes showing off. Maybe not great science fiction but definitely a book for fans.

bookprincess11's review against another edition

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A fast paced and exciting Doctor who Novel taking place during the beginning of 10th series. Straight off the bat, I found the Doctor and Bill to be really well written, highlighting their amazing dynamic from the show. The strengths of the book were definitely its characters and the moments where the Doctor gets to show off his intelligence and abilities. Where the book falls a bit short is the villains. The villains although creative, they could have been more threatening or intelligent to push to book to be even better.

I would recommend this book to any Doctor who fans, it is fun and if anything it give you even more of the Doctor and Bill, who are in my opinion, a much underrated team.

binabereading's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted mysterious tense fast-paced


sharon4d046's review against another edition

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So the four stars, are because, this is a very enjoyable piece of cultural Valium and sometimes you just need light escapism, with a snarky super intelligent alien hero who likes showing off. Maybe not great science fiction but definitely a book for fans.

kribu's review against another edition

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So, yeah.

*looks at the star rating*

... I think I liked it. :P Obviously, it's not like I'm saying "this is the most amazing book that ever was or ever will be" but .. it's quite possibly my favourite Doctor Who book I've read. And I've read a lot of them. And I've not been over the moon about most of the recent ones, so - between having felt a little let down by the relatively few Twelfth Doctor related offerings there have been in general, and having had to wait such a long time for a new batch, and not even having Clara on board... I was a little apprehensive.

But damn, I'm glad I picked this one to read first out of this brand new trio of S10 tie-in novels. (Not to say the other two suck, I very much hope not - I just haven't read them yet!) Because this (and I pretty much gobbled it down in a couple of hours) was basically everything I could ask from a tie-in book - excitement, a fair plot that moves along, some new characters who actually feel like rounded people with a life and back story, and more than anything else, plenty of awesome action by the Doctor.

Gah. I'm going to miss Twelve so much. I'm just glad he's been around long enough for the writers to finally get a decent handle on him, because I really loved him in this one. So much. *all the hearteyes*

Also, given that the books had to be written before anyone had actually seen Bill in action (although it's pretty clear the writers have had a fair idea about the first three S10 episodes to work from - so for anyone who prefers to stay in the dark, there's a couple of mentions of things happening in Smile and Thin Ice, although no more than what can be assumed from the trailers), I thought the characterisation - based on what we've seen so far, in The Pilot - was pretty spot-on. She doesn't have an awful lot to do in this book, but neither is she just a bystander, and for me the balance of the focus on Bill and the Doctor was just about right.

Anyway. Yes. Not going to talk about the plot, other than it worked well enough for me, and I've always loved those Doctor Who books that tackle the humans' far-future affairs, this time mining diamonds in the rings of Saturn - which I could just visualise.

squidbag's review against another edition

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Enjoyable. Less about 12 and more about the Saturnian diamond syndicate, its corporate backers, and internal corruption that fuel the plot of this one. Has the feel of a Terrance Dicks 4th Doctor novel, and there's lots of good alien stuff and Bill is well developed and well used.

olegx's review against another edition

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Да, генератор случайных чисел, на неделе после финала сезона Doctor Who, когда все еще под впечатлением, в книгоблоге очень нужен пост про одну из сопровождающих сезон книг. Которая про первую половину сезона без Мисси и Нардола. Гениальное решение и совершенно не сложное положение для меня.

(Я понятия не имею, сколько в этом абзаце сарказма на самом деле.)

(Этот пост будет коротким.)

На этот раз Двенадцатого Доктора и Билл заносит на космическую станцию, добывающую алмазы прямо из атмосферы Сатурна, и автор сразу же получает очки за оригинальность и интересное описание процесса добычи и устройства станции. У станции, естественно, куча проблем и не только из-за того, что снаружи есть что-то живое.

Эта книга — не «Oxygen», да, но крепкое доктористое космическое приключение и даже не «base under siege». Сюжетных линий достаточно, чтобы события держали хороший темп, твисты работают, Питера Капальди в тексте видно и слышно отчетливо.

Но совершенно очевидно, что Майк Такер не уверен, что делать с Билл (как последствие написания книги до премьеры сезона), потому что какая-то полезная активность от нее в основном есть только в последней третий книги. Но в главах с ее точкой зрения он хотя бы хорошо поймал ее голос и тон (это не компенсация, но хоть что-то).

Ну и я, может, наивен, но от большого финального твиста хотелось бы больше глубины. Сбегание до последствий приключения — ключевая характеристика Доктора, но там такой момент, что, по-моему, заслуживает больше. Или хотя бы больше подготовки.

А еще одну из «местных» протагонистов зовут Лора Палмер, и это делает чтение книги сейчас интересным совпадением на совершенно другом уровне.

[зловещий инструментальный завывающий скрежет]

Если вы — фанат десятого сезона, у вас приступ ностальгии, и вам срочно нужно чего-нибудь нового докторктошного внутривенно, то «Diamond Dogs» подойдет. Остальным — по желанию, это все-таки довольно развлекательная книга.

P.S.: У меня нет хороших хохм ни про Боуи, ни про Metal Gear Solid V (кроме того, что Тардис на обложке совершенно очевидно футлтонят).

P.P.S.: Если кому важно, Нардол есть в книге Джонатана Морриса «Plague City», и в целом вот эту свежую тройку романов (вместе с «The Shining Man» Кейвана Скотта) вроде бы очень хвалят.