
Child of Darkness by Jennifer Armintrout

raven_acres's review

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Second book starts 20 years later!?! What?! And the main character and her Consort weren't even together at the end of the first book! I was confused...

Not fond of whiny children, or adults. The daughter drove me nuts. Sad ending however for the parents, and it's ended so I'll have to grab the 3rd book to figure it all out.

sixxed's review

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Armintrout's 2nd novel in this series was pretty good. I expected a sophomore slump of sorts because the first level and your expectations so high. I thought, "Well. The bar is awfully high and plus, most paranormal romance novels just fall out and repeat themselves." I was mistaken in this instance my friends.

The story picks up where we left off with Ayla continuing her reign as queen of the Lightworld. Her new bundle of joy, Cerridwen (weird name I know), grows up in a world in which she feels isolated, suppressed, and all together, boring. She falls in love with an Elf, Fenrick. The ironic thing about this is that you can see what's coming after you find out that the Elves and Fae are at odds. A new enemy lurks in the shadows as well that threatens ALL races which definitely doesn't bode well for the Fae.

We also get a glance into Malachi & Cedric's POV, which puts an interesting spin on Queene Ayla, as well as Malachi's own view of his mortality and religion.

The book ends on a sad note/cliffhanger. Let's just say I'm ready for book 3.

pacey1927's review

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My Title may sound like its a negative thing that this book isn't really a paranormal romance, but its not. I just feel like this book would have been more honestly labeled as a fantasy book. I read the first book, "Queene Of Light" and enjoyed it however I had a difficult time connecting to the characters, and caring about them because they were so tremendously different, being fairies and angels, and their views of loves and emotions were way different than mine. I appreciated the story for the unique and detailed world Armintrout produced and the storyline was interesting if somewhat hard to get into. This second story "Child of Darkness" is a great improvement. I found the main character Cerridwen to be annoyingly childish for much of the book, but I also felt she was relatable and I think she may be the best character in this series to date. She is the daughter of Ayla, the queen of the Lighword, and a half human/half fairy mix and Ayla's royal consort, the fallen angel Malachi. In this story, a battle looms that will forever change the underworld. Elves have started a war against the Queene's palace and they have an evil force of Waterhorses at their beck and call. The waterhorses are leaving deadly trails of bodies in their wake already. Cerridwen fancies herself in love with an elf but he doesn't know her true nature and she is about to gamble the lives of her family and those of their followers. Their is a sorta romance between Cerridwen and her elf and an established romance between Anya and Malachi. Their love shows more in this book than it did in the first actually, and I had tears in my eyes by the end of the novel. Read the book though and you will probably agree with me about this not being a romance novel. Still the story worked on a more emotion level, and still the plot was very interesting and heart racing. I didn't agree with many of Ayla's political moves but its obvious she did care for her people. The battles were intense and thigns didn't always come out like you'd expect. The book ends on a cliff-hanger of sorts and the whole premise of the story seems to have changed. I was interested in reading this series before, but now I am quite involved and eagerly await the next book.