
Broken Throne, by Victoria Aveyard

magpiemakingdo's review against another edition

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ziyuelan's review against another edition

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Sept. 3: Only read Fire Light and Fare Well
Honestly I though Fire Light would take place much later after the ending of the last book so I was super pumped to see what would happen to Mare and Cal but i didn’t exactly get that ache relieved. Also Maven’s chapter was kinda disappointing just because I wanted to see his growth from the first book to now and we only get to see the now. But yeah. The whole I still see him, the old Maven, hidden just trying to be found part made me really sad cause you know it opens up the possibility of maybe just maybe if they could have, them maybe it would’ve happened. Anyhow.

kimz08's review against another edition

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The first short stories were really hard to push through since I had JUST finished War Storm and was desperate for some closure. I feel like if I hadn’t just finished it, I would have enjoyed them a lot more but really I was too excited to find out more about all the loose ends that Victoria left at the end of War Storm. I am so glad she wrote them though and that as readers of this VERY intense series, we’re able to see the aftermath of the war and more of a wrap up of the different relationships that were built up over the course of 4 novels. I was way too invested in the books just to not know what happened to Eve and Elaine, Mare and Cal, Kilorn and Cam, the states, Julian and Sarah, the Lakelands, etc. There was just too much built up for the disappointing ass ending that War Storm gave us. I am so grateful to leave this series on a MUCH better note. Content with how the series was truly concluded via these short stories. Realistically and beautifully written.

booksta_adventure's review against another edition

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So I only listened to the parts I cared about (Firelight & Queen Song), but I enjoyed those parts. I didn’t feel like taking the time to listen to the other stories, but if you were very invested in this universe, I’m sure they would round out everything well. Should Firelight have been included as the true epilogue to War Storm, absolutely. It offers all the true closure invested readers would like.

kishbokai's review against another edition

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The final, final book in this series. I didn't think I would give it a 3/5, but that's the outcome.

The book honestly felt like the DLC to Botw. Even though I'm a big fan of both, the DLC felt unnecessary and should have been added to the main books. For example, the two novellas at the start should have been placed in each book. They would have had way more impact that way than being tossed in this book.
However, I'm jumping ahead. So, let us move onward into this book.

You can divide this book into two major parts: Worlding building info dump and 6 short stories before, during, and after the series.

Worlding info dump:
In my last review, my major complaint was the lack of worldbuilding. The final book had to go deep within the worldbuilding in order to conclude the war itself. However, it never truly built a foundation for that and moved on as if the readers knew the actual politics of the world itself. In this book, we are finally treated to that history. Though it still barely counts as worldbuilding or any real meaningful information. They're parts that, quite literally, repeat themselves or list a timeline of rulers, but never dive into what each ruler bought to the table. Not every ruler has to, but if you're going to only have a small number, they should all bring something major to the table. The other countries are merely mentioned in passing that we now have that foundation, but the house is still weak and collapsible.
Case in point, the short story, Fire Light disgustingly proves my point.
Not to push right into the short stories, yet, I have to bring a small part of it. Almost all the characters are dreading this meeting, and it is described multiple times how tired they are. The conversations have many issues the countries are facing, or vast solutions to fix them that I barely understand. Not because they're complex, but because the world is too simple for these conversations. I can only assume these issues exist since they were never developed throughout the books. It's too little, too late to start doing that now. Doesn't help that the characters are also bored out of their minds that I can't help feel the same.

If the characters dread their own meetings about their countries' policies so much that they start to ignore the meeting itself, why should I spend my time reading it?

Now for the short stories which I rank from best to worst.

1. Iron Heart - C'mon, a short story about Evangeline and Elane is bound to be first. Not only is the character drama excellent, but the conclusion of Evangeline's arc is beautiful. She not only is able to move forward but moves forward with great pride and a future wife by her side. Also, the romance is so well that my heart did feel like beating out of my chest a couple of times. 5/5, no complaints from me.
2. Fare Well - This is a pretty interesting one. It was meant to be the last conversation between Maven and Cal, but we do know how Mare and the Scarlet Guard broke him out, giving him another chance. To have that be the last chance in their heads is intriguing. Maven has an amazing dialogue about his past and future death. Though it gets a 4/5 because of Cal's part. I really hate the guy.
3. Fire Light - From the fourth book, I never wanted these two to be together again. Cal not only betrayed her, but their relationship turned into a symbiotic need for the two of them. They mentally and physically couldn't be without each other because of their issues. It certainly isn't the healthiest way to deal with things, and I was happy Mare needed time for her own. I actually really liked Mare's chapters as she was trying to get adjusted to the new world in front of her and attempt to move on. But fucking Cal, man. Every chapter that has him starts with his tales of woe over how alone he is, and that he can't heal on his own. That Cal is going through very tough things, and blah, blah, blah, I don't fucking care about this guy. He could have died in that battle over the bridge, and I would have been cheering to the heavens. Every time he was depressed, I was happy on the inside. I hate that he convinces Mare to date him again. And yes, I said that even though you could say it was a mutual agreement. I will always bring Cal at fault. So, fuck him, and here's a 3/5.
4. Queen Song and Steel Scars - In my mind, these two are the same story. Not because they were originally in Cruel Crown, but simply because they're both equally boring and end in a similar way of kicking off Mare and Cal's troubles. Farley and Coriane have the same quality of doing one singular important thing and then spend the rest talking about very minor things. I honestly think they should have been in books one and two separately since they would have a much bigger impact than being in the aftermath. Reading Coriane's diary right after Cal's father died would have been heartbreaking, and the same with Shade in book two. So, here's a 2/5 for being boring, but I did enjoy Farley's and Shade's dialogue.
6. World Behind - This is fucking awful. Imagine a hollow tree with the most beautiful branches. Then an ax is thrown into the side almost knocking the tree down, but it somehow holds. That's what this story does. It's a one-shot that should have never seen the light of day with a prototype Evangeline and Cal that has a really poor romance that feels straight out of fanfiction. World Behind gets the honor of a 1/5.

With that all done, I've finished the Red Queen series. Despite my dislike for this book, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The fact I was passionate enough to write such long reviews for this series attest to that. I will miss reading it. Reading Mare's depressing thoughts, hating on Cal (FUCK YOU CAL, I HOPE YOU HAVE A PAINFUL DEATH TIBERIAS), loving every moment of Maven's evil actions, and seeing the unpredictable story unfold.
Goodbye Red Queen.
Rise, red as the dawn.

noamangas's review against another edition

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I have to confess, I read this one just to finally finish the serie but I wasn't in the right mood or anything so I didn't really appreciated it, will maybe re-read it later

janeesjournal's review against another edition

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Die Kurzgeschichten über die Zeit der verschiedenen Charaktere vor und nach der Red Queen-Reihe hat dem ganzen Universum nochmal so viel Tiefe verliehen, besonders weil ich fand, dass sich das Ende von War Storm noch sehr unfertig angefühlt hat.

Auch hat Victoria Aveyard für diese Zusatzcollection neue Protagonisten eingeführt, dessen Geschichte mich trotz der Kürze fesseln konnte und neugierig auf mehr gemacht hat.

Auch die historischen Hintergründe, zusammengefasst von Julien Jacos, fand ich unglaublich interessant, da sie die dystopische Entstehung der Welt erklärt.
Ein Zusatz-Highlight waren die Karten, Stammbäume, Illustrationen und andere Details.

ah3llfire_'s review against another edition

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It pains me to say this is it. No more Red Queen.
This book is amazing. Each short story better than the last. The information parts are great as well. I have to admit I cried reading farewell (and a bit with the what happens/future thing) I love seeing this characters grow and evolve but I still have so many questions.
Like, Kilorn and Cameron? Ashe & Lyrisa? Who decided to move (out of MareCal) And so many more.
All I can say is LOVED IT AND THE WHOLE SERIES! Thank you for this amazing series!

el3ctric_queen's review against another edition

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Esperaba demasiado y quedé súper decepcionada. No es tanto por las historias (cada una traerá su propia calificación), es por la experiencia de lectura. Me costó muchísimo trabajo terminar este libro, lo aplacé mucho, no me interesaba, me aburría y lo fui criticando bastante. Así que, pasemos a cada historia.

Al principio hay un apartado que habla acerca de los reyes de la Casa Calore y trae un resumen de cada reinado. En lo personal, me pareció inútil pero a la vez interesante si queremos conocer un poco más acerca del reino de Norta. Después de eso hay información acerca de otros reinos, y esa sí que es inútil a más no poder. Vamos a ser honestos, ¿de que me sirve un montón de información acerca de la historia de otros reinos que tuvieron una relevancia mínima sino es que nula durante toda la saga?

Queen Song ★★★★★

Vamos, otra cosa que me pareció muy tonta fue vender un libro entero (Cruel Crown) con esta historia y Steel Scars como para volver a venderla en otro libro como si fuese contenido nuevo, ocupando la mitad del libro en un obvio relleno. La historia en sí ya la he reseñado y la amé, la he releído un par de veces y me gusta mucho que logra capturar la decadencia de la reina Coriane y la maldad de Elara.

Steel Scars ★½☆☆☆☆

No hace falta decir que no releí ni esta historia ni Queen Song (aunque la amo, no me hace falta volverla a leer). Lo único que leí fue la información nueva (inútil a más no poder). Lo único nuevo son notas de Julian y entrevistas. Y si toman en cuenta de que nunca fui la mayor fan de la Guardia Escarlata, es evidente lo aburridas que me parecieron. De la historia lo poco que recuerdo es que es suuuper pesada, me tardé como dos o tres años en terminarla y solo lo hice para leer la saga completa.

World Behind ★★★☆☆

Para este punto ya llevamos más de la mitad del libro, y nos encontramos con personajes desconocidos. En esta historia se cuenta un poco acerca de los sucesos de la guerra desde la perspectiva de plateados y rojos que no estuvieron involucrados en el conflicto. He de admitir que la historia tiene potencial, pero ¿para qué agregar esta historia con personajes nuevos si no se va a desarrollar? El final deja una trama abierta acerca de los dos narradores y nunca se vuelve a mencionar (ni una vez). ¿Así que cuál es el punto?

Iron Heart ★★★☆☆

En esta historia se cierra la trama de Evangeline Samos. Y sí estoy feliz de al fin saber qué fue de ella y cómo se adaptó a su nueva vida, pero para mí fue una historia pesada. Si les gusta mucho Evangeline supongo que les va a gustar esta historia.

Fire Light ★★★☆☆

En esta historia se cierra la trama entre Mare y Cal. Después de el final de War Storm, su relación quedó muy dañada pero no se especifica si algún día pudieron reconciliarse, y pues bueno, aquí se sabe un poco acerca de eso.

Fare Well ★★★★★

¡Esta es la historia que estaba esperando! Aunque me parece muy triste que Maven narrara en tan pocas páginas y a Mare, Cal y Evangeline les dieran tantas páginas, pero en fin... He de admitir que esta fue la única historia que me dolió, porque Maven fue mi principal motivación en esta saga y saber que fue desechado de esa forma es muy triste. Esta historia da un cierre a la relación entre Cal y Maven. Y en cuanto termina, sabemos qué fue de el mundo después de que terminara la saga. Sabemos qué pasó con los otros reinos, y sabemos si Mare y Cal terminan juntos o no y si cada uno tiene descendencia o no. (Esto es lo que realmente vale la pena, para ser honesta).

Así que en conclusión, quedé decepcionada con este libro. Tiene una portada hermosa como para ser tan poca cosa. Para mi valió la pena porque pude cerrar esta historia y, créanlo o no, esta historia tiene un valor sentimental para mi y aunque este libro fue pesadísimo valió la pena.

Siento que esta saga tiene muchísimo potencial que no fue explorado, se pudo haber hecho cosas más grandes con la historia y Victoria lo está demostrando, pero a estas alturas ya no se puede cambiar nada para agregarle cosas. Me da la impresión de qué hay cosas de las que Victoria se arrepiente no haber explorado, pero ahora ya no puede agregarlas porque la historia ya fue publicada y terminada. Por eso las agrega aquí, pero aquí ya resultan inútiles.

labarrec's review against another edition

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The Red Queen series is frustrating for me. I really love the world and the politics and the side characters, so this book was really fun...UNTIL SHE RUINED IT BY BRINGING MARE AND HIMBO CAL BACK.

POPSUGAR CHALLENGE: a book with something broken on the cover