
Alex's Destiny by A.K. Michaels

veraann's review

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I'll start by saying, though I give this book an it was just okay for me, there are some that will love it. If you are looking for a fluff PNR read, this is it. It was pretty much an "adult content" romance with paranormal elements and somewhat of a storyline in there.

I have seen a couple reviews complain about the main characters getting together so quickly and deeply, but this didn't bother me so much since it is explained why and not just done. The story line was interesting. The characters were interesting and it had a nice take on the paranormal elements. It has a ton of potential for the series.

The issues I had for the book were that it got overly cheesy. The dialogue was awkward. I felt the author was telling, instead of showing things for character build. Though I did actually like the characters I just don't feel like I'd want to pick up the rest of this series. Though I also feel that this book may have been a lot of set up and as the series continues it may get better.

The pacing was somewhere in the middle for me. It wasn't dragging and slow, but wasn't quick and flowing either. If you are looking for a light paranormal, fluff with a decent story line read then pick this book up. If that is the type of read you love then I assume along with reading this book you will want to pick up the whole series.

diz_tn's review

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Still reading, hope to be able to finish...

I hardly ever say this about a book, but this one desperately needs (better?) editing.

The plot isn't bad and might even be interesting if I could focus on it instead of all the grammatical errors. Just a few things that are wrong - switching verb tenses, switched actions and reactions, improper question marks, and misuse of commas. The dialogue sounds stilted and could use some work too.

littlefrye04's review

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I love this book. It is well written, smooth flowing and easy to read. The author did a great job portraying the characters, their emotions and the experiences they went through. Once I started this book I didn't want to put it down. It kept me captivated from the first page through the last.

I love the characters. Alex is a middle aged woman who works in IT at a bank. According to her she's not that pretty and there is nothing special about her. She suffered from a tragic loss as a child and was raised by her Aunt. After a long walk gone bad, she is thrust into a world she was clueless about.

Zach is a very old vampire. He works for the council going on missions taking down rogues and protecting those in need. When he is sent to protect a human named Alex, he has a suspicion there is more than what meets the eye, but he is clueless as to what is really going on.

Watching their characters learn, change and grow is remarkable. It's hard to believe it's the same people at the end of the book that you started the story with. I can't wait to read more of this series to see what will happen to the characters I have fallen in love with. With as much as I love Zach and Alex, I think Duncan is my favorite character so far.

vera_ann's review

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I'll start by saying, though I give this book an it was just okay for me, there are some that will love it. If you are looking for a fluff PNR read, this is it. It was pretty much an "adult content" romance with paranormal elements and somewhat of a storyline in there.

I have seen a couple reviews complain about the main characters getting together so quickly and deeply, but this didn't bother me so much since it is explained why and not just done. The story line was interesting. The characters were interesting and it had a nice take on the paranormal elements. It has a ton of potential for the series.

The issues I had for the book were that it got overly cheesy. The dialogue was awkward. I felt the author was telling, instead of showing things for character build. Though I did actually like the characters I just don't feel like I'd want to pick up the rest of this series. Though I also feel that this book may have been a lot of set up and as the series continues it may get better.

The pacing was somewhere in the middle for me. It wasn't dragging and slow, but wasn't quick and flowing either. If you are looking for a light paranormal, fluff with a decent story line read then pick this book up. If that is the type of read you love then I assume along with reading this book you will want to pick up the whole series.

nikkisbooknook's review

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Alex is a middle-aged woman living in Scotland, coping with life the best she can. She knows there are monsters out there, but after a walk in a parking lot, they start popping up in her life.

Alex gets her very own guardian, a vampire named Zach, to protect her and take her on her journey. Alex has rare blood that keeps the gates of hell closed. She is needed to perform a ritual and spill her blood to keep the gates closed.

Ava creates a unique world where humans are aware there are other beings than humans sharing their world. They have their own belief system and rules. The action takes place between Scotland and the USA and fair flies along at a good pace.

It's a very funny, entertaining and very well written! It actually has a heroine is (say it loud and proud) over 30 and fabulous. Can't wait for the next instalment!!!!

jaironside's review

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This is a fun, light read - entertaining and not too demanding. A K Michaels has created her own niche in the Vampire/ Werewolf market - not an easy thing to do before Twilight and doubly hard in its wake.

Alex is enjoying a solitary walk in the woods when a creeping sense of dread tells her that all is not well. No surprise that she's right ... And that's when the fun begins. Enter tall, handsome and otherworldly Zach and the sparks begin to fly.

There are some nice original twists and Michaels definitely has voice, the one thing that will keep you turning pages. I especially enjoyed the Glaswegian werewolf.

The two niggles for me were that the prose was a tad repetitive in places, tending to slow the pace down, and that the dialogue was often a bit unwieldy and didn't sound natural. I suspect this was because in some chunks of it, exposition was crammed in, in order to cover the back story. These are minor issues though and overall this was a fun read. I will be checking out the rest of the series.