
Powerless by Catherine Johnson

bookishromance's review

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2.5! A “tell” more than “show” book.

rhodered's review

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It was written more realistically - and was far less silly - than most paranormal romances. Nobody is insanely wealthy or freakishly beautiful and world governments will not topple. These are otherwise fairly ordinary people, leading ordinary lives, swearing as they screw together flat pak furniture, living in regular apartments, dealing with office politics at completely ordinary jobs in the north of England. Which was rather pleasant, just so much less froth and disbelief to suspend.

The friendships and the bad guy were utterly believable to me. It's actually tough to write a bad guy who also feels like a real person, so bravo.

The story is told in the first person by each of the two romantic leads. I'm not in love with that tactic, but it wasn't so bad here except for the fact that his internal dialog was written in dialect. He is a Scot from a blue collar background in Glasgow. And I just hate reading dialect. A word or two maybe to put you in the mind of it...but not the whole thing. Meh.

The big fight scene was a bit of a let down. The hero had been made out to be so marvelous prior to this, it was impossible to be worried for him. And her own fights were on the periphery, so it was a dramatic opportunity missed.

Overall, I just also felt a bit like this is a neophyte author. She is talented and I enjoyed her, but she doesn't quite have as firm a hold on her craft yet as you can tell she will in a few years. Something about the pacing. We hear too many mundane details about people putting kettles on, and not quite enough about the heart of the story. Also, the more intimate scenes are fine, but some are just there to be there...and not for any plot purpose.

I will continue checking in on this author as she matures. Looking forward to it!