crookedtreehouse's review

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After a very intriguing setup in [b:Elektra, Vol. 1: Introspect|1063629|Elektra, Vol. 1 Introspect|Greg Rucka||1050269], this was a let down. The story is very much a paint by numbers superhero redemption story. There are no surprises. The newly introduced mentor has precisely the story arc I imagined as soon as she was introduced, even her origin story being a little eye rolly.

I think the fewer comics you've read, the better this story will seem, as it's not poorly told, it's just familiar and predictable. And seeing as its set in the midst of [a:Brian Michael Bendis|12424|Brian Michael Bendis|]'s [b:Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev: Ultimate Collection, Book 1|8092501|Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev Ultimate Collection, Book 1|Brian Michael Bendis||12843117] and [b:Alias Omnibus|105915|Alias Omnibus|Brian Michael Bendis||102096], it's pretty disappointing.

mbouch6's review

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Overall decent, could do without the flip flopping of artists.

lberestecki's review

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Better than Volume 1, but I still didn't love it. There was also an art switch for one issue and I reallyyyy didn't like the style & didn't think it worked with the tone of the story.

kamaria's review

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One of the aspects I've enjoyed most about Everything Old is New Again is the art. I really really like Carlo Pagulayan's Elektra: dynamic, not white, not sexualized, awesome hair. The switch to Carlos Meglia's style is jarring, but I do like his cartoonish style, which weirdly fits the middle issues of this story. It's a hit or miss, and it was a hit for me.

The story itself addressed the concerns I had about white men acting as saviors of Elektra and of 'lost women' at large. Some characters actually talk about this several times throughout the trade - this made me very happy, since Rucka is acknowledging that this arc might be problematic. The ending fits in nicely with this interpretation - let Elektra be herself. Yet it comes off as unbelievable, since Elektra has been a different person in every issue: cold-hearted, just, weak, strong, needy. Who is Elektra? After 22 issues I'm still not sure, but it would be great if someone wrote a good run for this fantastic assassin because she deserves it.