
In the Lawman's Protection by Janie Crouch

paulabrandon's review

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I left a lot of comments while reading this book, because I just couldn't believe how awful and stupid what I was reading actually was.

The entire book is predicated on "hero" Ren McClement acting on an opinion without a single shred of evidence, and that opinion not making a lick of sense.

This whole mini-series has been about Damien Friehof, some sort of criminal mastermind, stalking, injuring and killing members of Omega Sector and their loved ones in retaliation for the death of his wife Natalie, killed in a bank robbery SWAT shoot-out that Omega was involved in.

Now, it turns out that Natalie is still alive. She faked her death in that shootout and has been in hiding for six years, sure that Damien would kill her if he found her. (And kudos to Crouch for at least giving us an idea of how Natalie faked her death).

Ren McClement, who we are to assume is the most super duper agent of them all, as he created Omega Sector, has two possibilities upon learning Natalie is alive:

a) Natalie has been in hiding for six years because it's common knowledge that Damien Friehof is a terrorist, madman, and general all-around psychopath.

b) Natalie is actually working for Damien, despite the fact that everything Damien has done is because he thinks Natalie is dead.

Of course, Ren goes with (b), despite having zero evidence of this. Despite the opinion of a behavioural analyst agent who says it's more likely Natalie is a victim. Despite it making zero sense whatsoever that Damien would be carrying out a revenge plot because he thought Natalie was dead if she was actually alive all along and helping him out.

It was something I just couldn't get my head around.

Anyway, Ren has gone with opinion (b) and it's important to find Friehof because he's gotten hold of some canisters with a deadly pathogen and is once again set to kills thousands of people. He wants to find out if Natalie can tell them of Friehof's whereabouts (under his bizarre assumption she's working for Friehof, that is). Let's look at a couple of options that Ren could have taken:

a) Bring Natalie into Omega custody and question her, where they could easily verify why she's staying in a nice house and why she's working in all these fancy buildings. After all, Omega Sector, as the book itself puts it: "A multi-organisational law enforcement task force made up of the best agents our country has to offer." They've been able to hack into confidential medical records in the past! Not hard to verify anything Natalie tells them.

b) Scare Natalie into going on the run, and set up an elaborate scenario that forces Natalie into taking a train trip. Drug Natalie, fake the train crashing, drag her into the snowy wilderness, risking death via mountain lion attacks, pneumonia, and infection, before bringing her in front of the media to use her as bait and ensure that Damien Friehof comes after her once he knows she's alive, DESPITE thinking that she's already in contact with him and that HE KNOWS WHERE SHE IS ALREADY.

Sorry, I was trying to be level-headed and caps free while writing this review, but the bizarre, utter stupidity of the plot and its characters thinking just gets me all riled up again!

Anyway, you can probably tell that Ren goes with plan (b).

Around the 50/60 page mark is when Ren drugs Natalie and fakes the train crash. I wrote in my comments that this book was 1 star from that point on. I found this utterly deplorable. The HERO DRUGS THE HEROINE. I will not abide that. It is not acceptable in any way, shape or form. The book spends some time trying to convince us that he had to do it for his job, and that Natalie understands this, but I did not buy it. Drugging somebody without their knowledge is a sick, degrading act and is punishable by law. I absolutely hated Ren for this action and for his general stupidity throughout the book. And his use of the endearment "Peaches" to describe Natalie.


Once again, I reiterate: Ren has concocted a plan ultimately designed to convince Damien Friehof that his dead wife is alive and lure him in. This is despite Ren's assumption that Natalie has been assisting Damien for six years and will call him after the fake train crash, which would suggest that Damien indeed already knows his wife is alive. So why would he be getting revenge for her death? Why would they need to convince him she's alive if they think they're already in communication????

My head hurts just thinking about it.

And to carry off this fucking stupid, mind-boggling plan, the HERO DRUGS THE HEROIN.

When she's freaking out later, Ren is thinking it's a weird phobia of snow or a reaction to stress. Not that he's drugged her, without her knowledge or consent, and without knowing if she might have some reaction to whatever drug he's injected her with. Unless he's looked up her medical records (as this agency tends to do). But that still doesn't excuse DRUGGING HER WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. I don't care what he thinks she's done!

I didn't just dislike this book. I hated it. The plot was stupid. The hero's motivations and behaviours made no sense, and his actions were utterly disgusting. I don't find the hero drugging the heroine, under any circumstances, to be acceptable, much less romantic. Good grief!

Ren's actions completely break Natalie's spirit. And because Omega keep coming up with utterly fucking stupid, poorly thought-out plans, she's of course captured by Damien and subjected to alarming abuse. All because of the "hero". It left me with a sick feeling in my stomach. No amount of grovelling could make up for what Ren has done, but this is Harlequin, so you know what happens....

See my comments about what else I found wrong with this book. I don't want to write about it anymore. I'm stunned at all the 4 and 5 star reviews.

This book has caused me to drop my Intrigue subscription. I've still got piles of books into the future months (allowing me to catch up!), so once I've read those, maybe I'll pick the subscription up again. But I might skip any of the ones written by Janie Crouch, even if she has now apparently moved on from Omega Sector.

rowdyroo762's review

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Satisfying ending to this Omega Series. Tension was high, action ongoing and what a beautiful connection between the lead characters. The human mind is such a fragile, yet strong organ, just like the female characters Janie Crouch makes come alive in her books. They are not perfect men or women, they have flaws, make mistakes and misjudgments, just like all of us. That is how these books invade your mind and your heart. I have finished almost all of her series like this one, I have the last in the Linear Tactical about the kids grown up and then I am looking forward to her new book Aries (Zodiac Tactical Series) coming in September 2021.

scoutmomskf's review

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Do not start reading this book until you have a chunk of time to devote to it. I read it in one sitting, absolutely unable to put it down. At the end of the previous book (Armed Response) the team learned that Natalie Freihoff, the dead wife and motivation for Freihoff's vendetta against Omega, is actually alive. The head of Omega, Ren McClement, makes it his personal mission to find her and use her to draw out her husband. His only question is whether she is innocent or part of his scheme.

Six years earlier, Natalie had used the confusion surrounding a bank robbery to escape from the terror of an abusive marriage by faking her death. She has been looking over her shoulder ever since, terrified that he will find her.

I loved Natalie and Ren, though it took a while for me to warm up to him. Natalie's inner strength is amazing, as is her determination. As the details of her marriage emerged, the depth of Damien's depravity becomes even more obvious. In spite of all the trauma she has endured, Natalie is still a kind and caring person. Ren bugged me at first. Because of what he has seen and done over the years he is very cynical and is convinced that Natalie is working with Damien. He seems completely unwilling to believe that she is innocent.

I enjoyed the development of their relationship. Though understandably wary at first, Natalie quickly felt that Ren was a man she could trust. I loved watching her open up and share some of her story with him. It was fun to watch Natalie's effect on Ren. Though his mind tells him she could be guilty, I loved his internal horror as he finds himself telling her things about himself that are true, rather than the carefully crafted cover story he was going to use. By the time they escaped from the train accident, Ren had begun to realize that he had been wrong about her. I loved his growing protectiveness as they got to know each other. There were some really sweet scenes at their cabin hideout as Ren's attentions helped build up Natalie's confidence. But Ren was also fighting the guilt of his deception and knows he has to come clean, though fate and a mountain lion seem to have other plans. I ached for Natalie with the way the truth came out. I loved the ending as Ren showed how well he understood her and gave her what she needed, but also didn't give up on them. The final scene was sweet and romantic and perfect for the two of them.

The suspense was fantastic. The tension has been building through the entire series as Damien tried to destroy Omega and the team worked to stop him. The tension built as Ren tried to decide if Natalie was on the side of good or evil. There are also sections told from the viewpoint of Damien, which added to the worry about Natalie's safety. The action goes from zero to sixty as the team puts their plan into action. I ached for Natalie and her realistic fears and fully believed that she had a much more realistic view of Damien's deviousness than the team did. My heart was in my throat as her fears came true. But in spite of her terror, she was able to do something to help bring him down. The final confrontation was an amazing piece of teamwork. Ren was fantastic with his outwardly calm and focused intent, and I loved his final statement to Damien. It was extremely satisfying to see the team members from the previous books in on the takedown. I ached for Ren and his fear that they wouldn't be able to save Natalie and I was on the edge of my seat until they did.

One of my favorite lines from the entire book, and maybe even the series was about Lillian and her place on the team: "Nobody ever expects the ass-kicking midget dropping out of the ceiling." I will miss the Omega team and can't wait to see what is next.

vickylou's review

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This was, possibly, the most frustrating of the lot. I actually liked Ren for the most part. I liked Natalie too. But what I didn't like was the fact that he did use her ( yeah, yeah for the greater good )... but I don't think that is good enough. Natalie has gone from one prison to another. I would've been much happier to see her just... being. Or even if she had died... that would've made far more of an impact.

And... how incompetent are Omega? They throw Natalie under the bus with the media and then happily send her off with two local officers when they know that arsehole ( still can't remember his name Fleeval? ) is on the loose and has out-witted them on many more than one occasion? Deeply sighing here.

AND... and this really gets my goat. How did he manage to evade the almighty Omega for so long? And how else was he getting information from their so-called secure HQ after the timely death of Mr Fawkes? You see, I actually had an idea several books ago that more than one person would've been involved... and I had decided that other person was Cynthia. ( I think that was her name - one of Steve's four assistants... why he needed four when he couldn't even keep the building safe... I don't know.... )

I think part of my irritation is that I kept hoping and hoping and hoping...

So... looks like I'm going to fall into darkness... and tho I am not small... I am fierce.

thebookdisciple's review

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I adore Crouch's Omega sector books and Lawman's Protection was no exception! I wasn't a huge fan of Ren at first, but thankfully he wasn't as awful as Joe (from a few books ago. I'm still pissed at that asshole!).

Natalie's story made me cry. The abuse she suffered was bad enough, but the terror she has lived in for the years in hiding is just as heartbreaking. Ren was so sure that Natalie was in on Friehof's plan he was willing to use her without her consent. However, once he spent time with her, he did realize that she was not only NOT helping her ex, but that she was essentially his first victim. If you don't feel for Natalie, you might be dead inside. I wanted her to get her HEA so much! I was totally invested in the story because I just had to know she finally is free!

The story is a culmination of the plot ARC with Friehof but it isn't necessary to read the previous books. However, you should! I have enjoyed this series, and the previous Omega Sector series books. Its romantic suspense at its finest-building romance mixed with danger! Crouch manages to pace the story perfectly so that it flows well and never feels slow! Also, safe for mom because the sex scenes are fade to black! Mom-you would love this series and you can order it in paperback since you hate your kindle. :)


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: yes

  • Trope: secret identity, on the run

  • Triggers: 
    SpoilerSome of the abuse Natalie suffered is listed; it is not gratuitous but could be a trigger for those who experienced domestic abuse

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 
    SpoilerYes with epilogue of sorts

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In the Lawman's Protection

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 See full review on The Book Disciple