
The June Boys by Court Stevens

randikaye's review

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Though I don't typically read much young adult fiction, the description of this one drew me in and I knew I had to give it a read. I must admit though, it took me awhile to get into the story. Part of that, I do believe is based on the formatting. For those unfamiliar, oftentimes the advanced reader e-books reviewers receive are not 100% formatted as they would be in the final copy you purchase. Sometimes that means logos placed in weird places or weird line breaks, etc. That can certainly impact the flow of the story. In this particular book, there were a few formatting issues but the most noticeable occurred in the Elizabeth Letters found throughout. From what I gather, in the finished copy these will be featured as images of the letters... with drawings, etc. While I liked this insight into the mind of one of the kidnapped boys in theory, in this version there were random paper images that broken up with the words written separately, making it distracting and a bit hard to follow. Now, typically I don't make note of any type of formatting issues within my reviews, because I know these will be fixed but in this one it truly did impact my enjoyment of the story. While I would still give it a solid 3.5 stars, I do believe it could have been higher had those issues not been there.

That aside, the story was very unique and interesting. Each year on June 1, boys are kidnapped. They are unharmed and then returned one year later. Intriguing, right? More intriguing was the idea that this kidnapper could be absolutely anyone. Throughout the book, doubt and suspicion was cast in all directions keeping me guessing right up until the final reveal. It's much different than any other suspense or mysteries that I typically read, but I found the story itself to be quite fascinating in the end. While some of those previously discussed issues had me questioning whether or not I should finish it, I was very glad I pushed through to see all the answers revealed.

At 32 years old, I'm certainly not the target audience for a young adult novel, but I feel like this is a story that you could enjoy at any age. To me the only thing that really made it feel even slightly like a young adult novel was Thea's age. Though it talked about graduation and being a senior in points throughout, the content of the story made it easy to forget that she is in fact still a teenager. If you have an older teenager that enjoys suspense, this is one you can feel confident doesn't have language or inappropriate content... or enjoy it yourself with that same assurance.

Overall, this was an interesting read that is worth checking out.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.

mika_irene20's review

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wow i genuinely didn’t see that coming. my heart feels hurt

imdunn's review

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This book took me through a whirlwind of emotions. At first, I was a bit confused. There were lots of characters that were all introduced at once, and there were two separate timelines that I didn't realize happened at different times. However, the more that I read the more I enjoyed what I was reading. When the reveals started happening, I couldn't put the book down. Overall, I thought it was a great read, and I enjoyed the experience wholeheartedly.

dani17731's review

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3.5 stars

The June Boys is an interesting read. It's about The Gemini Thief, a serial kidnapper, who kidnaps three boys and holds them hostage for the month of June, although they are left unharmed. Our main character, Thea, believes her cousin has been abducted, and that's where our story begins.

I found the characters to be realistic and the writing easy to read, but at times I was confused about the plot. I'm not generally a fan of non-linear storytelling. And maybe it was because I'm reading an e-ARC, but the letters from Thea's cousin seemed not be formatted correctly. I assume this will be fixed in the final copy. This story was intense at times, and quite a good mystery!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy.

bbehle's review

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I didn’t get into this book immediately and found the style and familial connections confusing at the start. After, however, the first forty pages or so, I couldn’t stop reading. This is a kidnapping story unlike any I’ve read before, and I found both the plot and the characters to be full of surprises. I enjoyed the perspective shifts between Thea and Aulus and found myself rooting for a happy ending as I devoured the rest of the book all the way until the end. This is an especially good read for the month of June! Would recommend!

megatronix's review

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I was really excited to read this book - it sounded creepy and I’m always ready to read about a serial-whatever (in this case, kidnapper).

This execution made this a bit tough to read, the writing is sometimes hard to follow, and most of the main characters are just… there. They have no personality that I could discern, and their relationships with each other don’t feel super real. Tank and Aulus are honestly the best part of this novel, and the driving force of this novel, so their lack of page time is disappointing and, honestly, probably a mistake.

The end was satisfying, but also a bit off putting for spoilery, but personal, reasons. Maybe I’ll get into those later.

minniequinnie's review

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I have been given an arc of this title from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Every few years in June three boys are kidnapped and returned the following year. But this year a fourth boy is kidnapped, Thea's cousin Aulus. While trying to find him and prove he really was taken by the Gemini Thief Thea realizes that the killer could be her own father.

This story was well written and interesting. The only thing that was slightly confusing was the Elizabeth letters. They didn't take place at the same time as the beginning of the story but that was never clearly indicated with a date or anything else. I also didn't really believe the Gemini Thief's identity. They make a point throughout the story that the kidnapper has to be strong enough to pick up and carry the kids they take. In the end there was also a completely bricked in staircase which the kidnapper had clearly sealed. Again unbelievable based on the identity of the kidnapper.

It was interesting to hear that this was based on a true story, I wanted to look more in to the true story and couldn't actually find it online so I wonder how true this is.

alex2002's review against another edition

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this is one of the books that’s been on my tbr for the longest (since 2019!!) and i can’t believe i hadn’t read it before now

i used to think i wasn’t a mystery/thriller person, but i’ve realised i actually just don’t like domestic thrillers (the majority of thrillers i’ve read) because this was GREAT! one of my favourite things was definitely the writing - it was beautiful but also felt kind of unique, courtney stevens seems to have quite a distinctive style

i also liked the twist at the end - completely took me by surprise because it was pretty much the only person i hadn’t suspected lol, but did make sense in the story looking back

i enjoyed the bits about the castle and the bells being built years before they were needed, and the whole thing about god telling them to do it was strange but kind of cool - almost like fate. there were so many little details that all added up and started to make sense in the end

however - the bonus chapter was too christian for me so i did skip it lol sorry i’m just not into that

i’ve heard that ‘dress codes for small towns’ by the same author is also good so may give it a try

lastly for my favourite quote of the book:

“I want to tell every living soul: if you’re not standing outside right now, leave your air conditioning or your fireplace, find the closest sky, and fill your eyes with clouds and birds and blues and then squeeze your lungs dry so that when you inhale, you swallow every sapling that’s ever grown on earth.”

becandbooks's review

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The story
There was something enchanting and intriguing about The June Boys. There was also something dull and disappointing.

The concept of a mysterious person religiously kidnapping children is something that immediately had me interested in this new release by Court Stevens. It spoke to a dark and ongoing story - something with depth and background and suspense. But the execution just wasn't there.

Our main characters, Thea, her friends and her family were overall pretty dull. Yes, her father had this weird quirky thing with a castle. Which, I honestly still don't get. But, there was no depth to the odd father-figure, or any other, character.

The story itself was interesting. I enjoyed the twists and the conjecture of whodunnit. But the story was nowhere close to a thrilling story. Even the sections of the story where we encounter the perspective of the captive boys was - underwhelming.

And then there was the ending. Which honestly, while I didn't straight-up hate it, just felt incredibly out-of-left-field.

The narration
While I was lucky enough to get access to both an eARC and an audiobook edition, I primarily picked this story up with the latter.

The narration was entertaining enough, but it didn't save the slowness of the story. With a cast of characters, I was carried throughout the story fairly easily.

My biggest concern with the audio, however, was the jumpy-ness between different story perspectives. Quite often, I felt lost and felt myself trying to figure out which perspective I was listening to. Despite having a cast of narrators, I still seemed a couple of steps behind between switching of perspectives.

Overall, I did enjoy the story. But with my initial interest and anticipation from the blurb, I was disappointed at not-thrilling the story ended up being.

Thank you to Libro.FM, NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eARC and audiobook copy in exchange for an honest review!